Someone on Q`s facebook page says there are another 5 drops of this ? Is that right ? If so then including this tsv it`s going to be over £400 phew that`s a LOT of money on lotions and potions.
Yet another annoyance. Why don't QVC spell out properly the details of the ADs? How many, at what intervals? Not on the website, and not clear during presentations either!
I can't believe it would be more than 12 months-worth of auto deliveries... so 5 more at 60 days interval would be about right, wouldn't it... in total?
5 drops? Too many if you ask me, just think about the upcoming Christmas TSVs...
I decided to call CS and ask. What's on the website is, to put it kindly, confusing. Receive one drop every 60 days! There is a single AD after the initial one.
Someone needs to let them know on fb then because one woman is banking on it every 60 days until next july !
Well AY clearly stated 5 more drops during midnight launch!