Er, come again ?


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Reading the comments on here, can I just say...please be kind, be grateful and less judgemental. All I want is to find out if there are offers or something of interest on QVC and maybe read some fun comments. If this was a general interest forum, I'd be gone already.
This thread started with a reasonable criticism of a pretentious statement it then touched on the following: gardens, garden maintenance, laundry & washing lines, neighbours, society & its issues, parenting & finally my late mother in law. I don't know if your comment relates to this particular one or our discussions in general so I looked through the comments & couldn't see anything that was unkind, ungrateful or judgemental. Please explain.
My parents ruled with an iron fist which was not uncommon but it wasn’t the best way either.
However it seems to have gone completely the other way.

We have neighbours with 3 children about 10\8\5 now but since they were born they have been real terrors, all can be attributed to their parents. Jumping from a ladder to a car roof, climbing up the car and down the other side like a garden slide. They swing off the balcony regularly.

We were out recently watching a wedding bridal party in family groups. Their van was parked and the 5 yo was on the roof in socks so it was as slippy as hell, doing jack jumps, it would only have taken a moment and she would have been on the road with serious head injuries. Mum and dad stood chatting and totally ignoring her.

The granny who used to come every single day and stay all day thought nothing of extending the cricket pitch into the next garden so the little darlings could have enough room to bat and run. Their neighbour was recently widowed and has become a bit of a recluse so probably wouldn’t say anything. Obviously child rearing standards has been passed down the generations.

And when the inevitable happens it will be someone else's fault.

No respect, no responsibility.
I was given the usual plethora of advice when I became a mum & apart from drinking sherry because it is full of iron & good for nursing mothers the one piece I followed most was 'Always aim to say yes to your child but when you have to say no, say it, mean it & stick to it'. Our girls were contented babies, happy children & even easy teens so we were either very lucky or did a relatively good job; the best compliments I've ever received were the ones that our daughters were well behaved & had good manners.

My mum gave me similar advice and also tacked on that we both should always say yes or no together. My sister and her husband ignored this advice so when she said no, my nephew would go to his dad and get a yes (one of those dads who just wanted peace). As a result my nephew became the poster child for spoiled children.

My mum also warned to never say anything in front of a child you wouldn't say to the person you're talking about. Another bit of advice my sister ignored and after my nephew repeated her opinion of his teacher to him, life became quite difficult. Not for my sister, but for my nephew ultimately.

My opinion of that teacher went downhill fast as he made my nephew's life miserable for my sister's opinions.

My parents were always happy to take my daughter out but avoided my nephew like the plague. My dad simply couldn't cope with the bad behaviour.

My friend is another who has made life hard for herself by spoiling her son. He does not know the word no unless it's said to him the first time he asks for something. Then he'll just scream until he gets it. He's 11 now and a big lad. Big enough that he's now getting violent towards his parents who have finally realised that he's not a 'spectrum' child (multiple assessments), just spoiled. They sent him for boxing lessons thinking that he'd learn discipline. All it taught him was how to hit more effectively and when he refused to go after another child hit him that was the end of that.

I love my friend dearly but I don't like seeing her if her son is around. The last time we went out he started kicking a stranger's car because he didn't get his own way. My friend told me she hates him and I think she really means it. What shocks me the most is her older lad (19) is a nice boy and has always been well-behaved. He also avoids his brother. It's very sad.
Just talk about QVC ? years (and years) ago that would be a conversation worth having such was the variety of shows and products; but NOW ? we've already exhausted all there is to say about Marla Wynn, Julia Roberts footwear, Chloe's gob, oh, hang on have they sold out of the Dyson hair stylers ? we've gone a couple of weeks without a mention ! or is fluorescent fanny on holiday ?
Don`t take anything to heart Lam. Threads usually take twists and turns much like real life conversations do. We`re a mixed bag of ages, backgrounds, news and views both positive and negative. To be honest the forum would be downright boring if we only discussed whatever that day`s monstrosity on Q was or which face cream works better than the others etc. I daresay none of us agree with everything which is said but such is life, you`d no more agree with every person in a bus queue or every person in a shop queue so on here is no different. I know people often spout the "if you can`t say anything nice then say nothing at all " mantra but I like to think we`re all adult enough to accept human beings with all their failings just love to air their views and I include myself in that. The World is WOKE enough as far as I`m concerned and on here is a breath of fresh air, we say what we think, think what we say and accept we aren`t always right no more than we aren`t always wrong.
Vienna, I think you put it perfectly and there's not much I'd add to that. In previous incarnations of this forum, the minute you said something that wasn't quite in line with the subject matter, you'd get a little emoji holding an "off topic" banner, and threads would often be closed by the mods if it had drifted too far. That emoji is no longer available ( I just checked) and I'm glad of that because it allows for natural conversation to flow as it does in the real world. There is also nothing to stop a poster steering the conversation back on topic, if they still want to say something about the title subject. There are many threads that have different conversations running side by side - This happens in life too. In a gathering one couple maybe discussing the price of parking, whilst another merrily chats away about the gadget they bought to take the stalks out of strawberries!
I try my best to be kind and respectful, and judgemental, yes, some of the comments perhaps can seem that way. Earlier on I touched upon people who don't work, we talked about people not disciplining their feral children, scruffy gardens, and I often talk about my smelly neighbour -Maybe it doesn't fit into everybody's idea of what "kind means" but it's never my intention to hurt or offend those I'm talking to. If something did touch a raw nerve, as Vienna said, we're all adult enough to deal with it without falling out with one another. I think hard before I post and I'm happy to do that, as am I for someone to disagree with me and say so - but I'm not about to start walking on eggshells here!
If we just made comments about QVC and their wares this forum would, possibly, have ended sometime ago.

Personally I like the way comments swing from subject to another, sometimes nothing to do with the thread title - no eggshell walking from me either.
I have been on this forum for years and have read so many interesting, informative and most importantly funny, laugh out loud comments.My cyber friends, and that is not from some sad old lady, you write so interestingly but it is some time since I put my pen down, I agree, disagree and as Brissles said it is not about QVC anymore because most of us are bored rigid with what that has become.We are heading out of a period of our lives never experienced before, note I am not abandoning distance, masks & the like probably forever, well a very long time.Life and values have changed.I was always looking to go places, booking trips, now I have pleasure at home doing my small garden.Still want to dress up, wear the jewellery, get the makeup, try the skincare, welcome 74 years!
I’m the same, Erics Mum. I would never say anything on a forum or behind someone’s back that I wouldn't say to their face. However, sometimes in life it’s better to say nothing at all but to just think it. That’s stood me in good stead thus far.
Me three.
I was once told, in a work context, never write something you'd be ashamed to hear read back to you in a court of law.
Many's the time when we have posted constructive criticism on these pages, but Q ploughs on regardless and perhaps our criticism sometimes isn't as constructive as it once was. Maybe I'm deluded to think Q's model has a limited shelf life. The bumblebee flies, despite being a direct contradiction to the laws of physics, maybe Q is a bumblebee too.

In some ways we are as guilty of not sticking to the point as the Q presenters, but at least we are not being paid for it!

We are forever digressing, sometimes confused and confusing, but I think we are sat around a virtual kitchen table together with a brew or a glass of vino collapso (depending on tastes and the time of day) having a catch up...and it's bloomin brilliant, imo. Shuffle up, make room for one more, and another.
Just talk about QVC ? years (and years) ago that would be a conversation worth having such was the variety of shows and products; but NOW ? we've already exhausted all there is to say about Marla Wynn, Julia Roberts footwear, Chloe's gob, oh, hang on have they sold out of the Dyson hair stylers ? we've gone a couple of weeks without a mention ! or is fluorescent fanny on holiday ?
fluorescent fanny on holiday ? :ROFLMAO::LOL::LOL:

Eh? Whose fanny?
Reading the comments on here, can I just say...please be kind, be grateful and less judgemental. All I want is to find out if there are offers or something of interest on QVC and maybe read some fun comments. If this was a general interest forum, I'd be gone already.
But with all due respect, others may want different things from the forum and thus I don’t really see why discussion should be limited to deals on Q and fun comments. We have talked at length about the effects of the pandemic and I received a lot of love and support from forumites when I had a bad accident last year, neither of which fall into the category of fun. Compared to the Wild West of social media, I don’t think our threads are usually cruel or ungrateful. It seems to me you only have to express an opinion on Twitter for someone to tell you to **** off so I think this forum is civilised in comparison!
Sorry, a long post 🙄

For selfish reasons I love this forum and read it a couple of times a day.

living alone and with quite severe depression I’ve found the lockdowns very difficult, as I’m sure lots of others have done.

having QVC on in the background, often wondering if my eyes or ears are deceiving me, I then turn to this forum to find that some of you have picked up on the same cringeworthy comments, blatant hard-sell or ridiculous items on sale.

thanks all !

PS I have mentioned before that I lost my beloved almost 22 year old cat in 2019 and haven’t yet committed to a new one.

well, our local Cats Protection branch is looking for fosterers which I think will suit me until I’m ready to take on the long term commitment. Wish me luck with my application !
But with all due respect, others may want different things from the forum and thus I don’t really see why discussion should be limited to deals on Q and fun comments. We have talked at length about the effects of the pandemic and I received a lot of love and support from forumites when I had a bad accident last year, neither of which fall into the category of fun. Compared to the Wild West of social media, I don’t think our threads are usually cruel or ungrateful. It seems to me you only have to express an opinion on Twitter for someone to tell you to **** off so I think this forum is civilised in comparison!
Civilised it has to be I wouldn’t be anywhere near otherwise.I read FB but don’t post, it causes more upset than you know, when someone puts a photo of a departed friend which they would never ever given consent to.

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