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Sorry- can someone explain if I would easily know from a label that a substance is animal or plant derived? Do they use obvious terms or is it hidden behind a fancy name?


Hiya snuffles
I posted on boffys thread about fish collagen in TSV. It is marine collagen so I thought that might be it but as donna255 says elemis PCMC has seaweed in it so that's marine collagen too I think so I don't think you can actually tell. If unsure i just contact companies direct these days :)
I had a letter about my rate of returns back in 2007. I had become dissilusioned with the false claims being made and instead of 'suffering' my mistakes started to return things that just did not live up to expectation created by the presenters.My letter was just a 'warning' and din't require a reply but I was pretty annoyed. My returns rate was no where near 50% either. Subsequently I had a dissastrous experience with a pc I bought from them back in August 2007 (well docunmented on here!) and when I reached stalemate with them over it I witheld 2 of the subsequent payments as leverage and continued the battle. The 'froze' my account in the run up to Christmas-I saved a flippin' fortune lol!- and it wasn't sorted until I threatened trading standards the following spring. Since then I have been far more fussy about what I buy,which tends to be tried and tested stuff I have bought before or have seen in the flesh elsewhere. I did however return the aiptek camcorder I bought before Christmas as I felt it was very poor quality pic and difficult to use. I am STILL awaiting my refund-it hasn't even shown on screen as returned yet-in fact they took the second installment AFTER it was returned,I know they recieved it as I sent special delivery and have the proof,so I think I will be ringing CS tomorrow.
I suppose QVC still thrive as there is a regular stream of new customers whilst the older dissilusioned ones like us still occasionally purchase. If they scrapped my account,I wouldn't lose any sleep!
My understanding is that with all "online stores" they have to offer you a MBG as you cannot "physically" see the item until you receive it...surely this policy is breaking some part of the distance selling act??
I can see why QVC would have this policy - but I don't see how on some things you can avoid high returns. For instance clothes and shoes, you may have a few returns just to get the fit, and then add in that the TV colour is not quite what you get and that can add to the returns list. Then there is jewellery, it may look good on screen, but be pretty awful on the customer. For heaven sake, we all pay for our returns like little lambs, unless the goods are faulty. In a shop you can try on and then goods get returned to the shop floor - likewise I'm sure QVC must put things back into stock - so what do they call a high level of return - 1 in 5 orders, 1 in 3? We don't have a yardstick really, and perhaps if we did, none of us would be so keen to buy. And their letter could do with rewording - if it sounds threatening : they may send it to individual customers, but lots of their customers get to hear about it via this sort of forum and it does their reputation no good at all.
Wow I had always assumed they must have to deal with people who abuse the MBG but this is stupid.

Over many years of spending far too much I have hardly ever returned anything as most of my purchases are fairly safe items. However, recently I stupidly ventured into some boots, bedding, clothing and earrings and so found returning necessary due to fit or quality problems.

Perhaps they should stop criticising their loyal customers and think about what they can do to reduce returns by selling practices.
I showed my hubbie the letter I got last night and he was disgusted too, he has his own account and has only ever ordered 2 electrical items and returned both as they were rubbish, so his return rate is 100% - so he's expecting a letter as well!

In his opinion they are probebly struggling and with the credit crunch more folks are probebly returning goods - especially after xmas, and returning things they probebly wouldn't have or couldn't be bothered too before simply because they are thinking more about their finances now, but penalising your long standing customers is not they way to ride out the current recession.
There definatly neeeds to be a change in their selling tactics as they do use the 30 day MBG as a lever to intise you to buy something you perhaps were not going to or were wavering whether to or not, this is especially rife in the Beauty hours, after all how many of us have purchased Beauty/make up items we perhaps wouldn't have without the MBG and how many times are we told ' where else can you use a product for 30 days and then return it half used and get you money refunded if it doesn't suit you'.
It needs to be stoppped, yes by all means explain that there is a 30 day MBG but tone it down to a couple of times a day, and I think that they should now say something like 'terms & conditions apply'.
Anyway they have lost me as a customer and after the purse has been refunded I think I will close my account myself, the only thing I will miss is the Liz Earle TSV's but even they are not as good as they once were.
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I agree with what Jenny says re the 30 day MBG - they should tone this down and say terms apply.

It is mentioned several times an hour! I have been off sick and been watching out of curiosity. I never buy clothes or shoes from QVC - I don't like most of them anyway and I'd have to return too many re sizes - but they have been encouraging people to buy more than one size to make sure they get the correct one and send the others back. So that's at least two lots of their p and p plus at least one - lesser amount - back again. Just how much would an item end up costing?

They really also need to have available the ingredients lists of lotions and potions.
It would add probely a tenner to some items, and of course if the customer did that with every item of clothes/shoes etc they bought they would then be penalised for returning 50% of their items -absolute madness!
:1:I got "The Letter" today as well. :11: Once all my refunds are accounted for I will close my account. Just can't be bothered anymore. QVC has become sooo boring with same old stuff, most of which I can get cheaper elsewhere. I do live in the sticks and it has been easier with them, but it's time to say goodbye.
QUOTE=Mrs Mills;139383]I need advice about horrid letter threatening to close my account as my returns are slightly above 50%.

James Churchill from the finance dept, tells me this is company policy but I am utterly unaware of this! I have been a member for 10 years and have spent enormous amounts with this company and always supplied detailed feedback on returns.

I am outraged that presenters constantly encourage viewers to try products, seduce us with the promise of "no quibble" returns and yet fail to inform us of this significant element of policy.

I am quivering with rage! Is everyone aware of this policy? Am I just stupid? Has anyone else been threatened in this way? Any advice on what to do next?

QVC Have been doing this for some time now, I am sure there was another thread somewhere relating to this very subject.

It's just not nice having a letter on your doormat telling you this. It seems to put the Customer in the wrong, whatever happened to the good old days of the Customer is always right?.

With QVC that is clearly not the case is it?

Oh no! I assumed it was plant collagen too. I'm vegetarian and where possible try and avoid products with animal ingredients (which is why I like A'kin so much) so I guess I'll be binning my collagen gel when I go home then! It was the one moisturiser I could use on my chest too without breaking out.



You might want to buy your A'kin from Mypure. it's cheaper and the delivery is MUCH faster!
QVC need to wake up to the online competition around them now.

Times have changed and unless they are super cheap then no we are not going to accept slow delivery and over inflated delivery charges.
I agree with what Jenny says re the 30 day MBG - they should tone this down and say terms apply.

If they say terms apply they're going to have to then give details of the terms they're referring to otherwise no-one will know. It would actually be quite interesting to hear some of them try and explain the precise terms that apply to returns just after telling us we have a 30 day MGB.
thanks Cupcake! I actually found a shop where I live which stock A'kin so that saves me on P&P and having to wait for it to be delivered! I've only purchased one item of A'kin from QVC as I don't find the combination of products they have very appealing, not being able to buy the cleanser by itself is also ridiculous. I can't remember where I got it online before but it was a good price however delivery was VERY slow so I'm quite pleased I can now get it locally.

It always annoys me and my mother also that they go on and on about the returns policy, purely because the choose not to metion the fact that you have to pay to send it back. I didn't know they can close you account if the returns are too high, they should mention this, at least occationally too. Doubt they ever will though.
QVC need to wake up to the online competition around them now.

Times have changed and unless they are super cheap then no we are not going to accept slow delivery and over inflated delivery charges.

This is the reason I shop around, Ebay and other websites, as I find products arrive so much quicker, about two to three days. With QVC I tend to wait about a week unless it's jewellery.
I have just sent back two Decleor TSVs. I had bought one for me and one for my daughter for her birthday. Ordered as two items so 2 lots of p and p.

When I received them I found that they are not as natural a brand as I thought. The handcream contains lanolin that I am allergic to and the body lotion leaves a greasy film. My daughter has similar skin.

It has just cost me 4.30 per item to send them back. So I have spent the best part of £20.00 to read an ingredient list that had I been in a shop I'd have put the bottles back on the shelf. Think what I could have done with twenty quid! Fool!

From now on I am only buying brands that I know I already use and am OK with or that I can check out elsewhere first.
I have just sent back two Decleor TSVs. I had bought one for me and one for my daughter for her birthday. Ordered as two items so 2 lots of p and p.

When I received them I found that they are not as natural a brand as I thought. The handcream contains lanolin that I am allergic to and the body lotion leaves a greasy film. My daughter has similar skin.

It has just cost me 4.30 per item to send them back. So I have spent the best part of £20.00 to read an ingredient list that had I been in a shop I'd have put the bottles back on the shelf. Think what I could have done with twenty quid! Fool!

From now on I am only buying brands that I know I already use and am OK with or that I can check out elsewhere first.

If it were me I'd ring QVC and make the bigggest fussssssss!!

Misrepresentation me thinks!!!

If they don't oblige, threaten with Trading Standards!
Its outrageous that they can get away with endlessly spouting ` no quibble money back guarantee` if this isn`t the case.....I do hope trading standards act on this.....I have returned quite a bit of clothing recently either because it didn`t fit or wasn`t up to speck as descibed....even seeing them on TV dosen`t always give a true picture, and some descriptions on the web leave a lot to be desired.

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