Did Fiona just say what I thought she said!!??


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The model in the Elemis demo just said about oil "It just glid on" :nod: Now, that's shocking!! :devil: I would prefer someone to swear than use poor English!!!
It's not so much what Fiona may have said but Julia; I switched on at the very end to see the fringe which had been mentioned and they were demonstrating Hydra Floral and it is usually pronounced 'Hi-dra', but Julia was saying 'Hee-dra' what was that all about? I haven't seen Julia on air for a while and judging by the Elemis later she has now changed the products she uses and it left me thinking does it really matter?
HEEdra floral has always been one of my pet hate pronunciation things - along with oy-yull and all the others we've mentioned on here before. it's a AY thing and i get the impression the others - including the decleor guests - are scared to say it correctly.
Jo Skinner was my favourite model (after Amica). She said exactly what she thought. Maybe that is why she left. She did say JR was looking good for a old bird, on one of the beauty shows. Not a good career move I thought.

Jo was on Ideal World for a really short period and i caught one of her model shows and she said that they got rid of her because she put on weight and they got rid of her
One of the guests, Keeley I think, once said she was really 'anal' and AY reprimanded her and apologised to viewers - it must be on their list of banned words.

She was talking about having to have her christmas day table matching and she said ' yes i know i'm anal' AY had a go at her and she had to appologise
There is nothing remotely wrong or rude about using the term anal. It derives from Freudian psychoanalysis to describe stages of mental development. If you want to read more you can do so here:


I think QVC are just a bit too strict about their "P's and Q's" and I've heard guests made to correct slight mispronunciations of words and yet some of the presenters are awful! Naming no names *cough*Jill Franks*cough*scratch* As for Hydra Floral, it's French so I've always considered it to be pronouced "Hee-Dra".
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There is nothing remotely wrong or rude about using the term anal. It derives from Freudian psychoanalysis to describe stages of mental development. If you want to read more you can do so here:


I think QVC are just a bit too strict about their "P's and Q's" and I've heard guests made to correct slight mispronunciations of words and yet some of the presenters are awful! Naming no names *cough*Jill Franks*cough*scratch* As for Hydra Floral, it's French so I've always considered it to be pronouced "Hee-Dra".

I'm so glad you said this. I thought it was just me who thought it had a different meaning. I remember using this phrase and then thinking OMG is that right but it was!!
It's not so much what Fiona may have said but Julia; I switched on at the very end to see the fringe which had been mentioned and they were demonstrating Hydra Floral and it is usually pronounced 'Hi-dra', but Julia was saying 'Hee-dra' what was that all about? I haven't seen Julia on air for a while and judging by the Elemis later she has now changed the products she uses and it left me thinking does it really matter?

Very odd, does that mean if she refers to anyone being 'hyper' as in over-active, or hyperglycaemic, then she says 'heeper " or heeperglycaemic !!!! Oh well, its Julia being Julia I suppose.
There is nothing remotely wrong or rude about using the term anal. It derives from Freudian psychoanalysis to describe stages of mental development. If you want to read more you can do so here:


I think QVC are just a bit too strict about their "P's and Q's" and I've heard guests made to correct slight mispronunciations of words and yet some of the presenters are awful! Naming no names *cough*Jill Franks*cough*scratch* As for Hydra Floral, it's French so I've always considered it to be pronouced "Hee-Dra".

Yes, yes, yes - all of this!!! ^^^

Em xXx
Very odd, does that mean if she refers to anyone being 'hyper' as in over-active, or hyperglycaemic, then she says 'heeper " or heeperglycaemic !!!! Oh well, its Julia being Julia I suppose.

Yes that's a good point; the French argument mentioned is ok, but we aren't French so surly we pronounce things our way. It's always annoying when news casters suddenly go in for a bit of foreign garb when mentioning a name.
I believe if a word is forgeign it should be pronounced that way. I wouldn't dream of anglocising a Welsh word - so why any other?! I have always thought it to be 'hee-dra' myself. 'Hi-dra' doesn't sound right.
I don't mind how people pronounce things because I'm not anal that way!

But seriously, the point I was trying to make is that - whilst I hear all sorts of words in everyday life including the word anal, - I don't want to hear it on QVC. I would never complain about it - but to me QVC is aspirational TV, and escape TV, I understand that it isn't that for everyone, but it is for me and so I just don't want to hear that said, or for that matter any swear word. I know I'm going to hear it watching most other TV programs, so for me its refreshing to absolutely know I won't hear it on QVC, and when I do (rarely I might add), I do feel mildly shocked because I'm not expecting it and thats just how I feel about it. I wouldn't watch or buy products from a TV shopping channel that swore during their presentations, even if it is 'just a word'. But it isn't 'just a word' is it? Otherwise people wouldn't get arrested for swearing at the police, saying to them ' oh its just a word' wouldn't get you very far. The only reason I started this post with that sentence was because I do have a sense of humour and am not a prude - just don't want to hear certain words on my escapist tv show, like I read certain books for escapism. I might be the only one that feels this way, but if they relax their use of certain words on QVC then it won't be the same for me. However on watching it I know that Fiona was groping around for a word, and I do like her - it wasn't deliberate.
Although I am not a prude and I have been known to use the word anal about particularly uptight people, I don't think it's a very pleasant word to use when selling a product or to describe a person. When I use the word it certainly has negative connotations, and in certain contexts it can have sexual connotations or toilet humour connotations, and they have no place on QVC either! Fiona needs a wider vocabulary, because QVC probably has many viewers (not me, I stress) who would take offense, turn over and then they lose potential sales.

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