Feeling Sorry for Jill Franks...


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He was very loud and talking over everyone going over to the models with no warning, jumping on JF for hugs, not moving on to the next product when asked - basically out of control.

No change then! He's always like that.
It looks like Lenny started on the Christmas cheer a bit early. I bet his Mrs wants to murder him lol
I watched a bit of the show tonight and thought Lenny was especially hyper , dancing with the models etc . I have just watched the video clips and omg he seems totally ....faced! Give Jill Franks her due , she coped very well , there are other presenters who would have been totally floored in these circumstances I feel .
Very cringeworthy to watch and totally unprofessional of course . No wonder he was pulled from the 11pm show .
Well I watched the show last night and thought it was great fun. Lenny is always hyper, but I don't think he was drunk - he wasn't slurring his words. If anything he might have been jet lagged and over tired. I find him very entertaining and I wish some of the others could be more like him.

I also like his clothes and have a few tops and some of his dresses, in particular the Sylvia dress. They are well made, comfortable, reasonably priced and feel great on.

I also don't think he was pulled from the later show, more likely fell asleep in his hotel room. He is due back at 12 today with Margarine - now that will be entertaining! It
will be interesting to see if there is a reason given for his absence.
Thanks for the videos but I could watch only one of them. I miss Lennie's shows ever since he was the guest when I was on one morning for the £50 prize which I won and while I was thanking the presenters, Kathy and Simon, he shouted over me on air! so I was cut off in my prime. Credit to Kathy and Simon, they were very gracious and tried to make up for his rudeness but I just can't stand the man and nothing he does surprises me.

Back to the video - what I saw, Jill Franks coped really well, all credit due to her.
I just caught some of the videos, having seen only the last 5 minutes of the show. He seemed to be able to talk a lot about his product for someone who was drunk so I started to put it down to jetlag. Then he said he had only flown in from Milan!! I reckon in the 5 hour fog delay they had plied him with booze to try and shut him up cos he was complaining so loudly. What a hoot that he was sent home "ill" last night though. lol.
Well I watched the show last night and thought it was great fun. Lenny is always hyper, but I don't think he was drunk - he wasn't slurring his words. If anything he might have been jet lagged and over tired. I find him very entertaining and I wish some of the others could be more like him.

I also like his clothes and have a few tops and some of his dresses, in particular the Sylvia dress. They are well made, comfortable, reasonably priced and feel great on.

I also don't think he was pulled from the later show, more likely fell asleep in his hotel room. He is due back at 12 today with Margarine - now that will be entertaining! It
will be interesting to see if there is a reason given for his absence.

I didn't see the show, but watched one of the videos, via the link provided. I didn't think he was drunk, either, just uber hyper and exuberant.
He seemed more or less his usual self earlier in the day. Maybe a bit more vocal working with Julia. But he was certainly harder work when Jill worked with him. She did really well, I thought and managed to keep the show on the road rather well. He's always loud and talks over people, although I think more through excitement and enthusiasm than anything. Perhaps it was a combination of tiredness, poorliness and medication of some sort. A few years back, with the help of flu meds and one pint of beer, a friend of mine turned from a very quiet man into the life and soul of the party (only there wasn't a party). With a bouncy fellow like Lenny …
I wonder if the models complained. I certainly would have if I was them and if I was due to be on at 11, I'd have put my foot down.
Yesterday he burst into a Price's Candles presentation and interrupted Ali K. He did not make much sense then other than yelling wonderful! I think he did it to say "hey look at me being all spontaneous and random, I am such a great guy" but he didn't have enough wit or chat to carry it off so he just looked a bit of a prat!
Debbie Flint was briefly introduced and he was shouting "I'm not speaking to her". Maybe she slapped him down off air earlier.
Oh dear, not good at all. There are a few guests who are loose cannons but Lenny excelled himself here. Maybe he'll atone by treating JF to a selection of his clothes - she's be thrilled I'm sure.
Didn't seem drunk to me, just seemed ... well, like Lenny. No different from normal. What's interesting is that this seems to be purely a screen persona. I watched a film online about him recently. Showed him being interviewed and at work, and wasn't over the top at all. If anything he was quiet and thoughtful. I also read an article about him by someone who's known him a long time, and it said that he's actually nothing like he appears to be on screen, that this is a Lenny who only ever appears on TV. Makes me wonder if he's naturally shy and has created this other Lenny to cope when being watched by millions of people. Maybe he thinks people expect fashion designers to be over the top and extrovert, as most of them are, so that's what he gives them.

Should also add that nothing makes me feel sorry for JF - does her good to know what it's like to have someone talking over her all the time. Pity she's so self-absorbed that she won't realise that's what she does to others.
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