Get Rid Of Marverine


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Sep 29, 2013
I have just tuned into the Kelly Hoppen hour and to my annoyance its being presented by flipping Marverine Cole. I've had to turn over to 'Escape To the Country' because I just cannot abide the woman. I have really, really tried to warm to her but I cannot cope with her exaggerated voices and comments and her fake eye rolling. She is just not a calming presenter to watch. I wish they would get rid of her so I can watch QVC without having to reach for my 'Rescue Remedy' to calm me down.
I find her really hard to watch too.I dont think Ive ever lasted more than 10 minutes into a show with her
Have to agree. Oh dear, have just sat down to watch Lola Rose and Marverine is presenting. :mysmilie_51:
She is so false and insincere imo and drawls her words unecessarily. Hope she doesnt ruin the show.
She puts me off watching shows too, I think she is trying to listen to what is being said in her ear all the time and that is why she speaks so slowly, it is so annoying
I looked forward to Lola Rose until I heard her
When presenters have 1 annoying trait we may be able to soldier on if we are really want to see a show, but when they come in multiplies it is more than a normal body can tolerate.

Hesitant speaking
Rolling eyes
Talking twaddle

3 too many!
I felt that Nikki felt uncomfortable with her because she took over the colours of the rings etc and various other things which Marverine should have been doing such as having the ring sizes at her fingertips that made me feel she wasn't totally at ease. Apart from the annoying habits, Marverine comes across as not being sincere about loving the products, she's just saying what the gallery tell her. I watched the whole hour to see if she improved during it and no, she didn't. The voice, the eye rolling, the hesitancy etc is all too much. Why lose Debbie G for someone like that?
I thought she had got a little better but watching 10mins of the Nina Leonard show proved my wrong, she talks a right load of twaddle sometimes and makes noises like she is auditioning for the next panto! She looks good in the yellow though and the few pounds she has lost suits her
I too thought she'd improved but god that woman is annoying. Talks over everyone and talks a lot of carp over everyone at that. Drawls, eye rolls, boring boring switch off. Please for her final finale can we have her on with David Hawkins and see who wins :)

I saw some of the Kelly Hoppen hour and half of the Lola Rose hour. I don't know how some people are employed as presenters. There was an embarrassing moment when washing a bedspread was mentioned by Ms Cole when it stated dry clean on the label. The guest ambassador tried to recover by saying that it would not need cleaning as often as other bed items but Marverine had really put her foot in it. The bedspread was so big it would never have fit into a domestic washing machine. I know it can't be easy presenting with someone gabbing in your ear, but I am afraid I don't find Marverine comfortable to watch. I agree with an earlier comment, whatever Debbie Greenwood did/didn't do, why on earth did she go, whilst the viewer is left with other less able presenter. Debbie was a good presenter who came across as natural and sincere about whatever she was presenting.
Marvine is not my cup of tea with all the eye rolling but she does have lovely skin and killer cheek bones. She has lost a lot of weight and looks fab.
I thought she was getting better at presenting until I saw the Lola Rose show yesterday which was awful lots of "oohing an ahhing" whilst the guest was speaking and too much eye rolling and facial acrobatics. Come on Marv sort yourself out. It's unwatchable and embarrassing. She comes across as out of her depth and ingratiating. Maybe TV presenting isn't her forte
i think marverine needs to do a bit of homework on the products. if she knew what she was selling in detail she would be able to concentrate less on the oohs and ahhs. pity as i like marverine
I really don't have any strong feelings about Marverine, one way or another on a professional level. But I do get the impression, and it is just a personal view, that she can't believe her luck, that she is working at QVC. She can be quite effervescent when describing some products then, adversely, quite apathetic on others.
IMO she just needs to relax, and talk sensibly, stop with all the inane chatter, let the guest talk and be interested in the guest. An yes, get to know the product she is selling and stop with the "this would be great for a neice" she says it so often - but then i guess thats what they are feeding her in her earpiece.
I too thought she'd improved but god that woman is annoying. Talks over everyone and talks a lot of carp over everyone at that. Drawls, eye rolls, boring boring switch off. Please for her final finale can we have her on with David Hawkins and see who wins :)


Wondered recently if David Hawkins was still on QVC haven't seen him for ages, I used to find him amusing.
I don't wish to be mean, but Marv isn't my cup of tea - I don't like her voice or the eye rolling. I don't think she researches the products she is selling at all well either.

I know anyone associated with QVC will use it to their advance, but she is a completely different person now from when she started - she has lost a lot of weight and her hair and make-up have changed massively.

But I'm sure she is a lovely person and I really felt for her when her cat died (as I'm a huge animal lover), it was very sad.

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