Friday 18th September - Boycott QVC Day


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Why Boycott Dennis

Hi all :hi: being a newbie I am wondering why Dennis Basso is regarded as nasty, I have no thoughts on him either way, strange voice and I have never bought any of his stuff... never appealed to me. Also what is a F.A.R.T ... have to say what a fab forum this is :sun::giggle:

Hi all :hi: being a newbie I am wondering why Dennis Basso is regarded as nasty, I have no thoughts on him either way, strange voice and I have never bought any of his stuff... never appealed to me. Also what is a F.A.R.T ... have to say what a fab forum this is :sun::giggle:


Hi Gracie! :hi:

Dennis Basso may sell his 'faux fur' carp on QVC but his main business & what he is most recognised for as a designer etc., is flogging real fur coats.....& vile & often highly unethical & cruel trade, all so some silly c*w can parade around in a skin that looked 100 times better on its original owner! Yuk! *spit* :angry:

FARTS stands for:

F.A.R.T.S Club.


Is a kinda self-help thread group, designed to help us rein in our spending on items we actually really neither want nor need right now & that just add to the already large stockpile, or worse, sit unused in a cupboard for ever more! lol
TY... I will also boycott qvc when he is on from now on ... Yep lol TSV stockpiles are a thing from the past for me... all those 15 ml samples of things I would never normally use :giggle:... I just but my beauty as I need it ... and I also try stuff that I would not normally use.

Hi Gracie! :hi:

Dennis Basso may sell his 'faux fur' carp on QVC but his main business & what he is most recognised for as a designer etc., is flogging real fur coats.....& vile & often highly unethical & cruel trade, all so some silly c*w can parade around in a skin that looked 100 times better on its original owner! Yuk! *spit* :angry:

FARTS stands for:

F.A.R.T.S Club.


Is a kinda self-help thread group, designed to help us rein in our spending on items we actually really neither want nor need right now & that just add to the already large stockpile, or worse, sit unused in a cupboard for ever more! lol

the best argument ever!!! :up2:

hello:hi: and welcome, Gracie!!!!
LOL I seem to be getting to grips with how this works now... from now on there's no stopping me :wink2:
Yep lol TSV stockpiles are a thing from the past for me... all those 15 ml samples of things I would never normally use :giggle:... I just but my beauty as I need it ... and I also try stuff that I would not normally use.

Prepare yourself Gracie, somebody'll probably appear with a crown & a sceptre in a minute, as with that thinking, they're going to want to crown you 'Queen of the FARTS'! lol
A shining example to all us lesser mortals.......! *gulp* *must try harder* :giggle:
LOL I'm no angel where Qvc is concerned :angel:... they still get me with their extrordinary promises on other products :wink2:
I havent bought from QVC since 1999 (since I discovered that an item QVC sold was a lie) I do watch, but will not buy; I used to love the New Forest Cakes programme. I watch the odd hour; I will not watch on Friday 18th September - a stand must be made - it doesnt matter if other companies loose out; if they feel the pinch due to lack of sales, then they should complain to QVC. I cannot believe that QVC allow such a person on their programme. Animal cruelty in any shape or form is disgusting, and should not be tolerated, it should be outlawed - if every one in the forum makes a stand and protests agains Dennis Basso, it should force QVC to think about their actions - i cannot understand anyone wanting to own a fur coat/jacket - or any critter related products - there are times when i feel ashamed to be a member of the human race! You have my support i will not watch QVC at all on the 18th. xxxx
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Pleeease dont shoot me, I didnt turn him on on purpose, honest, QVC has been running quietly in the background nearly all day while I read and played games on my netbook, but, he was on and really caused a stir by asking Alison Keenan and Sharon to turn round and show thier Fannies! :11: AK nearly had a heart attack told him he cant say that word and he said, 'what, you mean I cant say Fanny:11:?'. The discomfort was clear to see and it serves them right!

You know BetLynch, I don't think there's anything wrong with just watching is there?! :sad:
Yet, when I think about it, I never tune in to his shows, have only stumbled across them when waiting for something else or channel-surfing, so basically I've only seen snippets of him.
Ooooookay, now I get it: suzywoozy said not to buy anything on the 18th... but watching can be perilous for some in sucking them in to buy... so safest option is not to watch either!
That nasty man Dennis Basso has a TSV on Friday 18th September. Please don't ANYONE buy it, or anything else from QVC on that day.

I have no interest in anything else on QVC except Home Eltectronics/ tech stuff etc,but I've seen this guy.KInd of hard to miss even when channel hopping,and I don't like him at all.Then I found out a bit more about him and like him even less,but it strikes me that your anger should be directed towards QVC as well.It's pretty hypocritical of them to sell products that promote an "eco friendly" ethos .on the one hand ,and then have someone like that raving Basso on who is the complete other end of the scale.His ethics ,as far as I'm concerned are not worthy of anything above ground and belong in a sewer. In light of,and in spite of all the controversy surrounding this guy, and all of it justifide in my opinion, I think that QVC continuing to support him, is out of order big time.They're contributing tothe sale of real fur by the back door by allowing that bloke to make money via their organisation.
I hope they're seriously thinking about getting rid of him at some point.
I have posted earlier that I won't be watching DB but what I don't understand is why people would want to buy faux fur anyway. It not only looks tacky but by buying from him you are sending out conflicting views i.e. I can't afford to buy 'real fur' so I'll buy faux instead. Personally I won't even buy suede or leather because there are alternatives. Shoes are a different matter because although you can get manmade uppers the sole is usually leather.
Hi i'm new on this forum but appalled to read this thread and realise what is really going on with this disgusting man and QVC. You can count me in..not going to watch at all. By the way brilliant idea Suzywoozy.
QVC = :cash: :cash: :cash: :cash: :cash:
I'm pretty sure that they keep track of the number of hits on the website and the number of people who have set their sky or Virgin boxes to tape hours as well so I have made sure that I haven't taped any hours that day, and I will avoid the website from midnight to midnight that day until the man is gone.
Whenever I used to see DB on QVC, I always found him quite creepy.. It wasn't until I joined this forum that I found out what he got up to! Why do QVC still sell his range, its beyond me.. I wonder if any of the female presenters make sure they're off when hes on? Im sure a few of them dislike him on the quiet.. No doubt JF will be doing shows that day, she really is on so much lately, gets on my nerves! I hope shes not doing any of the Charlie Bears shows..
Easy for me to join this boycott,as I never have/would wear natural skins and hate his stuff anyway. But like others I am shocked that such a big retailer as QVC should align themselves with such a sleazeball as this guy. Makes me shudder just thinking about him!

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