Has Catherine left?


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Not seen her for a while and she's not listed in the next 7 days shows. Or maybe she does freelance work elsewher?
we can only hope.

or perhaps she's blogging about the smell of her farts and her girlie nights out with fellow cougar dawn "i'm so tired" bibby.
The smell of her farts - that's gross! Didn't realise that she was like that . . dirty old mere!
I hope she has left, i find her the the most false and insincere person around.
Last time I saw her, I think she was doing an Honora show. I'm probably in the minority but I like Catherine, she's funny :grin:
I'm so sorry to say having seen Catherine on QVC since she started I still don't know which is the true Catherine.

Perhaps she's gone away with Dawnie to her egyptian holiday-home and can't get back because of the revolution? Or an arabian sheik has bought her for 20 camels (not the ciggies).
...She's an exceptional saleswoman, if you ever listen to her patter, it's a very "buy me" inducing patter, if it's a product I'm interested in she's always very informative, I'm sure some of the time though it's a load of seductive buy me cobblers :giggle: ... but I kinda like her, I don't think she's going anywhere, too much of an asset for QVC, pretty sure she's in the top 5 for getting most sales.
Perhaps she's gone away with Dawnie to her egyptian holiday-home and can't get back because of the revolution? Or an arabian sheik has bought her for 20 camels (not the ciggies).

remember when the hubby didnt come back from south africa and we were told there was a "problem with the passport". turns out the was actually a problem with the hubby!


ha ha ha


I like Catherine. I can think of a few other presenters I'd rather left, and as for the farts remarks, don't read them if you don't ike them. We all do it. Personally I think there are far worse things to comment about (and do). As for insincere, I've read many comments on here where people have backtracked on their original comment for fear of being hated and reprimanded by others - that's a form of insincerity too.
Gotta say not a fan. Her gushing and sweet 'look at me' approach leaves me cold and I tend to switch her off. But each to their own.
Perhaps she's gone away with Dawnie to her egyptian holiday-home and can't get back because of the revolution? Or an arabian sheik has bought her for 20 camels (not the ciggies).

Dawnie was missing AGAIN today...apparently she's doing a tour of Scotland!!?? :confused:
remember when the hubby didnt come back from south africa and we were told there was a "problem with the passport". turns out the was actually a problem with the hubby!


ha ha ha



Ooooo Pray tell...don't leave us in suspense Burlz :smirk:
I like Catherine. I can think of a few other presenters I'd rather left, and as for the farts remarks, don't read them if you don't ike them. We all do it. Personally I think there are far worse things to comment about (and do). As for insincere, I've read many comments on here where people have backtracked on their original comment for fear of being hated and reprimanded by others - that's a form of insincerity too.

we may all do it, we dont all blog about it.

you admit she IS insincere then?

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