Get Rid Of Marverine


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I think shes a really nice person out of all the presenters but she needs to fez up on what shes selling. she has lots of potential but she cant blag it anymore
I'm not a fan either. Very annoying, unpleasant voice, terribly boring to watch. I'm sure she's a lovely lady in real life, but as a presenter I really dislike her.
Sorry to hear her cat died, how sad :(
Maverine cole

My god how much worse can this women get
They really need to get rid,of her
I thought she looked good this morning, she has certainly improved her appearance. I had the volume off so no idea what she was saying
Not my favourite presenter - don't have a particular affinity for any of them - but I do think the title of this thread is a bit harsh. I haven't decided yet, whether she is at ease on air. tbh, I don't watch the channel enough to judge.
To be honest if we put them all on a scale of 1 to 10 few would get past the minus figure in my book. They are all so annoying
Just thinking, was it Jackie who started at the same time as Marverine? She hasn't improved any either, so cold and uninterested.
Marverine and Jackie are way too talented for QVC. They are clearly just jobbing until something better comes along.
Aside from all their annoying habits and shouting the thing which bugs me is poor preparation for the shows. I'm afraid for me Jackie always appears very poorly informed as if she is seeing the products for the first time.
To be honest if we put them all on a scale of 1 to 10 few would get past the minus figure in my book. They are all so annoying

LATI, from what I see, I agree. They serve the purpose of telling the viewer what is being sold. As has been said many times before on this forum, they are sales people. I don't believe a word they say.
Marverine and Jackie are way too talented for QVC. They are clearly just jobbing until something better comes along.
The same could be said of Alison Keenan who does the job better than most imho and she's stuck at it. It must pay well, otherwise they wouldn't stick around.
i think it takes a while for most presenters to be good at thier job. quite a few have left over the years. jackie and maverine are still new and if they work at it and learn about thier products before the shows they could do as good a job as the other seasoned presenters. jackie is quite proffessional but is just a better blagger than marverine. both seem to have little or no product information.

i think marverine has improved slightly. and looks amazing with her wieght loss. julia roberts is my fav presenter as she knows the products she is presenting. it just makes for better listening. jilly haliday is one of the longer term presenters but she lacks interest and product knowledge. and her vocab. is poor. she does the nigh shift so she may be tired. shes better than she used to be but considering the time shes been presenting she should be better.
Marverine and Jackie are way too talented for QVC. They are clearly just jobbing until something better comes along.

I agree with you, re Jackie. She is an extremely talented journalist who, as I have said previously on this forum, perhaps felt like taking things a bit easier, by taking on a less pressurised job. Whilst I do think it takes a certain type of individual to present on a shopping channel, compared with her previous career, it's a walk in the park for her. The Q does not require her to utilise her talents, whilst still earning a wage. I think she will stay for a while then, missing the challenges of reporting, will return to her usual career.
it is hard to be a shopping telly presenter. its relentless and you have to love it to suceed.
Half of them look desparate for a sale and the other half act as if it is beneath them and sometimes they overlap.

But apart from Julia, Charlie (his one redeeming feature) and Dale the rest are winging it when it comes to preparation and it shows. Not sure about Craig as I never seem to catch his shows.
First impressions are 'all' when we are introduced to people and job interviews - this includes a 15 second judgement of appearance, looks, manners, voice and in some cases a sweaty (or not) handshake.

Unless its Ingrid the Grundge, then all the presenters are well turned out, looks - they cannot help, manners - some are definitely 'wanting' in that department, but for me its the 'voice', and yes those that 'have it' include ..
Ali Keenan

those they can ship out are.....

Anne D
Ali Young
oh gawd Chloe
Jill F
First impressions are 'all' when we are introduced to people and job interviews - this includes a 15 second judgement of appearance, looks, manners, voice and in some cases a sweaty (or not) handshake.

Unless its Ingrid the Grundge, then all the presenters are well turned out, looks - they cannot help, manners - some are definitely 'wanting' in that department, but for me its the 'voice', and yes those that 'have it' include ..
Ali Keenan

those they can ship out are.....

Anne D
Ali Young
oh gawd Chloe
Jill F

thats most of the presenters lol
Well I have just been slumped watching Marv present with Marc Bouwer (is that a syrup???) slurring her words through the description of his clothes, and I could not believe it! They were showing a kimono tunic and she said I will just tell you the sizes and then added actually I won't bother with the measurements just get your normal High Street size. How helpful was that??????? He must think he is in Amateur Hour. I am going back to The News Channel!
First impressions are 'all' when we are introduced to people and job interviews - this includes a 15 second judgement of appearance, looks, manners, voice and in some cases a sweaty (or not) handshake.

Unless its Ingrid the Grundge, then all the presenters are well turned out, looks - they cannot help, manners - some are definitely 'wanting' in that department, but for me its the 'voice', and yes those that 'have it' include ..
Ali Keenan

those they can ship out are.....

Anne D
Ali Young
oh gawd Chloe
Jill F

I wouldn't lose any sleep whoever they decided to get rid of.
The most professional : Julia, Dale, Ali K., Jilly.
Can't abide : Miceal, Craig, Anne.
Indifferent : Sara, Debs, Charlie, Jackie, Claire, Ali Y.
Don't like : Simon, Chloe, Pipa, Marv.
But then, who cares what I think? Certainly not the Q!

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