OK another
I used QActive last night at the stroke of midnight(oh drama or what)

Noticed even with two glasses of wine it said p&p was £5.45 even though on live screen said £4.95. On like a shot to CS, phoneline really busy and Pippa kept telling me if I want to reserve my item and still hold for CS I could. Thought that was nice of her, maning the phones.

So a very nice guy answered after a short while and I explained and he checked. It was showing online and QActive at £5.45 and not £4.95, so he changed it for me.
Lovely CS guy said,"Oh you are quick off the mark ordering." Must show the time I placed the order. So I told him knew it was going to be fabulous as I belong to st.com and Keeley mentioned it on her Facebook too. He told me the phones where bedlam and he was there until 7am.
I love my PCMC and that was the reason I wanted the TSV, can't use the Tri En stuff and don't like the Max Moisturiser.
OK everyone
it was the pink bow on the bag which swung it, wasn't it?