Fashion with Peter Simon


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Good luck with your therapy. I have managed to avoid therapy myself by switching off the television when Pope Pete is on but my eyes are usually transfixed and I can't believe what he comes out with. I am starting a petition to bring back the Worry Angels!!

Ahh yes the Worry Angels, makes PS one pain in the glass.
he must have something horrid about someone to keep getting jobs

Sadly, I think the only qualification he needs to keep getting jobs is stellar sales figures. I think people will tune in to watch him, because his antics are so outrageous. IW will see a surge in numbers on the website and phones and connect it to PS being on air. The fact that he doesn't have any scruples about the tactics he will use to sell chimes well with what appear to be IW business ethics, so actually, they're a good fit.
Sadly, I think the only qualification he needs to keep getting jobs is stellar sales figures. I think people will tune in to watch him, because his antics are so outrageous. IW will see a surge in numbers on the website and phones and connect it to PS being on air. The fact that he doesn't have any scruples about the tactics he will use to sell chimes well with what appear to be IW business ethics, so actually, they're a good fit.

Stellar sales figures? Who says? As far as we're concerned everyone you talk to can't stand the man, I think IW were under the impression he's funny and popular (no, and er no), IW ethics are better than QVCs, it's the presenters that are a pain in the bum. People may watch PS out of a weird fascination..........doesn't exactly get you reaching for your cheque book though.
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Stellar sales figures? Who says? As far as we're concerned everyone you talk to can't stand the man, I think IW were under the impression he's funny and popular (no, and er no), IW ethics are better than QVCs, it's the presenters that are a pain in the bum. People may watch PS out of a weird fascination..........doesn't exactly get you reaching for your cheque book though.

Obviously I don't know what his sales figures are, but it's a fairly safe guess that he has very strong sales figures. Judging his success by the views of posters on this forum or any other will not necessarily reflect the wider potential buying audience watching PS shows.
Greg, Lol. But as a true follower, can I recommend: (a) you should not be writing your posts so that they can be easily understood (Pete has standards to maintain, you know) and (b) your post lacks a few "Not Only's..." ..about 50 of them per hour should do the trick..

I'm already having weekly sessions as a result of a lifetime's devotion to the teachings and example set by the telly shopping guru that is Pope Pete.
Earlier this evening I clicked over about four times. The "delightful and charming" Mikey Boy on earlier and then Peter. Each time within about ten seconds they both issued stock warnings in a serious manner. They must be doing this every five minutes because it can't be a co-incidence that I heard it every time. Obviously it is meant to chivvy people along and scare them into buying. I always talk to the television (yes I know...) and say "oh dear I won't be quick enough to get one, what a shame". I usually up my medication when I get to the talking to the television stage.
Earlier this evening I clicked over about four times. The "delightful and charming" Mikey Boy on earlier and then Peter. Each time within about ten seconds they both issued stock warnings in a serious manner. They must be doing this every five minutes because it can't be a co-incidence that I heard it every time. Obviously it is meant to chivvy people along and scare them into buying. I always talk to the television (yes I know...) and say "oh dear I won't be quick enough to get one, what a shame". I usually up my medication when I get to the talking to the television stage.

Funny isn't it, by the end of the hour they've still got all the colours!.............shock! :mysmilie_14:
Funny isn't it, by the end of the hour they've still got all the colours!.............shock! :mysmilie_14:

My personal favourite is when a product is Pick of the Day and the presenter says this item will never last 24 hours, we will probably have no stock left after the next hour. But they usually still have enough to last. But that is probably because they have managed to get more stock from somewhere. And I believe them.....
My personal favourite is when a product is Pick of the Day and the presenter says this item will never last 24 hours, we will probably have no stock left after the next hour. But they usually still have enough to last. But that is probably because they have managed to get more stock from somewhere. And I believe them.....

Basically they're just a bunch of liars, I suppose it wouldn't sound the same if they say "check out your flexi-baskets, the stock won't last till a week next Tuesday"..............nope, the truth isn't hard sell enough.
Basically they're just a bunch of liars, I suppose it wouldn't sound the same if they say "check out your flexi-baskets, the stock won't last till a week next Tuesday"..............nope, the truth isn't hard sell enough.

:mysmilie_19: nice one - things you'd never hear an IW presenter say.
I think the drill bit presentation is about the most boring product they sell. I instantly switch over when that is on. :dull::dull:
I think the drill bit presentation is about the most boring product they sell. I instantly switch over when that is on. :dull::dull:

Me too. I saw a couple of minutes and the expert was saying something like "you need q particular drill bit and you go to the shop and they haven't got it so you can't finish the job". Are we to believe that there are hundreds of unfinished DIY jobs up and down the country just waiting for these drill bits to be invented?
Muttley, were you watching during the same hour as me - the cooker 'thingy', with the Chef cooking chicken and roast potatoes in it? Pope Pete was cramming his face with the cooked chicken, preceded by "oh, look at that! Will you look at that!" Of course, as none of us have ever glimpsed a cooked chicken or roast potatoes before, we needed to be told.... Honestly, it was enough to put you off food for a month (perhaps we could market Pete as a diet aid?). I thought the Chef looked totally p****d off, really surly (and I'd look the same if it were me, too). And, of course, Pete blethering on about... "91% gone, you'll need to be quick, these are selling out". I don't know how he has the blurdy cheek to say it, when the following day there will be another million of them for sale in exactly the same hour. This was the first time I haven't heard him shouting out the easy-pay instalment as though it was the total price - unless he did it after I'd flicked over, as I honestly couldn't stand the sight of him stuffing his chops. I know these presenters think it encourages us to feel hungry and then to buy the thing, but it actually does the complete opposite with me, puts me right off - it's like when Q have food on, and meCharlie Brooke or someone is gobbling everything in sight.

Earlier this evening I clicked over about four times. The "delightful and charming" Mikey Boy on earlier and then Peter. Each time within about ten seconds they both issued stock warnings in a serious manner. They must be doing this every five minutes because it can't be a co-incidence that I heard it every time. Obviously it is meant to chivvy people along and scare them into buying. I always talk to the television (yes I know...) and say "oh dear I won't be quick enough to get one, what a shame". I usually up my medication when I get to the talking to the television stage.
They think it's a selling point, the more food they stuff down their patronising gobs, the better the machine is and we must, MUST!! buy it.......just buy it!! just buy it!!...........sorry, I lost it for a mo there. :mysmilie_13:
Muttley, were you watching during the same hour as me - the cooker 'thingy', with the Chef cooking chicken and roast potatoes in it? Pope Pete was cramming his face with the cooked chicken, preceded by "oh, look at that! Will you look at that!" Of course, as none of us have ever glimpsed a cooked chicken or roast potatoes before, we needed to be told.... Honestly, it was enough to put you off food for a month (perhaps we could market Pete as a diet aid?). I thought the Chef looked totally p****d off, really surly (and I'd look the same if it were me, too). And, of course, Pete blethering on about... "91% gone, you'll need to be quick, these are selling out". I don't know how he has the blurdy cheek to say it, when the following day there will be another ymillion of them for sale in exactly the same hour. This was the first time I haven't heard him shouting out the easy-pay instalment as though it was the total price - unless he did it after I'd flicked over, as I honestly couldn't stand the sight of him stuffing his chops. I know these presenters think it encourages us to feel hungry and then to buy the thing, but it actually does the complete opposite with me, puts me right off - it's like when Q have food on, and meCharlie Brooke or someone is gobbling everything in sight.

It may have been the same show because I thought the chef appeared a little surly. He was ignoring Pete but in hindsight may have been embarrased by his actions and stupid comments. And the shovelling of food really makes me feel quesy so I never linger. Other presenters can be a little greedy but he acts like he doesn't know when he will eat again. Surely his Nutri-whatsit machine and his green smoothies fill him up?
Are the presenters only getting minimum wage so the scoff down the food cos they can't afford to eat?

Perhaps Pope Pete has worms?
:mysmilie_13::mysmilie_14:It's all right, everything's all right shopperholic, I'm cured, and so will you be, keep thinking calming, positive thoughts.......LADIES, BUY IT! BUY IT! JUST BUY IT!....oh, no, I've relapsed, and I thought I was cured...NURSE!

They think it's a selling point, the more food they stuff down their patronising gobs, the better the machine is and we must, MUST!! buy it.......just buy it!! just buy it!!...........sorry, I lost it for a mo there. :mysmilie_13:

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