Does My Bum Look Big In This?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I've only really been ill since Saturday but its wiped me out. I am getting over the cold/flu thing itself but I am still struggling to do anything without feeling spaced out, queasy and dizzy. But even that is a bit better today. I've forced myself to eat today as I haven't been eating and that's not good. Mainly eating toast but at least that's quick and easy. :eek:).

What would we do without toast! I was totally off my fodder but OH bought in a nice white crusty loaf and I really did enjoy some of that toasted! Hope you're soon back to normal...

If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a well loved cat. I'd be really good at the sleeping bit!

Hope everyone poorly feels better soon.

That's what I've always said too but only if I could live with a nice family that'd look after me, spoil me rotten be able to sleep on the bed all day, eat nice food and have lots of cuddles and not be out on the streets fending for myself in all weathers!

Yes definitely a cat's life is good if he or she has good staff!

I'm pinned on the sofa till Fattyboots wakes up!​
Poor Meg. So many feline skills passed her by, like feline agility.
And whoever said that a cat is always alert to danger has not met her. She began by resting against me and as her breathing got heavier, her body slowly uncurled until her head tipped back on to the cushion & she began to snore - very, very loudly.
That's one contented puss! I have both kittens fast asleep on my lap too, typing on the laptop with my left hand because I don't want to wake them up, having said that I have been able to clip most of their claws whilst they've slept I'm sure the curtains and my large pot plant will be much relieved!
I think she's dreaming she's a star on YOUTUBE and has coming up to a million hits, and will soon be starring on
This Morning with Phil and Holly. And she's dreaming about all the Dreamies she can buy, and hide without you
finding them. YOUTUBE here MEG arrives. Are you ready ????
Her coat looks in Gorjuss condition. A little tickle of the earhairs from AuntySnarly - can't resist. :mysmilie_62:
My two are like Meg once the snooze hits them then they are gone. Once, when he was only a baby, I thought Alf had died on me. Nope ... clearly not ... but it took a good minute for me to be able to rouse him. I physically had to shake him. That was in the days before he took up snoring!
Jasper snores, you can hear him over the TV sometimes.

Strangely it doesn't bother me during the night if he's on the bed, I find it quite comforting - unlike when I had a partner!

Apparently, I snore loudly as well, at least so I've been told...:smirk: (doesn't bother the cats lol!)
Same here Frazzled. I'm a snorer, and so is Hopey. And when i waken during the night it comforts me to see her there,
sometimes she's snoring , sometimes she's just having a little wash and blow dry :cool:
Alf snores to beat the band. I sit on the sofa at night and sometimes have to turn the TV up. Alf sleeps flat on his back behind the sofa warming his backside gently and snoring! It's like living with a little old man.

Harvey doesn't snore at all.
Am getting withdrawal symptoms - we've had no pictures or updates for ages.......
Look girls be patient. !!!! I think Meg is thinking about my idea of going onto YOUTUBE and is

probably getting preened, brushed and polished ready for her big entrance. Won't be long now :)
Sorry, sorry sorry!

It's been a study no-go period for me as 22 needed to borrow this room (MINE!) to work on her dissertation. Chapter 2 had to be submitted for her tutor's approval yesterday.
(They all covert this study you know, but it's MINE!)

Ms Meg is a bit miffed.


Q did get in touch re their up-coming Pets slot and offered her the gig.
Mr Fish was disappointed because he was rejected!
I expected Meg to refuse as they have a working partnership ..... but she didn't.


Unfortunately, we could not come to any financial agreement.
The fee was OK, but when I tried to negotiate her travel allowances Q were only willing to supply a returns label!

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