Every Fortnight eh Julia? you mucky cow!


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ive been known to package it back up and return it to QVC before now.... :angel:

URGH!!! Dirty cow!!!

Those people in the returns team must have to wear hazmat suits just in case you send any more back! :sweat:
i'm more concerned about the person who bought it from an outlet store :giggle:


Well, hopefully they were looking for a "splash of colour to liven up the bedroom".

And are also fans of Neapolitan ice cream :wink:
I don't think it's necessary until they start to stiffen without the aid of starch. The only other time is if I spill me chips or ketchup on 'em, but even then you can manage for a while by turning 'em over.

However, pillowcases are a whole different story. I just can't stand the smell of pickled herring. <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D3%252F3%255F13%255F7%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_13_7.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D3%252F3_13_7%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a> xxxxxxxxxxxx
Every 2 weeks here.

And NO I don't wear underwear in bed and if I do wear PJs I change them every night.

Sleeping in the same bedding everynight is far different from wearing things close to your skin and intimate areas. For a start, you sweat less at night cause you are less active, thats why you are meant to put on fresh deodarant at night (those special medication ones tell you it is a must). You go the toilet less and you probably end up kicking the cover off several times a night too.

I used to change my bedding every week when I lived with mum and dad but when I moved out my flat is too small to dry a Double duvet cover, 4 pillows, a flat sheet and a double quilted patchwork sheet every week, with having no tumble it is impossible, there would be no room for my clothes and underwear to dry.

I also have a sheet at the bottom of the bed and one at the top for Daytime cover so my cats can feel comfortable on my bed without it getting covered in cat fur, these are changed ever 2 weeks too.

Give it time dearie, give it time. :sweat: xxxxxxxxxxx
it wasnt that bad, i scratched the worst of it off with my fingernail. ponged a bit though! :down:

That's why one should always have wipes to hand Burlz - just in case of inconvenient splurges.
That's why one should always have wipes to hand Burlz - just in case of inconvenient splurges.

Brings a whole new meaning to the word "waterbed". Have you tried one of these instead? <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D1%252F1%255F4%255F116%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/1/1_4_116.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D1%252F1_4_116%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a> No need for sheets at all, nor indeed a shower. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i change mine every 2 months, they dont really need it but its when i use my bettygoawaygrey lotion which has a habit of staining the polyester :devil:
well well thats the first time I've seen KY Jelly being referred to as vinegar, as for the onions - I am not going to translate that! :giggle:

MOYNAH! Honestly, all this "hot bearded Martyn Parker action" you're getting on IW has set you off and no mistake! :blush:

I don't like KY jelly anyway: it never sets properly...
LOL OH NOOO KLAR!! shhh dont make my face-bristle-thigh-rubbing action PUBLIC!:angel:

Why not? You should be proud of what you can do with a bottle of wine and some scouring pads :devil:
Bottom sheet & pillowcases once a week.Duvet once a fortnight.Husband snores like a trouper so we have a double bed in seperate rooms but we get on very well ( & thats all |I'm saying ). Towels twice a week.

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