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Donna, what can they possibly argue about on a perfume forum? I do believe you though, there are some very unusual people out there that's for sure. This is the only forum I am on although I read posts on ones like fragrantia (is that what it's called) when I am interested in a new perfume. Also not on facebook or twitter so you fine lot are my only experience of forum life.
There was no child. She was single, a dancing teacher, someone found out and actually went to make sure she was not mentally ill or something. No none of these. The person even went to her Rabat(sp) as she was worried about her. She did know the Rabat and had a quiet word. She still came back again and again, it was a weird obsession with the site. Now we just call her She Who Must Not Be Named.
Strangely Weathergirl, people can get very passionate about their favourite perfume!!!! But its always worded politely, I just cannot wear X, it does not go with my skin chemistry. Instead of Lady GaGa's Fame is vile and should be used to wash the yard with.
Sounds like the syndrome where they make the children ill - Munchausen?

They call it "factitious illness" now. But unless they are actually making up their own illnesses, or making their child ill ( by proxy) and carting them off to hospital every 5 minutes then by only posting about it they are pure fantasists. If they REALLY do it they are very ill and very dangerous and probably end up having their child removed. True "Munchausens" itself is very rare but very dangerous. Very different kettle of fish just to be a sad fantasist who makes up stories to get attention.
The thing is with a forum you can pretty much say anything in the knowledge you will probably never meet anyone in the real world. I say lprobably because a FM and i were having a chat in a pm when i had posted my father was ill. She kindly sent. me a message of support and it turned out after a bit of chit chat about where we lived, worked etc, that my classroom assistant was her son's girlfriends mother.
I won't name the FM but she's a genuinely lovely lady.
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i can't remember how i found the forum or what i first posted. i do remember there were a lot of spats which to me is just normal forum life, which is why i can't understand how upset and obsessed some people have got over the current bits of friction. i disappeared for a couple years cos i always had so many problems with the site it just wasn't worth the aggro. although i far prefer IE, it was completely impossible so this forum is the only thing i use firefox for. now the only problem i have is it takes forever to find the first new post in each thread.

i love your name barbs - both your version and snarly's ;)
oh and my name is very unadventurous - it's my name. lol! cept mine is janey which was taken and freaks e out every time she posts!
I have my theories Barkly (!) but could not possibly comment. As well as stragglers there are "the aristocracy" as well as the serfs! Throw in a few paupers, revolutionaries, intelligensia, ahem.. idiots, sh*t stirrers, fruit loops, criminals.... the list goes on. You name it, if society has one so does a forum.
I have my theories Barkly (!) but could not possibly comment. As well as stragglers there are "the aristocracy" as well as the serfs! Throw in a few paupers, revolutionaries, intelligensia, ahem.. idiots, sh*t stirrers, fruit loops, criminals.... the list goes on. You name it, if society has one so does a forum.
Barkly, ha ha. Yes i agree, and i think our "King" is very fair, and keeps the underlings mostly under control, and rules very fairly. I'm happy to be a straggler, for the time being LOL
Ah yes. One of the famous Trolls on She was a pensioner, owned a health food shop near Harrods, was launching her own skin care range on QVC even going for a meeting with the buyers and AY. Had an opinion everything QVC. In the end we were not even sure it was a woman.
A number of people had a feeling something was not right and we met in secret to discuss it. But as with all Trolls they catch themselves out in the end.

I remember him/her. Very audacious! Put a lot of work into their 'back story'. I was initially suspicious because I suspected it was someone else who had recently left the forum, but they brazened it out. Dispensing beauty advice if you please! I even asked for some myself! Glamorous pensioner indeed - more like a mischievous queen! Have often wondered if they haven't been back since under another guise.

As for my first post - haven't a clue. Was so many years ago. :wonder:
I remember him/her. Very audacious! Put a lot of work into their 'back story'. I was initially suspicious because I suspected it was someone else who had recently left the forum, but they brazened it out. Dispensing beauty advice if you please! I even asked for some myself! Glamorous pensioner indeed - more like a mischievous queen! Have often wondered if they haven't been back since under another guise.

As for my first post - haven't a clue. Was so many years ago. :wonder:

Claimed to have modelled for Tiffany & Co if I remember rightly?

(That's her, not you Phil, dear *wink* )
And then there was BenFongTorres. Feed the troll, tuppence a bag.

And I thought I was argumentative!
Ah, memory lane.

Another Troll we had, posted as a young teenager who was gay. His family were not understanding and he was suicidal. Turned out he/she was neither a teenager, gay and perhaps not even a boy.

OMG Donna I so remember that.
And before then I had a great fondness for 'Si', and 'Beansontoastwithchips' is a name I will never forget
Fitness Queen or something like that was the Alpha H fan.

She had Lupus.

Are you thinking of makeupqueen??

QVCKing and QVCQueen were both big personalities. Still are..... Some might say.....

Greatgable was around when I joined, still ice to see his occasional posts.

Could Sazza or G maybe tell us how long the forum has been going?

I have been trying to think how long I have been here, I know I found it looking for information on a TSV, could have been Molton Brown, can't remember. Suspect it was 2003/4 or thereabouts!

ST will be 12 on 8th April!!
I may be stupid but aren't Troll's those awful people who post nasty vile comments when someone has died and stuff like that? Does the definition stretch to people who lie about themselves and their lives?
I may be stupid but aren't Troll's those awful people who post nasty vile comments when someone has died and stuff like that? Does the definition stretch to people who lie about themselves and their lives?

i agree. posts like you said and also being abusive to fellow posters and usually using foul language - not just someone you don't happen to like.
And then there was BenFongTorres. Feed the troll, tuppence a bag.

And I thought I was argumentative!

He/she i was never sure, was Chuntleys superfan and you're right they could argue for England, the posts/rants took up half a page.

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