Dyson Haircare TSV 06/06/20


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Depends what you call afford really...I don't know if anyone watches "rich house poor house" on tv but the rich people often have a couple of grand spare to spend on a weekly basis, now if I had that kind of money floating around then I'd buy it to see what all the fuss was about. I could buy it outright if I took the money from my savings, it wouldn't leave me in debt, but I would have to think "do I want to spend that sort of money on something so mundane?" and the answer would have to be no. I most certainly couldn't afford to pay for it out of my monthly wages, possibly could just about scrape the easy payments, but couldn't think of seeing myself nearly £80 short every month for 5 months for the sake of a blinking hairdryer! My mum had a dyson vacuum and she didn't get on with it because it was too heavy and cumbersome and she found it almost sucked the carpets up..she gave it to us to try..and we didn't get on with it either. Hubby bought a handheld version a few years later and that was pretty mediocre...I eventually bought a hoover handheld and that was 10 times better!...and thinking about it...I don't actually want to line James Dyson's pockets more than they're already lined thank you!
I don't think you're being offensive ohnonotshoppingagain with your comments..if you can honestly afford to buy it buy it....but seriously not worth getting in to debt for. The saying says some people have more money than sense, I actually don't agree - they've just got the freedom to buy what they want when they want knowing there's plenty more where that came from!
I doubt you’ve offended anyone because people who’ve bought it would no doubt themselves admit that £400 was a ridiculous price for it. I’m lucky that I could afford to buy it, I say “could” but never would, never in a million years. I think the multi millionaire James Dyson will be still comfortable without my £400, wouldn’t pay that for his fans either.

Just had a quick look and Pipa/Pippa/Pipppa is using it but noticed her hair was partly dry before she started, deceitful? I think so. AH looks a right state in her mint green ensemble, shoulder padded dress, looks like she’s about to play for the NFL.

It really is a ridiculous price. The 5 Easy Pays will have encouraged more buyers but as Jilly said last night, “you won’t be finished paying for this until, like, November” (the last payment would actually be October). This was meant to be a (good) selling point but actually the thought of still paying that far ahead surely bangs home the financial commitment! Wake up and smell the overpriced coffee, people - that’s £78 a month until a few weeks before Christmas!

Like ohnonotshoppingagain, I don’t mean to offend those who buy / have bought it. I admit I have been slightly curious to try it but, as others here are saying, do I need it? No! I have all I need to style my hair. It would just be ANOTHER box taking up space on my bedroom floor (because there’s no cupboard or shelf space left). If that nice Mr Dyson wants to give me one (as it were!), I won’t say no, though.
Oh dear, what can I say without offending anyone. I am not a Dyson fan, having bought vacuum cleaners, the hot/cool AM09 etc. It is little wonder that Dyson is a millionaire when people are willing to pay his prices, it astonishes me that depending where you purchase this set, you can oay from just under £700 down to QVC £449.

I have long hair and I am older than Julia Roberts, who has health issues with medication, yet it doesn’t seem to effect her hair (my hair is not as long as Queen Julia) but it has affected my hair both in thinning and texture which is common if you are on meds.

It just astounds me that we Brits would encourage paying this for a hairdryer. I think it’s foolish and I can’t get my head, pun intended, round who would pay this for a hairdryer/styler.

Astounded, but don’t want to offend the millions on this forum who might well have one🥱
I get what you are saying and it is a hell of a lot to pay. However I do understand that some people would think it’s worth the money. If it works for them and they use it often enough then I do get why some think it’s worth the money. As Julia said if it saves you having a once a week blow dry for £80 it’s good value, though I don’t know anyone who does that (I think she lives in a different world from me). One of my colleagues spends more than the cost of one of these on alcohol and cigarettes in a month and some people would spend this amount on a handbag.
By the way, Abi Horne’s shiny pastel dress - did she make it out of a kid’s unicorn-themed paddling pool?

I get what you are saying and it is a hell of a lot to pay. However I do understand that some people would think it’s worth the money. If it works for them and they use it often enough then I do get why some think it’s worth the money. As Julia said if it saves you having a once a week blow dry for £80 it’s good value, though I don’t know anyone who does that (I think she lives in a different world from me). One of my colleagues spends more than the cost of one of these on alcohol and cigarettes in a month and some people would spend this amount on a handbag.

Hmm, Julia, £80 for a blow dry. My hairdresser, definitely not one of the cheapest in the area, had recently started offering a blow-dry (or curling/waving with GHDs) service for £20. I used it twice when I was going somewhere posh as they do it really well and you can actually get it done as a walk-in. Do people actually pay £80 every week just to have their hair blow-dried? Silly question, of course they do. Certainly on Planet Julia. Pointless for me as it would just about last the day and next morning my hair would be all over the place again (so six days like that and doing it myself!).
Well if she pays £80 a week for the ******** we see, not counting colour and trims, she is bloody robbed as she looks dragged through a hedge backwards more often than not.

Whilst I think Del Boy’s style is dated I’ll admit that it always looks in good condition

Taking on such long easy pays in the current condition is risky unless C19 has no bearing on your income as who knows if their job still exists by November.

In terms of cigs/booze/handbags its probably better value and if it works great but it’s still a lot of dosh to put in James, I’m moving jobs abroad but still am the richest man in UK, Dyson’s pockets.
I am tempted to try it just because it is on ez pay. Really want to see if it's any good with the intention of sending it back. Surprised p&p is only £2.95.
I have ordered Miss Molly ( confession time!) I decided to try it and it will go back at considerable expense if it is not up to scratch.I thought to myself over and over, this is a rediculous amount to spend on a hairdryer, my hair is much longer but I cannot control it’s but would like to have it longer, my hairdresser said it is a good dryer etc. etc.Then hang on a minute! My money, and if something like a hairdryer can make me feel a tad better ( not due to lockdown) then Go!
Like shopperholic, I’m fortunate enough to be able to afford to buy the AirWrap or any of the Dyson products, but they are all over-priced, in my opinion, whether they’re a hair gadget, vacuum cleaner, fan or any of the other gizmos he’s invented.

I have long hair (which is a good job as the hair salons are closed) but I use a £8 hair dryer from Tesco and a pair of travel Ego straighteners, when needed, that cost about £20.

I’m blonde (not dyed) but get a good enough shine from the hairdryer that I use. I use it on medium heat and then turn it down to the cool setting and my hair hasn’t suffered and I have no split ends.

Therefore, I don’t need a Dyson hairdryer or AirWrap. I don’t need his fan as I have a brilliant one from Argos that cost £49.99. Nor do I need any of his heavy vacuum cleaners as I have two GTech AirRams, both costing less than the RRP.

Therefore, I will never be buying any Dyson products to further swell the groaning coffers of Mr. Dyson.
There is no need to confess! It’s your money to spend as you wish and it’s very much a case of the amount of feel good to the £ each of us are getting.

With me it’s jewellery which many have no interest in but it gives me great pleasure wearing something different every day (when working).

With others it’s gloop which I have zero interest in so it’s very much pays your money and take your choice. Perhaps it’s more aimed at those who really really can’t afford it but are sucked into it by EP and hard sell.
I have ordered Miss Molly ( confession time!) I decided to try it and it will go back at considerable expense if it is not up to scratch.I thought to myself over and over, this is a rediculous amount to spend on a hairdryer, my hair is much longer but I cannot control it’s but would like to have it longer, my hairdresser said it is a good dryer etc. etc.Then hang on a minute! My money, and if something like a hairdryer can make me feel a tad better ( not due to lockdown) then Go!

Hear, hear.

There is no need to confess! It’s your money to spend as you wish and it’s very much a case of the amount of feel good to the £ each of us are getting.

With me it’s jewellery which many have no interest in but it gives me great pleasure wearing something different every day (when working).

With others it’s gloop which I have zero interest in so it’s very much pays your money and take your choice. Perhaps it’s more aimed at those who really really can’t afford it but are sucked into it by EP and hard sell.

Hear, hear again!
I doubt you’ve offended anyone because people who’ve bought it would no doubt themselves admit that £400 was a ridiculous price for it. I’m lucky that I could afford to buy it, I say “could” but never would, never in a million years. I think the multi millionaire James Dyson will be still comfortable without my £400, wouldn’t pay that for his fans either.

Just had a quick look and Pipa/Pippa/Pipppa is using it but noticed her hair was partly dry before she started, deceitful? I think so. AH looks a right state in her mint green ensemble, shoulder padded dress, looks like she’s about to play for the NFL.
I feel the same. I could certainly afford it, perhaps that’s why I feel so strongly about this and his other products.
I wouldn’t dare tell anyone hiw to spend their money. But on this. Sorry!

Depends what you call afford really...I don't know if anyone watches "rich house poor house" on tv but the rich people often have a couple of grand spare to spend on a weekly basis, now if I had that kind of money floating around then I'd buy it to see what all the fuss was about. I could buy it outright if I took the money from my savings, it wouldn't leave me in debt, but I would have to think "do I want to spend that sort of money on something so mundane?" and the answer would have to be no. I most certainly couldn't afford to pay for it out of my monthly wages, possibly could just about scrape the easy payments, but couldn't think of seeing myself nearly £80 short every month for 5 months for the sake of a blinking hairdryer! My mum had a dyson vacuum and she didn't get on with it because it was too heavy and cumbersome and she found it almost sucked the carpets up..she gave it to us to try..and we didn't get on with it either. Hubby bought a handheld version a few years later and that was pretty mediocre...I eventually bought a hoover handheld and that was 10 times better!...and thinking about it...I don't actually want to line James Dyson's pockets more than they're already lined thank you!
I don't think you're being offensive ohnonotshoppingagain with your comments..if you can honestly afford to buy it buy it....but seriously not worth getting in to debt for. The saying says some people have more money than sense, I actually don't agree - they've just got the freedom to buy what they want when they want knowing there's plenty more where that came from!
As I said previously I can well afford this, but just on principle, wouldn’t.
I have ordered Miss Molly ( confession time!) I decided to try it and it will go back at considerable expense if it is not up to scratch.I thought to myself over and over, this is a rediculous amount to spend on a hairdryer, my hair is much longer but I cannot control it’s but would like to have it longer, my hairdresser said it is a good dryer etc. etc.Then hang on a minute! My money, and if something like a hairdryer can make me feel a tad better ( not due to lockdown) then Go!
I know a few people who have one and love it. I have frizzy hair so just want to try it out of curiosity and compare it to the Steampod which is very good. I will use Hermes when I send it back unless I fall in love with it.
I had a hysterectomy in January and feel my hair is thinning a bit, always had a thick full head of hair and it knocks you confidence when it changes.
Told OH I ordered it on Advance ship and he laughed and said how much are you daft, but he would spend that on a power tool :unsure:
I know it's a lot of money but I don't smoke and work hard so going to try it.
Let me know what you think of it Silver Fox I would love to hear your feedback.
If I change my mind I can always cancel the advance ship.
I will MIssM! If in any doubt it will be returned.Don’t worry about the money if you can afford it that is all that matters.Up until today I thought I just cannot pay that for a hairdryer, then I turned 73 with money in the bank and thought I’d like to try it.Why the BH am I justifying this?! How long have I got for my feedback before your Advanced ship?
I should be in the south of France next week. It’s been cold wet and windy here for several days so I’m clearing out cupboards which I hate doing so a double whammy!

i feel the need to treat myself but my hair is usually far too short for tools so I could be looking at a bit of jewellery:love:
I think what gets me about this Dyson hair product is the spiel of the presenters and Gobbi Horne, it’s the way (from the very limited amount of clips I’ve seen) it’s the way they try and make you feel that your hair products, or even hair itself, isn’t any good because you’re not using a £400 Dyson, but as we know it’s each to their own at the end of the day, so I hope people who’ve ordered it love it 😉
I saw the before and after photos last night and in some (most) of the before the girls looked as if they were on the razzle for several days and had come in straight out of bed (and not in that sexy look).

The porkie pies in that alone would put me off.

Now if they still sold those wigs I might be in the market! I’m looking like Ed China more and more each day.
I will MIssM! If in any doubt it will be returned.Don’t worry about the money if you can afford it that is all that matters.Up until today I thought I just cannot pay that for a hairdryer, then I turned 73 with money in the bank and thought I’d like to try it.Why the BH am I justifying this?! How long have I got for my feedback before your Advanced ship?
22/6 Just watched a Youtube vid by Zeyn San who has the same hair type as me and it did not suit her hair . I am in two minds now. Yes,really hope you like it SF and have fun playing with it and await your review x
I should be in the south of France next week. It’s been cold wet and windy here for several days so I’m clearing out cupboards which I hate doing so a double whammy!

i feel the need to treat myself but my hair is usually far too short for tools so I could be looking at a bit of jewellery:love:

Go for it! My Mother who although did not have a lot of money never flinched at a spend, my Father on the other hand was for more cautious.I for years had my hair cut at various Vidal Sassoon salons, Dad asked how much I paid,I cut it down to less than half the amount, HOW MUCH! was his reply, Mam just knowingly smiled.
The ps to this is we were never in debt.
Well if she pays £80 a week for the ******** we see, not counting colour and trims, she is bloody robbed as she looks dragged through a hedge backwards more often than not.

Whilst I think Del Boy’s style is dated I’ll admit that it always looks in good condition

Taking on such long easy pays in the current condition is risky unless C19 has no bearing on your income as who knows if their job still exists by November.

In terms of cigs/booze/handbags its probably better value and if it works great but it’s still a lot of dosh to put in James, I’m moving jobs abroad but still am the richest man in UK, Dyson’s pockets.
Um, 😂 can you re-phrase your first few words........

Call me a cynic, but the amount of times this item appears every month, and yet there are still Advanced Orders ! , well, I don't believe it. I think its a huge marketing ploy, this business of selling out of the normal stock levels - then moving on to Advanced Orders, is a way of tapping into the Fear Of Missing Out syndrome.
In fact I wouldn't be at all surprised if there are NO stock items, but they wait to see how many are ordered and then a certain time in the day decide to go the Advanced Orders route. Regular viewers would have already bought one if they needed one, so are we to presume that its new customers are racing to the phones ? Nah!

I bought the cheaper version by Babyliss when it was a tsv a few months ago, and its great, no problems, yet same result.
I think Julia said it had only taken her 20 minutes to curl her hair before her show this afternoon. I can’t be sure of the exact time because I turned it off seconds after the Dyson show started.

I couldn’t be doing with the faffing about, after spending time drying it first. I’ve just washed my hair (which is MUCH longer than Julia’s) and dried it with my cheap hairdryer in ten minutes and the thought of now faddling about putting twiddly bits in it wouldn’t appeal to me at all.

However, I do hope that those of you who have taken the plunge and bought it will be delighted with your purchase. 🙂
I bought a T3 hairdryer in TKMaxx the compact one which rrp for £125 I got it I think it was £50 or just over than? Well, it was like that less than half price. Oh, and its pale lilac😘 Now I have never ever paid anything like that for a hairdryer and would never ever pay the rrp for it. Great little hairdryer all done in a few minutes no flyaway. I remember standing in TKMaxx and thinking should I or not as for me that was over the top price at less than half price? I knew the brand got amazing reviews and well thought of but it was holy crap £50+ for a hairdryer.

Now give me something I really have a thing for perfume (no I would pay £300+ for perfume. I once sniff a gorgeous perfume at £200 but for me, no way was it worth that price!), and I will jump. A friend loves Mulberry handbags buys them in the sales and will say I got this for 70% off at £300 which she thinks is a great deal. That is her thing and she is happy paying for it. If you want to buy the all singing all dancing hair styler and are happy with it no one will judge you. But, please never get into debt for it.

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