Help needed to unhear "you're loving this"


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Jun 24, 2008
I watched a bit of the garden show with Charlie earlier and got fed up hearing him saying every five minutes "you're loving this." I'm sure he's getting worse. In the end I turned over, he was getting on my nerves. Now Jilly's on and she's over-using the phrase.

And now I can't unhear it and I'm just waiting for the next one, someone help! :eek:
I watched a bit of the garden show with Charlie earlier and got fed up hearing him saying every five minutes "you're loving this." I'm sure he's getting worse. In the end I turned over, he was getting on my nerves. Now Jilly's on and she's over-using the phrase.

And now I can't unhear it and I'm just waiting for the next one, someone help! :eek:
I think that many of the presenters on QVC have been on the job for so long that their patter is set on 'repeat' and they probably don't realise it. It's a shame to switch them off if you are interested in the products they are selling, but if it gets to the point that you want to throw something at the TV, it might be the only answer.
Abi Cleaver is a saint. If you follow her skin care religion she will save your skin from going to hell. She pleads into the camera with praying hands. She is so earnest that she often appears to be on the verge of tears. I wonder if some of her enormous profits go to skin cancer research.

Indeed. If they gave out BAFTA’s for shillin’ skincare and emoting to the point of evaporating, then Cleaver would have more gongs than a Buddhist temple. She very nearly imploded at 8pm last night - even refusing to leave at one point as she had another item to shill which the presenter had forgotten about. One imagines they had to employ two big lads with netting and cattle prods to finally extricate her from the set!
If they are so interested in what we have to say, perhaps they would welcome a challenge.

Let’s see which presenter can come up with a completely new selection of buzz words, exclamations and comparatives.

We will soon notice !
How about Lorna Ko coming out with "this is utter ***** and a ridiculous price but I know you'll all be queuing up to part with your money. Go on, have another glass of wine and you'll certainly agree that a 6ft wide plastic butterfly will look immense on the side of your shed".

TV guide says Ultrasun hour at 11pm so was expecting Hard sell Cleavage to be on. Luckily at the moment it’s Adele selling SBC. I know Cleavage’s company now own SBC and I expect that she’ll be on later.
TV guide says Ultrasun hour at 11pm so was expecting Hard sell Cleavage to be on. Luckily at the moment it’s Adele selling SBC. I know Cleavage’s company now own SBC and I expect that she’ll be on later.
TV guide says it is a SBC hour
Oh effing heck, Abby Cleavage is on again. I’m sooooo bored with her and her selling “technique”. Immediate tune to another channel. Is there one fir watching paint dry🤔
😄 yes! The viewing figures have gone through the roof...the gloss one is always so tacky☺

How about Lorna Ko coming out with "this is utter ***** and a ridiculous price but I know you'll all be queuing up to part with your money. Go on, have another glass of wine and you'll certainly agree that a 6ft wide plastic butterfly will look immense on the side of your shed".

Even her dog Sky has had enough Q 💩...last seen heading towards the nearest cliff🙄

Indeed. If they gave out BAFTA’s for shillin’ skincare and emoting to the point of evaporating, then Cleaver would have more gongs than a Buddhist temple. She very nearly imploded at 8pm last night - even refusing to leave at one point as she had another item to shill which the presenter had forgotten about. One imagines they had to employ two big lads with netting and cattle prods to finally extricate her from the set!
🤣 The Cleaver Cult! (One slip of the keyboard and I'd be banned for life). Abi will not rest until every single man,woman,child,they,them & it are converted. She was last spotted rocking from side to side on a pile of Kipling bags in the backroom,poor love🙄
Ms Huntley was wittering on about Grumpy Gardener showing his balls this morning and suggesting that the Garden Stories BA was a swinger as he sat near the pampas grass. I wish he'd just told her to shut up and get her baps out if she was going to talk smut all morning. I turned it off.

Ms Huntley was wittering on about Grumpy Gardener showing his balls this morning and suggesting that the Garden Stories BA was a swinger as he sat near the pampas grass. I wish he'd just told her to shut up and get her baps out if she was going to talk smut all morning. I turned it off.

She's flirting for her fans, while the rest of us find her humour sick.
Must be an absolutely fantastic place to work. Presenters and ‘experts’ alike - most of them have been there so many years they would have long, grey beards if they didn’t shave them off - and that’s just the women. Dorrington, for example, has been around since they still ran the Central Line out to Ongar, and that plastic binoculars bloke since resigning from his lookout role on The Titanic. Brook was almost a foetus when he began in about 1897, and Franklin started there selling music centres and telex machines. Still, when you look at the employment alternatives in this area of work, you can understand why saying the same phrases day in and day out is preferable to leaving.
Ms Huntley was wittering on about Grumpy Gardener showing his balls this morning and suggesting that the Garden Stories BA was a swinger as he sat near the pampas grass. I wish he'd just told her to shut up and get her baps out if she was going to talk smut all morning. I turned it off.


I would pay good money to see that. There's a time and a place for smut. She's a QVC presenter not on the Benny Hill Show.

She's too old to behave like a hysterical teen and I'm too old and too ugly to listen to her crap.

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