Hi Guys,
I'm reeling from the continued response to my first mailing. Thank you very much to Huggles, Lexxy, Klosblue, Glinda, Calvin, Jacqualina, Jacki and Sammi for your contributions to the welcomes and reassurances.
Not forgetting of course, the now infamous Craig. I really appreciate that you were big enough to come here and apologise. I can feel Derek's hand behind this (as the actress said ..............). I shall indeed now write to you on a more personal level at Gems.
As for RocksTV last night - gimme some munnay I'm skint already. Thanks to Katherine I got the Karma charm necklace I was after. I managed it by the skin of my teeth despite having allowed myself plenty of time to settle, I couldn't get buddy well logged in.
Thanks again speedy assistance from their Help Team saved the day. Flushed with success, I then rashly bought the matching bracelet. As I am head to toe in braces nobody will know I'm wearing it. Never mind - what a beautiful little secret to have under all that velcro and metal. These days sadly it will be the only beautiful little secret under there

I then went on to buy an amethyst and marcasite ring and an amethyst silver ring in the form of a flower. Fantastic prices. Very sorry Gems but about half the price of similar from you, although I do worry a little, having been a jewellery maker when my fingers were nimble I know how much the materials cost. RocksTV must be struggling to keep this up and survive. I only did bespoke work in my spare time outside of my main job.
All this and lots of barmy fun on the way, and lo and behold (as some of you saw) I won a ruby necklace - my cup runneth over. All this going on and yet I still managed to do a small amount on that very fast chat panel.
A great night thanks to all of you who were there. With the support of yourselves, Katherine and a wobbly pill, I managed to feel quite human again and thoroughly included.
Just one teeny-tiny fly in the ointment. The competition changed last night, from what I understand was the normal quick fire quiz, to a simple computer random selection. There was a tiny amount of dissention about this as people had liked the quiz element. I hope I'm not getting an over-inflated ego from all this attention, but I could not get away from the huge coincidence of my joining and the change to an accessable competition. Whilst I don't for one minute think this was done for me, I do wonder if my circumstances made them realise that some of their customers may well have been excluded. I did feel a tad uncomfortable, especially after winning as well. However the mumblings were very low level and brief, with no shouts of "fix" :33:.
Well guys, I'm off now to throw a few dishes around the kitchen and drop my lunch on the floor (no pill today). You've no idea what an enormous lift you've all given me - thank you so much.