Gems TV Ellis Ward


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Feb 16, 2015
:talking: Watching Ellis Ward's hour on Gems at the moment - and is it me, or since she left TJC has she become much more 'hyper' not to say almost hysterical this morning? I know all shopping telly presenters can be 'shouty', but she gabbles non-stop (she has just mentioned that the presenter - Hayley - has told her she never stops talking!) - and a lot of it isn't relevant at all to what she's selling! She seems to be trying much too hard to give the impression that the people she is working with are all such a lovey-dovey 'Team' with peace and joy abounding all around. Methinks the lady doth protest too much! If presenter and crew get on well it becomes obvious by the smooth job they do, we don't need to be constantly told about it - in fact, to me it creates the opposite impression, she probably gets on their nerves (she certainly gets on mine). All this "Oh, I love my job" is exactly what she used to say on TJC before she went over the wall! Please calm down, dear. OMG, now she's singing and waving her arm about.....bring out the medication, quick!
It's not just you,she used to drive me nuts on TJC to be honest,to the extent she became unwatchable. I tend to skip past Gems when she is on, but sounds like she has got worse.I find her gushing personality very insincere.I can remember her on "You Bet" years ago and she was a good presenter back then.Not too bad on IW either.
I agree she can be a bit hyper but the one that drives me mad is Cherylene Lavery who does the 11.00 shift at night. Shes a very nice girl but her faux excitement and the way she pronounces twenty (twennie) and thirty (thiree) really annoys me. Also everything is absolutely something or other and massive congratulations to everyone who is successful. Grrr. I turn the sound down if I want to watch the programme.

Also why, when they r handing over to each other, do they have to say the gorgeous .......... will be taking you through the next few hours. Its just so false. Rant over.
I never used to mind her on IW, but thought she came over as very insincere on TJC. Now she's on Gems, I wouldn't trust a word she says and simply cannot watch her. I have no idea why she has changed so much, but when selling, the impression of insincerity is a big turn off and when I see she is scheduled, I just don't bother to watch at all. I imagine that if she calmed down and acted more 'normal' she would be an ok presenter again.
Totally unwatchable, irritating in the extreme, CALM DOWN DEAR, I know you would rather be selling spuds in the Bull ring market but you are up for the award of most annoying presenter ever.
I'm not keen on her - I find her personality to be a bit too "mumsy" and patronising.

That said, she's one of the better presenters on Gems now. A lot of their best presenters moved to their sister channels Rocks TV, The Lounge or Gem Collector.

All of the current Gems presenters now are too shouty and hyper.

Completely agree about Cheralene too. She's the worst presenter I've ever seen. Completely out of her depth. Everything she sells has the same description "look at the depth of colour", "the light dances out of this", "very unique", "exquisite", "similar in design to those worn by Beyonce". Everything is rare. She never tells you anything about where the stones were mined, carat weight, grading, treatments - the stuff people actually need and want to know. Her sales pitch is nothing more that repetitive, meaningless waffle - spoken in a far too over-confident manner.

My favourite line is "This is a one off opportunity. Get on the phone lines quick. Only 27 available.....". I think she devalues some of their products with her continual repetition of the same descriptions for everything. She'll use the same description for a high end, one off, platinum collectors piece with a rare stone as she will with a £10 budget ring with 200 available featuring a common stone like smokey quartz. She's appalling. She knows nothing technical about the gemstones. Not once have I heard her explain how the stones form underground, how they're mined, what country they're from and why that gemstone is different to a cheaper similar coloured stone. Nothing. Just the usual "look at the depth of colour" and "you've absolutely got to get this design here".

Blonde Vicky is another that is incredibly annoying with her false Geordie accent. One minute she says "I knorrr", "Gor gor gor" - the next, it's "I know" and "Go, go, go".

Bring back the likes of Scott Worsfold, Jim Brooman, Rae Carpenter and Matt Macnamara - professional, calm, well spoken presenters that talk with knowledge, in a calm manner, telling you all the essential stuff like treatments and carat weights, and more importantly, honesty and integrity.

The current presenters, with the exception of Lynn and Adina, are too shouty, in ya face and going for the hard sell too often by saying everything is rare or the only time you'll see items at that price.

I'm really surprised that Steve Bennett is allowing the presenters to host like that. Gems have always been one of the more professional channels that sell a genuinely good product at a good price. 18 months ago, they never used to broadcast in that manner. It was all very calm and professional.

It's all gone a bit shouty and hard sell since the presenters moved round and Gems had a documentary on ITV last year which probably got them a large number of new customers.

Please Steve, sort it out. Gems is a good company. Don't let the presenters start spoiling it by going down the Bid TV route of shouting at viewers and telling us everything is rare.

18 months ago, everything was great. Good presenters. Good image. Good products. Good prices. Good company.

Now, the good products, good prices and good company is being spoilt by a poor image given out by poor presenters.
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I'm not keen on her - I find her personality to be a bit too "mumsy" and patronising.

That said, she's one of the better presenters on Gems now. A lot of their best presenters moved to their sister channels Rocks TV, The Lounge or Gem Collector.

All of the current Gems presenters now are too shouty and hyper.

Completely agree about Cheralene too. She's the worst presenter I've ever seen. Completely out of her depth. Everything she sells has the same description "look at the depth of colour", "the light dances out of this", "very unique", "exquisite", "similar in design to those worn by Beyonce". Everything is rare. She never tells you anything about where the stones were mined, carat weight, grading, treatments - the stuff people actually need and want to know. Her sales pitch is nothing more that repetitive, meaningless waffle - spoken in a far too over-confident manner.

My favourite line is "This is a one off opportunity. Get on the phone lines quick. Only 27 available.....". I think she devalues some of their products with her continual repetition of the same descriptions for everything. She'll use the same description for a high end, one off, platinum collectors piece with a rare stone as she will with a £10 budget ring with 200 available featuring a common stone like smokey quartz. She's appalling. She knows nothing technical about the gemstones. Not once have I heard her explain how the stones form underground, how they're mined, what country they're from and why that gemstone is different to a cheaper similar coloured stone. Nothing. Just the usual "look at the depth of colour" and "you've absolutely got to get this design here".

Blonde Vicky is another that is incredibly annoying with her false Geordie accent. One minute she says "I knorrr", "Gor gor gor" - the next, it's "I know" and "Go, go, go".

Bring back the likes of Scott Worsfold, Jim Brooman, Rae Carpenter and Matt Macnamara - professional, calm, well spoken presenters that talk with knowledge, in a calm manner, telling you all the essential stuff like treatments and carat weights, and more importantly, honesty and integrity.

The current presenters, with the exception of Lynn and Adina, are too shouty, in ya face and going for the hard sell too often by saying everything is rare or the only time you'll see items at that price.

I'm really surprised that Steve Bennett is allowing the presenters to host like that. Gems have always been one of the more professional channels that sell a genuinely good product at a good price. 18 months ago, they never used to broadcast in that manner. It was all very calm and professional.

It's all gone a bit shouty and hard sell since the presenters moved round and Gems had a documentary on ITV last year which probably got them a large number of new customers.

Please Steve, sort it out. Gems is a good company. Don't let the presenters start spoiling it by going down the Bid TV route of shouting at viewers and telling us everything is rare.

18 months ago, everything was great. Good presenters. Good image. Good products. Good prices. Good company.

Now, the good products, good prices and good company is being spoilt by a poor image given out by poor presenters.

WifeSlashGoddess, I agree with you -bring back Jim Brooman (lovely guy, very calm and professional), Matt McNamara (ditto), Lynn, Rae and Scott - I also like Alex, who is on Gem Collector at present (he really knows his stuff about gemstones and is CALM (breathe!)). I think there's no chance at all that Scott will come back, at least not on a permanent basis, as he's got 'other fish to fry' as they say. Afraid I can't agree with you about Adina - I think she's dreadful and really annoying, she never finishes a sentence for one thing, it's..."now I'm going to show you....but let''s as I've said..." USE PROPER SENTENCES, ADINA AND STOP INTERRUPTING YOURSELF, for Gawd's sake. I did a straw poll amongst friends and family who watch Gems during the evening, and nearly everyone mentioned how you rarely get a proper explanation from Adina, as she's spluttering, rubbing her nose(!) and cutting herself off mid-flow. I know several people who just can't watch her. Her overly flirty, giggly act can also be rather childish and tiresome; she gives the impression of being rather in love with herself, which is a common problem amongst many shopping telly presenters, except most of the ones we've mentioned we'd like back.
While we are all having a good old moan, I get fed up with the presenters sayin that "we haven't got nearly enough" but when you look on the internet about half an hour later they are still there. I have got to the stage that I dont buy much now as I dont like being taken for a fool. I agree about Adina. She never finishes a sentence and she says "right" so you know they are saying something in her ear and shes the worst one for gushing over the presenter that takes over from her.

I have already mentioned Cherylene but WifeSlashGodess has summed her up completely. Rachel Hatton has grown on me as I didn't like her at first. Angeline is beginning to annoy me. I had to switch her off this afternoon because she was shouty. As you say Steve really should sort them out but I do wonder if he has trouble getting presenters especially the ones doing the late shift. Have Scott and Jim gone now. If so thats a shame because I like them.
I can see what you mean about Adina - but I think that sums up the problem about Gems TV's presenters at the moment. Rather than having favourites, it's rather a case of preferring the best of a bad bunch. Adina isn't perfect - but I can watch her simply because she doesn't shout or keep doing the over-exaggeration tactics to get a sale. She seems more genuine than some of the others. I think her faults are irritations / bad habits about her in general rather than her presenting style. I don't think she realizes that she rubs her noses, coughs without apologizing or half-finishes sentences - whereas the others definitely know they're going for the false excitement or shout tactic.

While we are all having a good old moan, I get fed up with the presenters sayin that "we haven't got nearly enough" but when you look on the internet about half an hour later they are still there. I have got to the stage that I dont buy much now as I dont like being taken for a fool. I agree about Adina. She never finishes a sentence and she says "right" so you know they are saying something in her ear and shes the worst one for gushing over the presenter that takes over from her.

I have already mentioned Cherylene but WifeSlashGodess has summed her up completely. Rachel Hatton has grown on me as I didn't like her at first. Angeline is beginning to annoy me. I had to switch her off this afternoon because she was shouty. As you say Steve really should sort them out but I do wonder if he has trouble getting presenters especially the ones doing the late shift. Have Scott and Jim gone now. If so thats a shame because I like them.

Scott has kind of gone - he's gone as a full time presenter - but he's coming back now and again on a freelance basis. I believe he's got young children - and he spent a lot of his time driving from Yorkshire all the way to Redditch on a regular basis - plus on top of that, he does theatre work and freelance speaking at corporate events. I think the poor guy just wanted to spend more time with his kids.

Rachel is a strange one for me - some days I find her OK and watchable. Other day, she seems to be in shouty mode. She's very mixed.

Jim Brooman has moved over to their sister channel, Rocks TV. You can watch him online - but that channel doesn't broadcast on British TV. Rae Carpenter has also switched to Rocks. So has American Alex, and Ali Defoy has moved to their other sister channel, Jewellery Maker. Alex McKay and Matt Macnamara present on Gem Collector.

There have been big changes to the presenter line-up - and, sadly, not for the better.
Gems & Rocks TV Presenters (and "gone over the wall" presenters)

:mysmilie_13: My opinion of Angeline and Rachel also varies from day to day. Sometimes Angeline is very good and extremely knowledgeable, other times she is shouty and giggly, Rachel overdoes the "I'm shocked" face when the price falls and can gabble so quickly that I can't understand a word she's saying. It's such a shame they couldn't come to some accommodation with Scott - he was too good to lose (and if they can accommodate Adina to do only evenings, and compared with Scott she's dire, why couldn't they come to an arrangement of some kind with him?). You don't hear much about the Gems Experience days at present and I know Scott was heavily involved in that so I wonder who (if anyone) is doing it now? I'm sure many people only attended because Scott was involved in it.

Talking about Gems presenters, I see that Hannah Clemmow is now on Rocks!! What a come down! I tuned in the other night and the "new, re-vamped" Rocks studio looks like the inside of a public toilet but without the charm. It all seems very low-budget to me - and what's happened to the Diniz Brothers, the gem hunters? They've disappeared and someone from a 1930's 'B' movie appears to have taken their place. Mark Rigby disappeared from screen, as did Alan Miller (ex-Gems also). The Rocks website is abacus standards - the "Meet our Presenters" section has a message saying that the section is currently under construction, so please log in sometime in the future. When - 2050? It's been like that, to my knowledge, since at least September last year (must have the slowest Programmer in the world working on it, or Peter Simon (delete as applicable). I read that as they do not want to commit to who is "a presenter" - maybe because they vanish so quickly! I must confess I'm surprised Hannah Clemmow's ended up there - although I never rated her as a Gems presenter, she's didactic in style, like an old-fashioned schoolmarm and again is a 'shouty' one. If I were her, I wouldn't get too comfortable in the seat! I hope more of the really good Gems presenters don't disappear - or it will not be worth tuning into. I agree with WifeSlashGoddess, Steve should be trying to sort it out - urgently - but he does make bad decisions (employing Peter Simon being one of them, that was a disaster of epic proportions).

I haven't seen Cheralyne Lavery at all - but it sounds like the training hasn't sunk in yet!

I can see what you mean about Adina - but I think that sums up the problem about Gems TV's presenters at the moment. Rather than having favourites, it's rather a case of preferring the best of a bad bunch. Adina isn't perfect - but I can watch her simply because she doesn't shout or keep doing the over-exaggeration tactics to get a sale. She seems more genuine than some of the others. I think her faults are irritations / bad habits about her in general rather than her presenting style. I don't think she realizes that she rubs her noses, coughs without apologizing or half-finishes sentences - whereas the others definitely know they're going for the false excitement or shout tactic.

Scott has kind of gone - he's gone as a full time presenter - but he's coming back now and again on a freelance basis. I believe he's got young children - and he spent a lot of his time driving from Yorkshire all the way to Redditch on a regular basis - plus on top of that, he does theatre work and freelance speaking at corporate events. I think the poor guy just wanted to spend more time with his kids.

Rachel is a strange one for me - some days I find her OK and watchable. Other day, she seems to be in shouty mode. She's very mixed.
Jim Brooman has moved over to their sister channel, Rocks TV. You can watch him online - but that channel doesn't broadcast on British TV. Rae Carpenter has also switched to Rocks. So has American Alex, and Ali Defoy has moved to their other sister channel, Jewellery Maker. Alex McKay and Matt Macnamara present on Gem Collector.

There have been big changes to the presenter line-up - and, sadly, not for the better.
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I totally agree. I used to watch TJC the most, but since they started selling bizarre tat, I tend to watch Gems. Oh my goodness, the presenters are so annoying! I'm sure they'd sell just as many items if they all took a breath and slowed down. I turn the volume right down or even mute it, unless my hubby and me are amusing ourselves by counting how many times they can say the word "phenomenal" in one go... :talking:
I am often mystified as to how they choose their presenters (I mean, Peter Simon....... really???) and then how they train them. They all wobble the rings around with their thumbs under their hands to such an extent that you can't see the stones properly and until I start to suffer from motion sickness. That's not what a gemstone looks like on your hand unless you are madly trying to hail a cab in the rain perhaps.
All this said (much of it is correct, in my opinion) yet it is still light years ahead of tjc, which seems to be charmless management wanting to put themselves on tv.

cheralene does have a talent of managing to hold a false smile for four hours. I am happy to say I tried and failed after about 3minutes.

Adina seems to only keep two dresses on the premises.

Rachel Hatton must have a side job as a cage fighter as the other presenters talk about her like she is genuinely to be feared.

Though I do enjoy shouty shouty as it's funnier when it goes wrong.
Peter Simon was very short lived - I can only assume that they thought his "act" was down to Bid TV rather than him personally - and he'd be much calmer on Gems TV. That never happened - Peter went to Gems - and so did his 1980's camp "comedy" (I use the word comedy loosely).

Gems have tried to dress it up as "he was only on a short term / temporary contract" on their Facebook page whenever people ask what happened to him - but when he joined, they placed great emphasis that he was studying for, and would be taking, his GIA AJP accreditation exams. He used to tell us regularly that not only was he studying the rarest of the Tanzanites, not only the garnets, not only the Morganites. Not only the Tandoori Sapphires with the latest of the colour change (I assume he meant Tunduru Sapphires....). He also said that he hoped to get to know everyone personally (cringe!) over the "next few months or years". He wouldn't say that if he knew he was a short term appointment. Actually, scrap that, Peter Simon says a lot of things that I wouldn't expect him to say.......

I like Gems as a company. They offer a good quality product that far exceeds the price paid - but the Presenter line-up at the moment is the worst I've seen on there in a long long time.

I can't comment about the presenters on the other Jewellery channels - but I did have a quick skip through last week and noticed that Hannah Clemmow had moved over to one of them - along with Helen Bates/Barker - another that only seemed to survive for about 4 months on Gems TV.
Mr Tom, I think you might be right about Rachel - I think she can be a bit scary; I've noticed the voice changes to a sharp snap if anything goes wrong or she needs to query something with producer or crew, and the eyes look very 'daggers' at whoever she talking to. I bet she can get really stroppy if things don't go to plan. I did laugh at your Adina comment - and both of the 2 dresses are lacking one half of the bodice. Try a different style, love. I have to say that I do like Liv during the daytime (usually morning) hours. She's crazy as a box of frogs at times, but no 'preening' of herself.
All this said (much of it is correct, in my opinion) yet it is still light years ahead of tjc, which seems to be charmless management wanting to put themselves on tv.

cheralene does have a talent of managing to hold a false smile for four hours. I am happy to say I tried and failed after about 3minutes.

Adina seems to only keep two dresses on the premises.

Rachel Hatton must have a side job as a cage fighter as the other presenters talk about her like she is genuinely to be feared.

Though I do enjoy shouty shouty as it's funnier when it goes wrong.
Hi WifeSlashGoddess, yes, I'd noticed Hannah Clemmow had gone over the wall to Rocks - and the best of luck with that! Never liked her on Gems, schoolmarmish, brusque manner. I give her 6 months at Rocks. Never saw Helen Bates/Barker at all. Totally agree with you about the Gems presenter line-up - I watch mainly daytime and Liv is OK, and Angeline (mostly, although she has her moments), but most of the rest need sorting out, and quickly. You are right about the saintly Peter Simon, I tried to watch all of his 'shows' for the brief period he was on Gems, as they were such a laugh, and he was continually saying he had 'got to study for my gemstone exams'. They would not go to the time/expense if he was only temporary. It would have been better to say he'd left for another opportunity (and then stuff their hankies in their mouths, to stop laughing...). He's definitely found his level at IW, at Gems he was a dreadful choice, and I can't imagine what the management were thinking of to let him get a foot in the door.

Peter Simon was very short lived - I can only assume that they thought his "act" was down to Bid TV rather than him personally - and he'd be much calmer on Gems TV. That never happened - Peter went to Gems - and so did his 1980's camp "comedy" (I use the word comedy loosely).

Gems have tried to dress it up as "he was only on a short term / temporary contract" on their Facebook page whenever people ask what happened to him - but when he joined, they placed great emphasis that he was studying for, and would be taking, his GIA AJP accreditation exams. He used to tell us regularly that not only was he studying the rarest of the Tanzanites, not only the garnets, not only the Morganites. Not only the Tandoori Sapphires with the latest of the colour change (I assume he meant Tunduru Sapphires....). He also said that he hoped to get to know everyone personally (cringe!) over the "next few months or years". He wouldn't say that if he knew he was a short term appointment. Actually, scrap that, Peter Simon says a lot of things that I wouldn't expect him to say.......

I like Gems as a company. They offer a good quality product that far exceeds the price paid - but the Presenter line-up at the moment is the worst I've seen on there in a long long time.

I can't comment about the presenters on the other Jewellery channels - but I did have a quick skip through last week and noticed that Hannah Clemmow had moved over to one of them - along with Helen Bates/Barker - another that only seemed to survive for about 4 months on Gems TV.
Have to agree with all the comments - I find it very hard lately to watch Gems, as the presenters just get on my nerves. Too much shouting and false looks of amazement. When I first started watching I don't remember it being like this. Don't get me wrong I have many nice pieces of jewellery from Gems, but watching these days is just hard work. I also wish they wouldn't wobble the rings around on their fingers - you can't focus on it properly. Peter Simon - the less said the better. Sort it out Steve!
Also there seems to be a guarantee that lynn jinks will always do the shift after angeline, though they clearly do know their stuff about the gemstones. To be fair they have probably forgotton more than I'd ever know about the subject.

it is nice to have a discussion going about a channel that isn't one of the big two.
:mysmilie_14:You're right, they do know their stuff. I do like Gems, and think that on the whole they deal very fairly with customers (I had a moan recently, and today I posted a thread to say they've contacted me, saying they will give a refund to my credit card, so I'm impressed with the way they've dealt with things as far as I'm concerned). Is it my imagination, or when I tuned in for about an hour this afternoon, was Ellis Ward much calmer than usual? I'm probably wrong, and just happened to tune in at a time when she was a bit more restrained, but I wonder if anyone else noticed it?

Also there seems to be a guarantee that lynn jinks will always do the shift after angeline, though they clearly do know their stuff about the gemstones. To be fair they have probably forgotton more than I'd ever know about the subject.

it is nice to have a discussion going about a channel that isn't one of the big two.
:mysmilie_14:You're right, they do know their stuff. I do like Gems, and think that on the whole they deal very fairly with customers (I had a moan recently, and today I posted a thread to say they've contacted me, saying they will give a refund to my credit card, so I'm impressed with the way they've dealt with things as far as I'm concerned). Is it my imagination, or when I tuned in for about an hour this afternoon, was Ellis Ward much calmer than usual? I'm probably wrong, and just happened to tune in at a time when she was a bit more restrained, but I wonder if anyone else noticed it?

I couldn't answer as I don't tend to watch ellis ward, she doesn't interest me in the way a car crash/peter simon does. Plus I get put off when she mentions how honest she is (an immediate turn off for me in any tv salesperson)

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