Has Catherine left?


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we may all do it, we dont all blog about it.

you admit she IS insincere then?

You are such a devils advocate!:giggle:
We are all prone to insincerity at times. I think she is insincere with certain things - I can't stand NN and Crafting and know that if on QVC and I was expected to bleat on about these items I would be secretly yawning. Or maybe in my case not so secretly.
I am sure BB that you can be too.

As for Farts - no one has to read her twitter/facebook page I know I don't. To me going on about what a cougar someone is, is far more unacceptable than a natural bodily function and if I am right weren't people discussing hysterectomies etc the other day on another blog?
A bit double standard eh?
Just want to add that I didn't mind talking about the hysterectomy topic as it was interesting and great to see what makes other people tick, I did join into that too, so before anyone slates me over my last comment it was only intended as an example not a criticism.
Forget Chuntley. Where is ALISON KEENAN ??????? she seems to do a couple of weeks stint, then is off for a couple of months !! (pssssssst, always seems to look "fresh faced" when she does return though) Now I'm not saying anything............................ but ..............

And anyway, I'd love to know what these people do away from QVC - they CANT ALL be doing voice-overs or pontificating on company videos surely ? and some of them have trouble stringing 2 words together (unless its "Your item no. is ....... and proving to be popular ") so writing a book is out ! I mean, what do the likes of Simon, Craig, Dale, Charlie and Julian do to supplement their income ?, (clean answers on a postcard please) unless of course they earn SO much doing qvc they only need to work a few hours a week.
I like Catherine. I can think of a few other presenters I'd rather left, and as for the farts remarks, don't read them if you don't ike them. We all do it. Personally I think there are far worse things to comment about (and do). As for insincere, I've read many comments on here where people have backtracked on their original comment for fear of being hated and reprimanded by others - that's a form of insincerity too.

ok lizdelassa i think i understand now that the comment above is directed at me, because on the jill franks pregnancy thread i apologised for making comments about puking up over gynaecological details etc.

if you think that was insincerity on my part then youre entitled to your opinion. but i can assure you its not the case. that thread started off in a very light-hearted way and developed into a place where lots of women described their experiences of mis-carriage, IVF treatment, childlessness etc. which made my comments about puking over blood/periods very inappropriate. please let me assure you i do not give a monkey's uncle about being hated or reprimanded on this forum, but i DO care about having respect for other forum members.

what i DONT care about is catherine huntley, a woman who considers herself to be worthy of our attention on television and who seeks to extract money from us. if catherine wants to do that whilst blogging about her bodily functions, nights out on the pull, girly liaisons with bibby etc then i think that's fair game to be discussed on a shopping telly forum. she is the one who put the information out there after all. and if she doesn't like it she can
a) stop blogging about her private life.
b) piss off.
Folks on tv wants to be popular, AND on their terms... But the best bit of advice if she is low-profiling it at the moment, because of critisism, best listen to this... I will get my old record out (45 rpm) and its called - Good as Gold, By The Beautiful South. It is a song that EVERY presenter should adopt as their mantra.

Love Moyz! XXXX

Nothing to say about Catherine, but thank you Moynah for reminding me how much I like The Beautiful South - now have the CD on whilst I peruse the forum....:happy:
Nothing to say about Catherine, but thank you Moynah for reminding me how much I like The Beautiful South - now have the CD on whilst I peruse the forum....:happy:

"She's a perfect 10, but she wears a 12..."

I wonder. :devil:
Fabulous to see you back Klarion. I was seriously thinking of quitting the forum yesterday because I was getting so fed up with the Forum Police but I think I'll stick around now!
Nice to see you back Klar. Love the avatar. Funnily enough I have just been watching Sapphire & Steele series on DVD. I heard a rumour they are going to do a remake with David Tennant & Billie Piper. Great series, I loved it & Joanna Lumley was stunning.
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ok lizdelassa i think i understand now that the comment above is directed at me, because on the jill franks pregnancy thread i apologised for making comments about puking up over gynaecological details etc.

if you think that was insincerity on my part then youre entitled to your opinion. but i can assure you its not the case. that thread started off in a very light-hearted way and developed into a place where lots of women described their experiences of mis-carriage, IVF treatment, childlessness etc. which made my comments about puking over blood/periods very inappropriate. please let me assure you i do not give a monkey's uncle about being hated or reprimanded on this forum, but i DO care about having respect for other forum members.

what i DONT care about is catherine huntley, a woman who considers herself to be worthy of our attention on television and who seeks to extract money from us. if catherine wants to do that whilst blogging about her bodily functions, nights out on the pull, girly liaisons with bibby etc then i think that's fair game to be discussed on a shopping telly forum. she is the one who put the information out there after all. and if she doesn't like it she can
a) stop blogging about her private life.
b) piss off.

I most definitely was NOT having a dig at you over the earlier comments as listed above by yourself. I meant only to use that example because people would remember it as it was still a relatively new thread.
My comment was made regarding an earlier thread when a newbie was chastised over her opinion and people got irate etc. I really thought the thread you have mentioned above was important and inciteful and if you look through you will see that whilst I didn't mention hysterectomies I did partake in sharing some of my own experience.
I don't think that people who dislike bodily functions are bad - you should meet my family of OCD's (won't go toilet in school/work etc and boy could I tell you some other stories) what I am saying is that we all do it, maybe I said it as much to convince me as anyone else. God knows if I did it in public I'd want the ground to open up but I admire people who can be so honest about it because I can't and if that means Chuntley then so be it. I don't like the chasing of young men that she and Bibby seem to be accused of that actually does make my skin crawl.
I think you are a very funny person and enjoy reading your comments, you stick by your guns and the only time you backtracked is as you say during the JF comments as detailed above - I didn't even notice, so NO I was not referring to you specifically just others in general.:confused::sad:

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