Well after putting mine on charge went to look at it and realised I hadn't turned the socket switch to on as I was only charging the battery on its own, I'd plugged it in, checked instructions to see if I had done it right, got distracted and forgot. Absence of charging indicator light for the battery when it's not in the machine noted for me there. 4 hours later, not charged, so its back on now, after all that anticipation as well. I have tried it a bit after one hour or so and I love that it sucks up so well but still not had chance to thoroughly try it. One thing I have noticed is the change in the noise levels as I move it around, sometimes it sounds really rattley, is this normal? Already having a GTECH standard sweeper which I use at least once a day and being thoroughly impressed with that, this air version feels all too familiar but I will put it through it's paces properly tomorrow and see what I think.