Flash Pad 3.0 handheld game TSV 27/10/2014


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Oct 27, 2012
Flash Pad 3.0 touchscreen electronic handheld game TSV on the 27/10/2014 (so that means no Ojon Tsv) ...

Last time I saw this being presented, it was with Charlie. I know he is competitive, but this time he was genuinely angry and pissed off at poor Gill who was co-presenting because she distracted him. He really truly was sulking and had a face like thunder. He refused to actually present the show and just huffed about starting again. You should have seen his angry thunderous face! Completely unprofessional, appalling behaviour. Throwing his toys out of the pram.
Dear Lord, why do they keep selling this out-dated game? Did the manufacturers manage to trap Q into a 15 year contract more water-tight than a duck's @rse, forcing them into flogging this dead horse every blessed year?
I cannot believe they are flogging this crap again this year!!! It was annoying enough watching it on the TV. Imagine having it in your living room making that awful racket. What a load of rubbish!
Last time I saw this being presented, it was with Charlie. I know he is competitive, but this time he was genuinely angry and pissed off at poor Gill who was co-presenting because she distracted him. He really truly was sulking and had a face like thunder. He refused to actually present the show and just huffed about starting again. You should have seen his angry thunderous face! Completely unprofessional, appalling behaviour. Throwing his toys out of the pram.

I saw that! Could not believe the strop he threw! Like a bad tempered child.

This game would be the equivalent of a living Hell for me if someone were playing it in the room near me. The noise would drive me to distraction. And the look of it is so very dated.
Dear Lord, why do they keep selling this out-dated game? Did the manufacturers manage to trap Q into a 15 year contract more water-tight than a duck's @rse, forcing them into flogging this dead horse every blessed year?

Ha Ha Ha, brilliant.
Flashpad TSV Mon

Well it will be a QVc free day on Monday as I see the. Flashpad is back. I can't stand watching them all fight over who gets the highest score. AHHHH!
my mum got one last year for my niece and nephew to share and they both love it, in fact its the only thing they do share. its a bit noisy so they were moved into the other room, but they enjoyed it
Is it really worth it or has this sort of thing been made obsolete by tablets?
Omg! Watching the launch live - not sure why! Charlie presenting and first try he scored 170 (Julia got 400 something). He was annoyed but got a second go and score 607 all the while yelling 'what's my score?!' When he'd finished he went insane, running around and OUT of the studio, destroying the score board and generally behaving like a complete IDIOT! Usually find him very annoying but that display has made me like him even less. Have had to turn off now, ESP as they are now showing flameless 'candles' and slankets... Ugh!
Apparently you can't buy this on the DHS it is exclusive to Q!!
I wonder why?"
My children are now in their 20's but this would have been "old Fashioned" when they where 9 and 12.
Who on earth is rushing to the phones or tapping the App to buy this?
Sorry it is yet another case of Q being behind the times , in my humble opinion.
Omg! Watching the launch live - not sure why! Charlie presenting and first try he scored 170 (Julia got 400 something). He was annoyed but got a second go and score 607 all the while yelling 'what's my score?!' When he'd finished he went insane, running around and OUT of the studio, destroying the score board and generally behaving like a complete IDIOT! Usually find him very annoying but that display has made me like him even less. Have had to turn off now, ESP as they are now showing flameless 'candles' and slankets... Ugh!

Over on the Q facebook page they all thought he was funny. Ugh, those Q facebookers must get hypnotised somewhere to never say anything bad about Q and its presenters.
Over on the Q facebook page they all thought he was funny. Ugh, those Q facebookers must get hypnotised somewhere to never say anything bad about Q and its presenters.

QVC facebookers often say nasty things about presenters but the posts are usually removed.
Omg I have Q on, sound only. Claire is doing the lunchtime special and the guest was talking and Claire shouts out how she's beaten her score. The guest actually asked if she was listening to her! Sorry, but they could sell as many as they do by doing a quick demo, not constantly playing them like children. I find this kind of behaviour repulsive.

I find it difficult to understand the whole game thing though. I am the least competitive person I know, and have never played the games on my phone or online. Although, I did get quite addicted to my old space invader machine in the early 80's, he he!
Watching the on screen antics would make any kid receiving this as a Christmas present cringe with embarrassment. So keep your kids away from the TV or they could be scarred for life should they see the presentation and then be unlucky enough to get one for Christmas. It would mean horrendous flashbacks !

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