I think the above is right. The grey pound is their target market in general. How many phone in voices actually sound UNDER 50, or 40 for that matter ?
HOWEVER, what these "stylists" and buyers have failed to grasp, is, their target market were once the teenagers of the 60's ! and the last thing that that generation wants is to look like their mothers did when they were post menapausal !!!! only back then - yeah, 40 odd years ago, it was called CRIMPILENE ! and now we have been lumbered with bl....dy polyester in the guise of 'milky' and 'fluid jersey' !!!
I am 62 with no longer a figure to die for, but who onced danced around her handbag with the best of them, - as probably most of the qvc female audience did, and who still have an eye for fashion, and who love Monsoon, and Per Una et al. Not all of us reach a certain age, and overnight become Mumsy - SO WHY OH WHY cant the 'children' who are posing as buyers at QVC act grown up for once and give us the fashion we want.