Did Jill forget to put her clothes on today?


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Jun 26, 2008
Only she seems to have had to borrow someone elses on the travel hour this evening :call: A floaty long-sleeved top and a pair of trousers which both appear to be about fives sizes too big - and stonking great platforms :talking:
Oh, my - very unflattering look. Now she's shouting to be heard over the bluetooth speaker and guest. Are they her own clothes or a QVC brand? Those palazzo slacks are beyond hideous, methinks.
Oh god now she's doing craft with Amy. Bullshit alert!

She hates craft. I saw her aeons ago with a very pleasant American guest and it would have been funny if she wasn't so rude. Pouting and frowning like a toddler, wouldn't look at guest when speaking to her, snatching the item out of the guest's hand, throwing an item along the counter rather than handing it to her, it was a virtuoso tantrum.
Oh crap ! Been away for such a long time I thought she had gone :headbang:

Me too Lilian. It's soooo disappointing isn't it? Being spared from her for a couple of weeks has just highlighted what an irritating airhead she really is.
She hates craft. I saw her aeons ago with a very pleasant American guest and it would have been funny if she wasn't so rude. Pouting and frowning like a toddler, wouldn't look at guest when speaking to her, snatching the item out of the guest's hand, throwing an item along the counter rather than handing it to her, it was a virtuoso tantrum.

Sounds great! Wish I'd seen that one. She IS a little madam!
she's a stupid cow. She always looks as though she's wearing someone else's clothes as everything she wears is too big on her.

I don't get the girly girly rubbish at all, from claire yes, but I think Jill totally fakes the "I'm such a girl sometimes" perhaps in an effort to be liked?

It doesn't suit her and feels utterly fake.
WHY JF and CH want to wear such stonking high heels and tower above their guests is beyond me. CH is the worst, she looks so ridiculous, particularly when she is on with the lady from Tiana B - the poor woman has to crick her neck skywards to talk to her, and then I feel embarrased for her.
WHY JF and CH want to wear such stonking high heels and tower above their guests is beyond me. CH is the worst, she looks so ridiculous, particularly when she is on with the lady from Tiana B - the poor woman has to crick her neck skywards to talk to her, and then I feel embarrased for her.

That's a psychological trick as old as time itself. Sitting in a higher chair, standing on a platform, wearing killer heels can all be used to effect as a means of intimidation, especially useful to those with HUGE egos and low self esteem. Perhaps the heel height is an indication of how the presenter views their guest!!!
I just think CH likes her shoes A LOT and loves high heels. I doubt she wears them to intimidate...
Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I wasn't attempting to name names, just generalising. My own experience, even at 5'8", when I wear 4" heels, I don't just feel more glamorous, I feel stronger, more capable and more visible. The experience, as a whole, could be described as elevating!!!
It doesn't worry me what people wear - its up to them, BUT having a job as a Presenter on tele surely its a different set of rules, I mean, to look like Jack the Giant Killer next to a munchkin is really distracting for the viewer , and if we notice it then surely those in the Gallery cant stop laughing when they see the image on their monitors for God's sake. In fact, isn't there a Head of Presenters that could have a quiet word ? Sitting down is another matter, they could wear heels up to their armpits and no one would care.
I saw JF last night too in that hideous ensemble...she looked like she was dressed in someone's old curtains. I was thinking that one gust of wind or the air con blowing a bit too fiercely might have her disappearing off into the blue horizon...come to think of it, that would have been quite a good idea.:giggle:

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