He is grinding my gears!


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But right now Graham, I have spent my last penny with you. To our loyal customers on here, I apologise that I will no longer waste my time logging on to this website, so if you do need to contact us, please use the Live help on our website, our free phone number or our email addresses.

Seems to me it will be a shame if Steve or any of his staff no longer read the posts in this forum. I hope he again hasn't leapt in without thinking because the overwhelming majority of posts have been supportive.

Can't say I blame Steve really, this thread has been shocking. Lee, you really can stir up a storm......... very sad. :mysmilie_81:
But right now Graham, I have spent my last penny with you. To our loyal customers on here, I apologise that I will no longer waste my time logging on to this website, so if you do need to contact us, please use the Live help on our website, our free phone number or our email addresses.

Seems to me it will be a shame if Steve or any of his staff no longer read the posts in this forum. I hope he again hasn't leapt in without thinking because the overwhelming majoity of posts have been supportive.
you got there before me Saffy i wish for my name to be taken off your log in enough is enough the insults that have been flying round here lately are terrible and just when it quietens down you Graham or Lee start it up again get a life the pair of you i have got better things to do than listen to a couple of school kids that want to bully, my leaving will proberley not be missed but at least i know i wont have to read the playground drivell you have been dishing out.and hopefully there will be a few more people do the same you have both miss the object of this sight in the past couple months and as it is your sight Graham i am surprised you have let it go on this crap of everyone has a right to say what they want only happens if certain people allow it bood bye to all the friends i have made on here and all the help you have given me
I keep reading this site instead of doing things that need to be done, but I'm feeling sort of sad that things have escalated so badly everyone seems so defensive and angry. I just hope it can be resolved more amicably than this, in the scheme of things its really trivial and however Hurtful, a lot of it has silly and childish !! Sarah don't cry it's not worth it your doing a fine job and so is steve
i feel like i've stumbled into the Twilight Zone!

i do understand the viewpoint from some who think Steve hasn't been very professional with his reply to LJ (i wouldn't class his response as an attack though), but i have huge sympathy with Steve on this & feel he's in a no-win situation.

we've got our own business, no where near the size of the Bennett enterprise!, & no matter how you try to keep the emotion out of business, sometimes you just can't as it's 'yours'. comments may be aimed at your company but it's very hard not to take these on a personal level too. ideally, unfounded criticisim/constant moaning etc. should just be ignored & let your customer service & positive testimonials do your talking for you...

tommy - no idea what's going on there?! (any possibility someone has logged on from Sarah's PC? i presume it's the IP addy that has alerted Graham?). i've read the 7 posts made by this user & like Meesh, i couldn't see anything too out of order IF it was Sarah. i agree that posting under another name is wrong, but as already said, unfortunately it wouldn't be the first time this has happened & i fail to see how Graham could stop it (if he wanted to).

i've got no answers, just my observations...

I can confirm that the IP address of tommy is definately from Rocks.
It's too easy to sit behind a computer these days and "say" things that you wouldn't have the nerve to say to someone's face. Sad state of affairs.

There are some VERY nasty people on this forum - this is not how it used to be. I am not naming names as they've been named before. They know who they are. They also need to get a life!

As Tequila asked above, please remove my account with your website immediately. I don't need this rubbish in my life.
I can confirm that the IP address of tommy is definately from Rocks.

And if it is???? What about other companies who have done exactly the same thing will they be vilified as the Bennett's have been on this thread? Are you happy at what you have achieved on this thread Lee? I would certainly hope not.
I can confirm that the IP address of tommy is definately from Rocks.

But can it be proved beyond any doubt who the poster at Rocks was? If not, names shouldn't be printed on here or anywhere else.
But can it be proved beyond any doubt who the poster at Rocks was? If not, names shouldn't be printed on here or anywhere else.

As you know when you join ShoppingTelly.com you register with an email, it has to be a genuine email otherwise you can not confirm your account.
I think perhaps people are overreacting a bit here! YES i do understand that people get emotional and upset etc, but i think perhaps those emotions are clouding things a bit right now, and everyone needs to calm down.
Steve runs a business, and there for people are going to comment on it, good and bad. ALL shopping telly channels get good and plenty of bad comments on this forum, but theres no need really for anyone to theow their toys out of their pram about it.
I am sure Graham would not have put that tommy was infact sarah if he was not sure of this fact, i see no reason for him to lie. He has a right to say how he feels on here just as everyone else does too.
I also think if people want to leave the forum, then that is of course their right, but to be honest as has happened before, when people calm down they'll prob come back so maybe it would be best to take some time and think before taking that sort of action.
i feel like i've stumbled into the Twilight Zone!

i do understand the viewpoint from some who think Steve hasn't been very professional with his reply to LJ (i wouldn't class his response as an attack though), but i have huge sympathy with Steve on this & feel he's in a no-win situation.

we've got our own business, no where near the size of the Bennett enterprise!, & no matter how you try to keep the emotion out of business, sometimes you just can't as it's 'yours'. comments may be aimed at your company but it's very hard not to take these on a personal level too. ideally, unfounded criticisim/constant moaning etc. should just be ignored & let your customer service & positive testimonials do your talking for you...

tommy - no idea what's going on there?! (any possibility someone has logged on from Sarah's PC? i presume it's the IP addy that has alerted Graham?). i've read the 7 posts made by this user & like Meesh, i couldn't see anything too out of order IF it was Sarah. i agree that posting under another name is wrong, but as already said, unfortunately it wouldn't be the first time this has happened & i fail to see how Graham could stop it (if he wanted to).

i've got no answers, just my observations...

Sorry I should have worded it better than I did. Attack was poor wording on my part.

Please find my final response EVER on Shopping Telly.com

As of today I am going to try and ban its use here in the building and if anyone wants to talk to me personally then simply call me FREE on 0800 6444 647 or email me [email protected].

Graham, even though I have paid YOU for advertising on this site in the past and we still have several months left to go on the existing advert, please remove it. Sorry I could not afford your big increases in fees, as per the five emails you have sent me over the past few months.
Firstly can I say to you are a big bully. My wife is currently in tears. You accuse her of lying which is not true. Apparently someone called Tommy has registered on your site and had ago at our competitors six months ago and you believe it to be Sarah. I can categorically say, that this is not my wife. I can not guarantee that it is not one of our employees or one of my family, because as you know, as we have discussed in the past, my daughter once did this without realising what she did was wrong. You know this as we have discussed it before.

When it comes to designs, we have always been very honest about this. At the very beginning Sarah did design most of our pieces, but today as we have grown, we have had to put a whole team bellow her. What upsets me most, is that some of you are saying that in some way we have mislead. I can not see how this can be the case as we have even showed many clips of our designers in India. I am sure most of you must have seen a video clip in between our auctions where two of our presenters Matt and Rod are talking about the design team in India. And yes there are one or two designs where we have bought them in when we have been short of stock.

As I write this at 2pm on Thursday the 25th of February, I have just presented for five hours live on air whilst we had a technical problem. I openly asked customers to call in with any questions and every time I asked for good feedback or bad feedback. All feedback was welcome. We took 16 calls this morning live on air to get feedback and I think this demonstrates our transparency and honesty as we did this completely live, without vetting customers. The funny thing here, was I asked anyone who wanted to complain to phone up live on air and complain on the telly live, hoping, after the unfair abuse we received on your website last night, especially from Lee Jones, that someone would have the guts to say things live on air. I really wanted to get the bottom of the problem that he has. I know what your problem is! I wanted to know why someone who never buys from us, wastes all of his time watching us, especially when he does not like us and does not buy!

I am finishing now by saying, all we do is run a very honest and straight forward family jewellery business, where we bring customers great value. Whilst we are not yet profitable, we are here for the long term and will make sure we always look after our customers.

But right now Graham, I have spent my last penny with you. To our loyal customers on here, I apologise that I will no longer waste my time logging on to this website, so if you do need to contact us, please use the Live help on our website, our free phone number or our email addresses.

Steve, I really hope that isn't true and that you continue to post things on here and help out your loyal customers who have supported you from the start on this forum. I think, in the beginning, this site is were you got most of your customers and it would be a bit unfair to cut the site out now.
i might regret saying this but, perhaps Sarah isn't as careful locking up her pc/keeping her passwords as safe as she should? i always leave my accounts logged in on the laptop & my husband could easily post something somewhere if he wanted to...

i just knew this thread wasn't going to continue/end on a positive note :(

(i don't know what it is at the moment but there just seems to be so much negativity about, not just here but other forums too (& it's not me causing it, honest!). snap judgments being made, snide & hurtful comments all over the place - what on earth is going on? :( ).

n.b. no worries Yaz :)
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just because its sarahs email address dosent automatically mean it has to be her posting though does it.
i share my addy with my oh so who knows who's posting
just because its sarahs email address dosent automatically mean it has to be her posting though does it.
i share my addy with my oh so who knows who's posting

but surely it would only be either you or your oh posting? so i'd imagine it would be sarah or steve who were posting from her email? surely she's not going to share it with loads of people
I am so disappointed that this thread has, once again, turned into something unpleasant. Lee, I suspect that you would not say what you do if the people were standing right in front of you. Your comments are not constructive criticisms, they are always digs & niggles. I have favourite presenters and some I don't enjoy as much, however, I would never come on a public forum and say "I don't like ?????? and the way they ???????". I most certainly would not come on and write something I would not say to their face.

Graham - I don't know you at all. I only joined Shopping Telly because of Rocks TV. That is the only place I shop. If you have dirty laundry to air, perhaps you should have done it privately. I believe on a public forum, albeit one you own, is not the place to take up issues. I, too, have read the posts by "tommy" and all were in keeping with the thread at the time. I didn't read anything that was particularly nasty and even if it was Sarah - as has been mentioned previously it's called "being competitive".

If someone had insulted Steve directly, I'm sure it would have been water off a duck's back; he's a big chap, he can take care of himself. However, because it was directed firstly at an employee and then his wife, I can well understand how angry he must have felt - I would have felt exactly the same, it's called defending your own. No-one can blame him for reacting the way that he did; it was not unprofessional, just defensive.
New small family business, just set up, possible limited number of system licences purchased to keep costs down...it's more than possible that before the new system multiple people had access to Sarah's accounts for these reasons. Commercial systems licences are ludicrously expensive and it really isn't unusual for new businesses to get (for the sake of argument) 5 named users, and for others to have access to these named accounts so that all members of the organisation can work affectively, rather than having to pay out for 20 licences. Depending on what type of system it is, email might well be one of the packages.

Pure supposition on my part of course, just a thought though...I mean I totally get what you are saying, Gemdreamer, just thinking maybe this would explain it????
just because its sarahs email address dosent automatically mean it has to be her posting though does it.
i share my addy with my oh so who knows who's posting

Exactly! If it definitely is unquestionably Sarah's email addy (& there's not an extra 'n' or 'fullstop' in there somewhere, making it just initially look like hers!), who in their right mind would post 'incognito' using their own blinkin' current email addy?
You'd have to be really drunk, really stupid, or really both to do that - you'd just set up a hotmail addy for the purpose, wouldn't you?
I reckon it's more likely an employee, or one of the kids who's had access to her lappy at some point......?
Graham has said it is sarah that was posting, my point is he cant know that for certain so he should not of said it on the forum and steve has said it is not sarah
I agree at home it would be oh or myself posting but that is not to say its the same in there home/business.
I certainly think Lee has achieved his goal at last with this thread.
Sorry Graham has lost business because of it though.
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