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Mrs Mills

Registered Shopper
Jan 21, 2009
Totnes Devon
I need advice about horrid letter threatening to close my account as my returns are slightly above 50%.

James Churchill from the finance dept, tells me this is company policy but I am utterly unaware of this! I have been a member for 10 years and have spent enormous amounts with this company and always supplied detailed feedback on returns.

I am outraged that presenters constantly encourage viewers to try products, seduce us with the promise of "no quibble" returns and yet fail to inform us of this significant element of policy.

I am quivering with rage! Is everyone aware of this policy? Am I just stupid? Has anyone else been threatened in this way? Any advice on what to do next?
No I didn't - but got this from QVC website Ts and Cs

Apparently so.

From the online ts and cs
9.3 It is our policy to contact and work with customers whose level of returns is very high. This is to ensure that our prices are not negatively impacted by the cost to QVC of dealing with an extremely high number of returns by a small minority of customers. If a customer continues to return an extremely high number of products to us, we reserve the right to close their account. If this happens the customer’s statutory rights will remain unaffected, orders accepted by us before the account has been closed will be fulfilled in accordance with these terms and individual product warranties will continue to be honoured in accordance with their terms.

I agree that they shouldn't push the 30day mbg if there are additional terms and conditions.
I know these are on the website-hidden in the ts and cs - but do you get sent them when you open a QVC account - 'cos not everyone looks at the web.
I am expecting the very same letter any time now Mrs Mills. I have returned a lot of items which do not fit as the sizes suggest, including jewellery where the length of the bracelet is correct, but the bulk of the silver etc makes it 'wear' shorter!.

I dont really care if they close my account and if they do send a letter saying as much, I will close it myself.

There is a very similar link on the Ideal World site. The recipient was very upset at the tone of the letter as well as the content and I agree that it unacceptable wording.

I think it shows a lack of any regard for loyalty their customers have shown over the years and it smacks of complacency. I can understand them having a returns policy but they should openly mention it on air. That is what is not acceptable and underlines their greediness today. I think that they way they go on about the 30 day mbg as a reward for purchasing with them is an aggressive sales tactic that should be stamped out by the asa or some other similar body. Absolutely attrocious as you have to pay the postage on your returns anyway.
Thank-you folks. Sometimes it helps to just have a moan. I have since spoken to people at trading standards who are taking this up on my behalf. It seems that this policy can be deemed "unfair" as although it is present in the terms and conditions, it is not generally stated. James Churchill also intimated that this was a newish policy decision. I think this policy should have a higher profile and that presenters should be made aware of it.

Thanks again.
Their p and p rates, I am sure, include a proportion for insurance on returned items.

They push the 30 day MBG endlessly, just watch one single hour and count the times it is mentioned.

Not you, but there will always be a very may be a very few people who return more than they keep. That is just something that QVC has to swallow if they continuously push their 30 day MBG offer.They ENCOURAGE people to buy, try and then return if FOR WHATEVER REASON they do not want or like the product.

The p and p charges are very high and I am sure this is also partly to discourage people from buying and then returning. I never used to return anything, but I do now.
I agree entirely with what you have said.
They are all too happy to promote all the "good" aspects of the MBG, every flippin' few minutes, but I have never even heard them say "you have to pay the postage to return it" (which will be far less than we have charged you to get it to you!). They also take forever to credit your card/account when you have returned something. How come they get 3 weeks to refund you?

QVC do pee me off - but they do have some good prices - and I would be upset to have this happen to me. On the otherhand my husband would be delighted if they closed my account.

Hope you get it all sorted out.
I hope this doesn't sound cheeky but what types of product do you order and why do you end up returning them? I don't really return a lot as I begrudge wasting the p & p.

The link is a thread about "the letter". (Hope it works, I'm not very technical!)

Hi Boris Bear. Usually clothes that don't fit properly or perhaps are of a poor quality. The same for jewellery. I live miles from anywhere and use QVC like a department store. A major part of my shopping strategy is the "feel" of a product. Often things can look good but feel rubbish. Sizing can also be a big problem and I tend to order 2 sizes and send one back.
Absolutely attrocious as you have to pay the postage on your returns anyway.

And a ridiculous amount it often is too but don't get me started! I haven't bought much from QVC but what I have sent for has been mainly last clicks jewellery where there is a vague picture and very rarely a video. You also have to go by their often scant descriptions as to what the gold weight may be etc. I have to admit, I am put off sending for things in case I do have to send them back so they're doing themselves out of some business. The only way I think they can justify an approach like that this is if people consistently return items that have been well used. That's taking the pi$$ IMO. (I don't mean skincare/cosmetics that cause rashes etc, you know what I mean, returning half a lime tree pie or the gristle off a Buccleuch steak). :22:
love your post Basket Case I'm still laughing. I think QVC should be done for misrepresentation if the presenters don't say that this can happen when they are gabbing on about the wonderful mbg. Or they should say this is crap quality but try it if you want to. lol.
a lot of mail order companies love to sell you this guarantee policy to tempt you to order but they must hate it when people actually do retun stuff not suitable. they are in buisiness to sell not do all the admin and stuff involved with returns. if they feel so bitterly about it then they should not push stuff so much specially items that have such low customer ratings and then moan that people dont want it.
i remember one of the customer services staff telling me that after christmas its a nightmare with the sheer volume of returns.
i love shopping at qvc when i can afford it so to minimise returns i will only buy brands that i know are good. i wont try anything i am not sure of.tough for qvc but if they dont want people to try stuff and then retun it thats tough
did you know that it is illegal for comanies that do distance selling not to offer you a money back guarantee any way. this appiles to catalouges,mailorder sites,qvc,etc etc etc
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Thank-you folks. Sometimes it helps to just have a moan. I have since spoken to people at trading standards who are taking this up on my behalf. It seems that this policy can be deemed "unfair" as although it is present in the terms and conditions, it is not generally stated. James Churchill also intimated that this was a newish policy decision. I think this policy should have a higher profile and that presenters should be made aware of it.

Thanks again.

Good for you Mrs. M. If this is a newish policy decision then QVC should write to all customers making them aware of it, not leave it to the customers (many of whom may not have a computer to access web-based info) to find out for themselves.
Hi Boris Bear. Usually clothes that don't fit properly or perhaps are of a poor quality. The same for jewellery. I live miles from anywhere and use QVC like a department store. A major part of my shopping strategy is the "feel" of a product. Often things can look good but feel rubbish. Sizing can also be a big problem and I tend to order 2 sizes and send one back.

I frequently 'over-order' clothes from QVC, sometimes the same item in different colours and different sizes, with the full intention of returning what I don't want. I like to get the items home and try them on with other things to see what colours suit and what sizes fit. All with QVC's blessing according to the presenters. Please QVC, send me a similar letter to Mrs. M, I'm gagging to reply!!
I need advice about horrid letter threatening to close my account as my returns are slightly above 50%.

James Churchill from the finance dept, tells me this is company policy but I am utterly unaware of this! I have been a member for 10 years and have spent enormous amounts with this company and always supplied detailed feedback on returns.

I am outraged that presenters constantly encourage viewers to try products, seduce us with the promise of "no quibble" returns and yet fail to inform us of this significant element of policy.

I am quivering with rage! Is everyone aware of this policy? Am I just stupid? Has anyone else been threatened in this way? Any advice on what to do next?

Mrs Mills, I'm quivering with rage too, because they are so blatantly contradicting themselves. As far as I'm concerned we can send back everything we order, worn and well tried out, within the 30 day period and be well within our rights. Either that or what they say on air regarding 30 day mbg's is nothing but lies. I know you've written to trading standards but I would be champing at the bit to reply to Mr. Churchill telling him that his company's policies are totally at odds to what is being said to customers watching the shows.
I got a phone call last year saying that, as my returns were close to 50%, was there anything that would make me less inclined to return? I asked them to please tell us the WEIGHT of earrings, as I mostly return earrings that are too heavy to wear all day. I notice that some presenters say 'I can hardly feel these in my ear', which doesn't much help, and usually suggests that they're actually a bit heavy. The Murano earrings are the worst. although I had a pair of Veronese ones that made it hard to keep my head still, they were so ridiculously heavy and swingy. What would it take to say '3g per earring'? If they'd done that, there would be a lot of earrings I'd never have ordered in the first place. But I suspect they're scared that showing the weight of, say, gold jewellery, will make you feel you're not getting much for your money.
This as been happen for a few years now, it seemed to concide with QVc change in ownership a few years ago.
I got a phone call last year saying that, as my returns were close to 50%, was there anything that would make me less inclined to return? .

Again, I wish they would ask me this question. One of my main reasons for returning things is because of the state they're in when they arrive. Unless I'm hopelessly in love with them, if they're badly packaged and creased I can't even be bothered to try them on. Another reason is QVC's bad quality control. I KNOW several things I've ordered have been sent out to someone else and returned (this is probably why they're having a clamp down on returns), but they've not been properly checked before sending out to the next customer - me! All I ask is that they're opened, checked and repackaged properly then I might not return so much.

Phew - Mrs Mills you don't know what you started here but thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to vent in sympathy! Apologies to all for so many replies on the same subject.
Everyone who receives one of those letters should contact Trading Standards as QVC do not make this T&C clear when selling goods; quite the opposite in fact when they state " No questions asked, you can return any item" etc.

I rarely watch QVC these days but when I have caught a snippet the presenters on the whole don't make a brilliant job of accurately measuring or describing the goods. Perhaps the bosses of QVC should watch presentations a bit more closely and then possibly understand why so many items are being returned.

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