Does My Bum Look Big In This?


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I was brushing Alf last summer and found what I thought were two knots. Nope. Two baby snails!!
I dare not try. He eats wood lice!

He has been known to bring in the odd small slug on his coat too but the snails were a new one.

"Aw, come on Meg, stop sulking .....
It was for your own good. You don't want fleas do you? Nasty, scratchy, bitey things......

I tell you what! I'll show you some stupid dog pictures on the computer, how about that?"


"There, that's better.
How about a nice photo show your lovely new collar?"


Turn and face the camera a bit more ..."


"Good girl!

Now, do you want to see mongrels or pedigree mutts?
Milly yowled all the way to the vets this morning. The nurse took her to sort the flea treatment, she said it took two of them to dig her out of the back of the basket. :giggle:
Oh wish me luck with knobs on girls. I've booked Harvey into get his booster done next Monday. He's an absolute bugger to catch and get in the basket. He's not nasty and doesn't bite or scratch but he's like Harry Houdini crossed with the Incredible Hulk. If there's a tiny gap he will get through and if there's no gap he will just shoulder charge the door. Just the thought of having to put him in the basket brings me out in a hot sweat lol.

My main problem with it is that for a few hours or days, the bond of trust between us is broken, and I hate that. But it's best that I'm the one to shove him in the basket as it would be easier on me if my partner or son did it. The vet has always said its easier for Harvey if its me.

Got a week to get up my nerve!!
it is awful isn't it. i've learnt to make sure i have louis trapped in one room. then we go through the spider on a glass routine when he seems to grow an extra ten legs. when we get to the vets and he does the 'heavy liquid' thing, i make the vet put his arms in and dig him out while i hold on to the carrier. lol
it is awful isn't it. i've learnt to make sure i have louis trapped in one room. then we go through the spider on a glass routine when he seems to grow an extra ten legs. when we get to the vets and he does the 'heavy liquid' thing, i make the vet put his arms in and dig him out while i hold on to the carrier. lol

You mean like this


The Fattyboots Flop we call it.

Stealth is the key.
1. basket comes in from garage early & is hidden in loo. Door closed. Very important that bit
2. Meg is brushed by me - it makes her drunk with happiness - while Himself hangs around
3. Himself picks up Meg (as above) and whips her feet first into the basket that I've whipped out of the loo
4. I slam the door shut & tie it.

She falls for it every time.
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I have to bring the basket in a few days in advance and hide it in the bedroom. Then I have to hope beyond all hope that Harvey is asleep on the bed. I then head upstairs shutting the hall door. Preferably leaving someone leant against that door in case he makes a run for it. I sprint up the stairs, grab the basket and head for the bed he's sleeping on and shut the door. Then if my luck still holds I fling a blanket over him and wap! He's in the basket.

Invariably he hears the basket and the chase is on. I shut all the bedroom doors. Yell to whoever is propping shut the hall door to hold fast. Then I wait for him to dash up and down the stairs a but before I finally make my move. Now that's when sometimes the numptie behind the hall door takes a breather and miladdo shoulder charges the door. Then it's a sprint to the cat flap. If he gets there first, locked or not, he's gone. If the numptie gets there first we're back upstairs. If I get there first then its all hell let loose but I do get him in the basket eventually. But by getting there first it means sitting with you back to the cat flap come what may.

The numptie is getting better at holding the door it has to be said.

Alf is easy. I just go into whatever room he's in with the basket. He then looks terrified and runs round like a loony for about 30 seconds. Then he flops onto the bed or the floor and plays dead. I put him in the basket.
Honestly he's like a whirling dervish. When I had to take him to have his teeth out I should have been there at 8.30. I couldn't catch the bugger until 10.30!!

Oh I'd love knock out drops for him. I do use Feliway and he has pills to calm him down a day or six in advance lol. It's my nerves that are really shot though.

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