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Describing your friends as girlfriends is an Americanism I hate, JF does it all the time.

hate that too, but not as much as "can I get..a coffee etc.." I hear adults say "can I get" all the time, I think they used it in Friends, hence we have a whole generation (mine) who says it...perhaps I spend too much time in coffee shops!
Describing your friends as girlfriends is an Americanism I hate, JF does it all the time.

Ooh I hate that too. And another one I hate is 'my partner' - I never quite know what they mean and think people use it because it's considered 'trendy' :banghead:

hate that too, but not as much as "can I get..a coffee etc.." I hear adults say "can I get" all the time, I think they used it in Friends, hence we have a whole generation (mine) who says it...perhaps I spend too much time in coffee shops!

A friend of my husband says this all the time. Every time we go out for dinner I cringe into my menu as he orders. I think it's rude and sounds a bit moronic!!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
My daughter is married to an American. She goes out of her way to avoid using Americanisms and when they visit the UK she makes sure he doesn't either!
The objection to 'fall' instead of Autumn always makes me laugh as apparently it's a very old English word, taken to America during colonisation and while it dropped out of favour in the UK, it simply stayed in use in the US.

I too can be a bit of a pedant and it drives me insane when I receive an e-mail full of grammatical nightmares. I work in copyright and often get requests to use lyrics from songs in books etc. I've been known to deny requests simply because if the intended book is as badly written as the request, I'd be doing our writers and artists a disservice by allowing their lyrics to be used in such a poorly written publication! I've somehow become the head teacher at work too, all of my (younger) colleagues have taken to getting me to proof read press releases etc. Have to say I relish taking out the red pen and have been known to give them grades on their work for a laugh :)

I'm hating the phrase "I'm loving..." and I'm cringing at the very thought of it!

Jude xx
I'm liking your style, Akimbo :) Now another phrase that drives me potty - how good does that gift look now it's in a Lindy Bowman box? How happy are you about that? How hard did you train for this event? I know presenters, interviewers etc need to ask open questions but the "how" questions leave little room for anything other than "very good" "very happy" etc.
Oh dear, add me to the I-love-my-red-pen list. My favourite movie, 84 Charing Cross Road, is about the 1950s and a love of books between an American woman and a British bookseller. Anthony Hopkins, Judi Densch and Anne Bancroft are the stars. It's a film that all of us posters would enjoy, I am sure. A feel-good, no swearing, nostalgic delight. =^.^=
Oh dear, add me to the I-love-my-red-pen list. My favourite movie, 84 Charing Cross Road, is about the 1950s and a love of books between an American woman and a British bookseller. Anthony Hopkins, Judi Densch and Anne Bancroft are the stars. It's a film that all of us posters would enjoy, I am sure. A feel-good, no swearing, nostalgic delight. =^.^=

I "am loving" the sound of that film Snarls *snigger* I must look it up :D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
:mysmilie_486:Nearly scared to post now incase you're all checking my grammer. Someone has already posted and noticed i used
"exclamation marks" instead of 'apostrophes'. Didn't realise my mistake. Capirossi , i say partner cause i live
with someone, and being in my middle 50's i think boyfriend is a bit silly and childish. Can't think of anything
else to call him, maybe my builder he he. Oh and i lied, silly really cause none of you know me, but i'm late 50's
but dread turning 60 , heart thumping and palpations, in January, but i remember turning 50 and hating it and
here we are now nearly 60, and 70 seems to be getting closer :smirk:
I feel the need to join in now as having a poo day at work (not really working obviously hence being on here) so want to vent

The following 2 sayings get right on my waps

"Singing from the same hymn sheet" and "hit the ground running", I thought they had been left behind years ago but seem to have been resurected lately

Also when taking messages for colleagues various people say "dont worry Ill ping her". What a load of pretentious *****

Feel better now
Continuing with the "I'm loving it" theme, another phrase I cannot stand is "I'm in love with ....." or "you'll fall in love with ... " when presenters are talking about a product. Maybe I'm odd, but don't people fall in love with a person, rather than a lipstick, steam cleaner or whatever?

And as for "jump to phone," I'll walk over to pick up the receiver, thank you. :wink:
Lol. I agree about 'Fall', however I prefer to think of late December as 'the holidays' as I don't celebrate xmas. That said, it doesn't offend me in the slightest. I once worked with a J.Witness who kicked up such a fuss to get our xmas conference renamed to winter conference as he didn't celebrate xmas. One person :-/ lol :rolleyes: Live and let live I say! I just try and use it in terms of "enjoy the holidays" rather than say "merry xmas".

Talking of 'xmas', it's a bit of a contradiction to me in terms of the word. I know it should be Christmas with a capital C, as should God be....but it goes against every cell in my brain to write them properly. :confused:

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

Just as a point of interest
Xmas is not removing Christ from Christmas.

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Ive just thought of one which annoys me. When you ask someone how they are, instead of saying "Im very well thanks" or "Fine thanks" you get " Im good thanks". American again surely.

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