Deciem Founder Brandon Truaxe has Died


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Hmmmmm what?

Indeed it is endless!!

I know several people who have changed their name and not all for the same reason and not due to be in public eye either.

That’s true Sazza, the good, the bad and the down right ugly change their names, from people in the entertainment industry, to people who don’t want to be found.

Yes I was wondering what the hmmmmmm..... was about too :mysmilie_3:
Whatever people thought of him, he was an interesting character. I can't imagine him having been able to live the same kind of lifestyle in his native Iran. The punishment meted out there for such hedonism is...well let's not talk about that.... but it's ironic really.

I'm not keen on Nicola Kilner - she looks like a Pamela Anderson / porn actress type. I'm not sure she would have cared much for Mr Roshan / Truaxe, and nor did Estée Lauder when he started started making bizarre statements.

David Bowie was David Jones but there already was a member of the Monkees called Davy Jones

His son was given the name Zowie Bowie at birth but changed it to Duncan Jones

Marc Bolan was Mark Feldman

Freddie Mercury was Farouk(sp) Bulsara

These people are/were very big stars, not marketing guru's. That's the direction I was coming from. Never mind, it's not that important in the scheme of things.
We`re all hiding behind aliases. I`m sure 99% of us on here don`t use anything near our real names and we never question it. I worked with a lady who hated her Christian name so she invented a new one. Her official documents still showed her real name was Irene but she insisted everybody called her by her more exotic ( in her mind )handle called Eira.
One of my husband`s colleagues is called Tom but insists everybody calls him Elvis, yes I kid you not. His idol is Elvis and he wears the same hairstyle as the late Elvis Presley he wears the same type of clothes and traipses around the Country to watch Elvis tribute acts and at least once a year he goes to Graceland.
I suppose I`m just trying to say we can be whoever we choose to be and call ourselves whatever we choose to call ourselves and for reasons we choose to have or simply for no reason at all.
We`re all hiding behind aliases. I`m sure 99% of us on here don`t use anything near our real names and we never question it. I worked with a lady who hated her Christian name so she invented a new one. Her official documents still showed her real name was Irene but she insisted everybody called her by her more exotic ( in her mind )handle called Eira.
One of my husband`s colleagues is called Tom but insists everybody calls him Elvis, yes I kid you not. His idol is Elvis and he wears the same hairstyle as the late Elvis Presley he wears the same type of clothes and traipses around the Country to watch Elvis tribute acts and at least once a year he goes to Graceland.
I suppose I`m just trying to say we can be whoever we choose to be and call ourselves whatever we choose to call ourselves and for reasons we choose to have or simply for no reason at all.

This reminds me of a girl I used to work with some years back. Her name was Eileen but went by the name Leigh, never ever introduced herself as Eileen.

I worked in the passport office way back in the 90s and we had numerous applications with documents of change of name. That was people who officially changed their name. We had transgender people as well change their name, the only thing they could not change on their passport was the sex(I believe that has changed now?).
Whatever people thought of him, he was an interesting character. I can't imagine him having been able to live the same kind of lifestyle in his native Iran. The punishment meted out there for such hedonism is...well let's not talk about that.... but it's ironic really.

I'm not keen on Nicola Kilner - she looks like a Pamela Anderson / porn actress type. I'm not sure she would have cared much for Mr Roshan / Truaxe, and nor did Estée Lauder when he started started making bizarre statements.

You mean the friend and co CEO of the business she worked with Brandon for over 5 years before he had his break down and fired her then to welcome her back? Years of experience working for Boots as a head buyer she was headhunter at 18 by them from a university. So just because she is blond and pretty she in your opinion looks like a porn star? PMSL at you. How dare she have a business brain if you like she looks like Pamela Anderson. Did you ever actually buy any of the products? Estee Lauder is a business they were more than happy to buy into Brandon's business but it was only when he had his mental issues did they have to step in. You expect them to just let Brandon destroy the business? No doubt without them in the coming times the whole range will just close down.

You mean the friend and co CEO of the business she worked with Brandon for over 5 years before he had his break down and fired her then to welcome her back? Years of experience working for Boots as a head buyer she was headhunter at 18 by them from a university. So just because she is blond and pretty she in your opinion looks like a porn star? PMSL at you. How dare she have a business brain if you like she looks like Pamela Anderson. Did you ever actually buy any of the products? Estee Lauder is a business they were more than happy to buy into Brandon's business but it was only when he had his mental issues did they have to step in. You expect them to just let Brandon destroy the business? No doubt without them in the coming times the whole range will just close down.

For someone who rages against stereotypes on QVC, he seems to be jumping on the exact same stereotypical band wagon, as for "porn actress type" we'll have to bow to his knowledge. :mysmilie_17:

You mean the friend and co CEO of the business she worked with Brandon for over 5 years before he had his break down and fired her then to welcome her back? Years of experience working for Boots as a head buyer she was headhunter at 18 by them from a university. So just because she is blond and pretty she in your opinion looks like a porn star? PMSL at you. How dare she have a business brain if you like she looks like Pamela Anderson. Did you ever actually buy any of the products? Estee Lauder is a business they were more than happy to buy into Brandon's business but it was only when he had his mental issues did they have to step in. You expect them to just let Brandon destroy the business? No doubt without them in the coming times the whole range will just close down.

I'm not saying she isn't good at her job or isn't intelligent, I'm saying I don't like her - from what I've seen of her - which is very little so it's not a particularly informed opinion. Of course they had to protect the business, however I'm sure it's coincidentally hugely convenient for Estée Lauder and others in the industry that Mr Roshan / Truaxe is no longer around to bother them. He blew them all out of the water - when he was sane - and they couldn't beat him - so they joined him. Ms Kilner looks fake and her tribute to Mr Roshan / Truaxe seemed fake too. My opinion, like anyone's, isn't definitive and this is a forum to air opinions.
So sad that someone felt they could not go on. I hope he has found the peace he could not find in life.

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