Feeling Sorry for Jill Franks...


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Silly, poofy old man is every bit as dreadful as his tacky old clothes! I do wonder why they tend to have a lot of this type of guest on QVC. Simon Wilson, Antthony, etc. They all fit into this sort or camp figure mould.

It seems that some of the American guests tend to be a little more hyper. QVC attracts lots of campy fashion types that can be a little loud overbearing. There's Maaaaaaaaally from Maaaaaly Byooooty shrieking her head off like a Philippina banshee! Lenny Feinberg has a Neil Sedaka / Big Bird from Sesame Street voice! I remember some years ago a guy called Harvey Taubman was on with Jilly Halliday flogging some eye cream. I actually called into Customer Services to ask them to get him to shut up! He was so overbearing. My current hit list of guests / presenters is:

1) Lulu - Lying old witch!
2) Sarah Shurety - Another lying old witch!
3) Mally - far too loud!
4) Lenny Feinberg - camp as tits but slightly lecherous. Maybe he swings both ways and turns into a pumpkin at midnight!
5) That young Liz Earle clone woman. I forget her name. Can't stand her!
6) Chloe Everton - Nothing against her personally. Just don't like her manner / the way she comes across grates on me.
7) Simon Wilson - the Bitch of Kitsch that wears brooches as big as a dinner plate and thinks it looks avant-garde!
8) Leighton Denny - Can't stand his stereotypically camp voice. If he wants to have sex with men - fine! But why does he have to speak like that? He can't even pronounce the word "jojoba" correctly.
9) Alison Young - Screechy and harsh on the ear. Not much better on the eye. Looks like Kermit the Frog's wife has inflated herself with a bicycle pump and donned a purple, shoulder-padded maternity dress!
10) That horrid little man that demonstrates sweepers / vacuums cleaners and the like. I just cannot ABIDE him!

What horrible posts.
I don't like Leighton Denny either, but why bring his sexuality into it?
I don't dislike him because he's gay, I just don't like the guy. What has the fact that he sleeps with men got to do with it?

So what if Anttony is camp? His sexuality isn't the only aspect that defines him. He seems like a nice guy with an annoying laugh IMO.

Sorry Julius, but your posts have really offended me. This was a thread about a guest possibly being drunk on live TV.
I don't understand why you turned it into an attack on various peoples sexuality?
If you really have that much of a problem with gay men, maybe you're a member of the wrong forum as shopping TV can be as camp as a row of tents at times IMO.
MrMarple I don't have a problem with anyone being gay. I just do wonder why (gay or otherwise) people speak in "that" way. It coms across as a bit affected and false. What people do with their genitals is nothing to do with me!
Vile posts like these were the reason I blocked this vicious young man a few weeks ago. Means I now can't see any of his posts directly, but seeing them quoted here I have to say how much more pleasant it is not being able to see most of what he says.
MrMarple I don't have a problem with anyone being gay. I just do wonder why (gay or otherwise) people speak in "that" way. It coms across as a bit affected and false. What people do with their genitals is nothing to do with me!
Why does anyone speak the way they do? Some people may put it on/play it up a bit but many don't - the majority IMO. It is just what happens when they speak. I knew someone who was as camp as all got out and I had thought he was gay until he came on to me. It turned out that not only was he a bit of ladies man but had not the slightest idea that he came across as camp. (I didn't enlighten him). 't was certainly not put on.
I don't understand what people are getting so upset about! I understand that a persons sexuality is not of their choosing.I totally get that. I just don't believe that most most people who speak in a campy fashion do so because of some innate predisposition. I find the whole phenomenon quite interesting. I believe that several scientific studies have been conducted with varying conclusions. I just wish that people would stop being offended at things that are not directed personally at them. I admit to finding the funny antics of some guests on QVC quite amusing.
I don't understand what people are getting so upset about! I understand that a persons sexuality is not of their choosing.I totally get that. I just don't believe that most most people who speak in a campy fashion do so because of some innate predisposition. I find the whole phenomenon quite interesting. I believe that several scientific studies have been conducted with varying conclusions. I just wish that people would stop being offended at things that are not directed personally at them. I admit to finding the funny antics of some guests on QVC quite amusing.

Maybe because your post was rude, offensive, obnoxious, condescending and uncalled for!

May I suggest something? If that much on QVC upsets you, your tv has other channels and also has an off button, no one is forcing you to watch it.
I don't understand what people are getting so upset about! I understand that a persons sexuality is not of their choosing.I totally get that. I just don't believe that most most people who speak in a campy fashion do so because of some innate predisposition. I find the whole phenomenon quite interesting. I believe that several scientific studies have been conducted with varying conclusions. I just wish that people would stop being offended at things that are not directed personally at them. I admit to finding the funny antics of some guests on QVC quite amusing.

Why shouldn't people express their feelings when they find something offensive? It may not be directed towards them BUT it is important that people stand up and challenge bigotry when it rears its ugly head.

Your posts appear homophobic... Sexuality is a 'protected characteristic' in law so please refrain from such casual un-informed remarks - you are a bigot and thoroughly unpleasant with it.

You think you are witty - you're not, you're just plain spiteful.
It doesn't upset me in the least! I don't mind people being campy, I just wonder why they are! The only things on QVC that annoy me are Sarah Shurety and Lulu profiteering from the vulnerable. I do note that QVC has a lot of gay guests. I remember people getting quite upset when I pointed this out previously. Heaven knows why. It's true!
Maybe because your post was rude, offensive, obnoxious, condescending and uncalled for!

May I suggest something? If that much on QVC upsets you, your tv has other channels and also has an off button, no one is forcing you to watch it.
"Can't stand his stereotypically camp voice."
" I don't mind people being campy"
Can we get this thread back on topic? It appears to have been hijacked...
Yet another thread 'stolen' by the very small minority who prefer to troll than discuss. I, too, am very glad for the 'ignore' button. I can highly recommend it to anyone offended by this type of thing. No amount of arguing will stop that type of person making that kind of post, but at least we don't have to read it.
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