Gemporia still sinking


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Ellis' favourite story on IW was how she had to sit on her daughter's scarf and do a piss on it when she was busting for one during a car trip going up the Snake Pass. This 'anecdote' got wheeled out any time she was selling piss pads or any other product vaguely related to incontinence. Dreadful disingenuous old hag.
I'm not saying she's lying but is that really a story you would want to tell on TV!!!
Steve Bennet can spout whatever he comes up with because the majority of the diamonds they sell are set into nine carat gold or silver simply because they’re not good enough to be set into 18 ct or platinum. Gems can buy shedloads of these very reasonably and that’s why they push so many cluster designs in nine carat. Some of these rings are nice and wearable but the diamond quality isn’t great.Definitely not of heirloom quality lol.
I'm totally out of the loop with jewellery, but I used to work in a jewellers, 30+ years ago. Then, we'd recommend to people that VVS1 was what they should aim for, and VVS2 if they were cost conscious. VVS2 was probably the most common clarity grade. This wasn't Boodle & Dunthorne or Garrards: just a good, independent jeweller. The prices for VVS1 diamonds were high, but not ridiculous, and within reach of people with a bit of money to spend. We didn't sell anything with worse clarity than VS1, and that was only occasionally: SI diamonds were for cutting metal, or cutting other diamonds.

Have things really changed that much in the market, either in terms of supply, or price of good clarity diamonds? Or is this a Gemporia/selly telly thing of flogging poor-quality diamonds?
The thing I've noticed with Gemporia diamonds is that they will tell you the clarity in the detailed description but not the colour, or on the rare occasion they stress that they are selling G-H colour diamonds, they won't tell you the clarity. Sometimes they'll described the colour as 'white' and not give the clarity.

Definitely not a transparent company.
CHOCOLATE pearls were shocking in price that Gemporia flogged them today!
it’s not my personal aesthetic to have brown pearls, each to their own .
but COATED pearls that are Brown and so overpriced!
”pearly whites” require redefinition in the dictionary,
I watched the chocolate pearl show yesterday and, after reading the description and found they were 'coated' pearls, I message (twice) to ask them to explain about the coating. Strangely enough my messages weren't answered. If they are a transparent company why don't they address these things.

The other day there was a pearl and ruby bracelet - lovely design. The first time it was shown the on-screen description stated that they were filled rubies. Hoorah I thought someone is reading these posts and they're addressing concerns. The next day when they ran the bracelet again the 'filled' part was left out of the description.
The thing I've noticed with Gemporia diamonds is that they will tell you the clarity in the detailed description but not the colour, or on the rare occasion they stress that they are selling G-H colour diamonds, they won't tell you the clarity. Sometimes they'll described the colour as 'white' and not give the clarity.

Definitely not a transparent company.
Because they are nearly all I3 which are very dull and grey
I watched the chocolate pearl show yesterday and, after reading the description and found they were 'coated' pearls, I message (twice) to ask them to explain about the coating. Strangely enough my messages weren't answered. If they are a transparent company why don't they address these things.

The other day there was a pearl and ruby bracelet - lovely design. The first time it was shown the on-screen description stated that they were filled rubies. Hoorah I thought someone is reading these posts and they're addressing concerns. The next day when they ran the bracelet again the 'filled' part was left out of the description.
I noticed that too
Ellis has just shown a piece clipped from something and it’s about how cannabis is used by people with cancer.She’s however selling CBD and has used this to imply that it will have these similar effects. They are two completely different things altogether. So, so shady.
She is so full of herself.
I can’t believe how absolutely stupid that Lindsey actually is!She is presenting a collection of sphalerite but keeps referring to it as sphaRalite. Unbelievable.

I find it staggering that these so called 'GIA Accredited Jewellery Experts' get the very basics wrong.

Lyndsey Carr also pronounces 'Paraiba' as 'Pareeba' - whilst Lynn Jinks pronounces it as 'Parryayba'.

Jim pronounces 'Labradorite' as 'Labradite'.

Lynn Jinks pronounces 'Cruzeiro' as 'Cruise-ario' and 'Minas Gerais' as 'Minus Gerrias'

Spellings on VTs and graphics are shocking too. There's one VT in particular that starts with a lady called 'Venice' talking (and spelt correctly) - then it cuts to some other people talking - before going back to Venice spelt as 'Vennice'. They're literally on the same VT, around 20 seconds apart. Do they not get proof-readers to check these things?

In the not too distant past, we've had guest appearances from Yiani Melas, Yianni Milas, Glynn Lehrer, Glen Lehrer, Marius Gielo, Mariuz Gielo and Mariusz Geilo.

We've had clarances and midnght megadeals. They've sold us Cacoxenite and Cocoxenite gemstones. We've had the 'one location gemstone' Ametrine appearing as being from both Bolivia and Brazil.

We've had Diffused gemstones listed with the treatment (D) instead of (U) - (D) means Dyed. not Diffused.
We've had Irradiated gemstones listed with the treatment (I) instead of (IR) - (I) Waxed.
We've had Waxed gemstones listed with the treatment (C) instead of (I) - Waxing (I) is a transparent coating of wax put over the top of a stone to prevent it from absorbing moisture (common with Turquoise and other porous gemstones) - whereas Coating (C) is a coating underneath the stone intended to alter its colour or create effects that aren't available naturally - such as Mystic Topaz.

It's incompetence - but it looks very unprofessional for such a large company. You'd think they'd have proof readers to check over this kind of stuff before it goes out in front of the public?

Then there are things like presenters reading out articles about prices in dollars - but then moments later, refer to that same price in pounds sterling. For example, they'll say something like "Fine grade material costs 10,000 dollars per carat" - and then shortly afterwards they'll say "so material like this could cost you 10,000 pounds on todays market". No, Lynn Jinks, $10,000 does not equate to £10,000! It works out to around £8600!
I find it staggering that these so called 'GIA Accredited Jewellery Experts' get the very basics wrong.

Lyndsey Carr also pronounces 'Paraiba' as 'Pareeba' - whilst Lynn Jinks pronounces it as 'Parryayba'.

Jim pronounces 'Labradorite' as 'Labradite'.

Lynn Jinks pronounces 'Cruzeiro' as 'Cruise-ario' and 'Minas Gerais' as 'Minus Gerrias'

Spellings on VTs and graphics are shocking too. There's one VT in particular that starts with a lady called 'Venice' talking (and spelt correctly) - then it cuts to some other people talking - before going back to Venice spelt as 'Vennice'. They're literally on the same VT, around 20 seconds apart. Do they not get proof-readers to check these things?

In the not too distant past, we've had guest appearances from Yiani Melas, Yianni Milas, Glynn Lehrer, Glen Lehrer, Marius Gielo, Mariuz Gielo and Mariusz Geilo.

We've had clarances and midnght megadeals. They've sold us Cacoxenite and Cocoxenite gemstones. We've had the 'one location gemstone' Ametrine appearing as being from both Bolivia and Brazil.

We've had Diffused gemstones listed with the treatment (D) instead of (U) - (D) means Dyed. not Diffused.
We've had Irradiated gemstones listed with the treatment (I) instead of (IR) - (I) Waxed.
We've had Waxed gemstones listed with the treatment (C) instead of (I) - Waxing (I) is a transparent coating of wax put over the top of a stone to prevent it from absorbing moisture (common with Turquoise and other porous gemstones) - whereas Coating (C) is a coating underneath the stone intended to alter its colour or create effects that aren't available naturally - such as Mystic Topaz.

It's incompetence - but it looks very unprofessional for such a large company. You'd think they'd have proof readers to check over this kind of stuff before it goes out in front of the public?

Then there are things like presenters reading out articles about prices in dollars - but then moments later, refer to that same price in pounds sterling. For example, they'll say something like "Fine grade material costs 10,000 dollars per carat" - and then shortly afterwards they'll say "so material like this could cost you 10,000 pounds on todays market". No, Lynn Jinks, $10,000 does not equate to £10,000! It works out to around £8600!
Jim also pronounces Padparadscha sapphire as "Padparadasha" and Sakaraha pink sapphire as "Sakrahara." 🙄

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