Debbie Flint - Please Stop


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I particularly don't like her habit of fixing the camera/viewer with a steely glare (as she did on both the Gatineau and Pilates shows!) & asking '...but what if you're wrong........what if it could make a difference.....?'

I noticed that on the Pilates show and it made me cringe, I switched off don't like her presenting style at all! It's like it's life or death or something!
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you're so right it is the steely glare. During the Gatineau show she was on about will you be able to look in the mirror in five years time and say to yourself did i do all i could to prevent these wrinkles, then the glare, then well try it buy one, buy two you can't afford to miss out, get to the phones now! Far to pressurised for my liking.
I thought she was a breath of fresh air to start with but not anymore.
The "now (pause 1,2,3,).." drives me nuts. I believe she was on kids TV and I think that's where she's better off. Wouldn't be surprised on a kitchen show she tells you to get a grown-up to help you. Shame really, because I think she has got a cheeky sense of humour under that hard sales person exterior
I particularly don't like her habit of fixing the camera/viewer with a steely glare (as she did on both the Gatineau and Pilates shows!) & asking '...but what if you're wrong........what if it could make a difference.....?'

That bit in the Gatineau show was the only point I watched yesterday. It was like watching "The Demon Headmaster". I'll be honest, it scared me a little.
I saw her on with Josph Esposito showing the smart snap silver chain (which I have and it's great), she said you can buy 2 and join them together, yes you must buy 2 ladies. One costs £69 so no Debbie I wont be buying another.
I heard her say as the gatineau TSV was on easypay you must buy 3:taphead:
I had to turn her off last night during the Gatineau show 'Buy one,two, three or four ladies before the TSV sells out' Grrrrrrrr i was shouting at the telly 'shut it love, stop the hard sell' Flippin eck does she know there's a credit crunch :headbang:
The silly lady from Prai uses the "now ladies" ... it is SO irritating, and cheap to boot.. which matches the products to be honest ....(although I know she does a lot for animal rescue so she's good at heart).

Caught about 5 mins of DF, and I have to say didn't think she looked very polished and found her style a bit Ideal World'ish.... sorry to those who love her .. !!!
Just send her to IW and swap her with Loen who makes me laugh and does not care what she looks like. She makes most of QVC look like anal robots.
I remember her years ago and she used to come across as quite stroppy at times. She'd day things like, "Come on ladies, get on the phone for this, but it's up to you, if you miss out you'll be the loser."
It will be interesting to see how sales figures go with her shows. In my book, Julia continues to rule (and it's so funny, I noticed the increased 'poshness' in Julia's voice as well and wondered if I was just imagining things - but she was on with the South Seas lady, so I wondered if that was the reason - you know how some people unconsciously mimmick the accent of someone they're talking too?; I have a friend like that!).
I just looked in to see what you all thought of DF.

She's ghastly. She nearly drove me away from QVC last time, especially that horrid habit of looking down into the monitor and going cross-eyed.

NOT a good appointment; she really lets down the tone they have been so careful to cultivate.
I like Debbie. I think she's still probably on her best behaviour and pulling out all the stops to prove herself to the powers to be that she can rake in the sales. I believe once she settles down and has found her feet she'll show more of her her cheeky, fun side.
I posted in the first thread about her returning that I thought she was short of style and too market stall for my liking. I honestly thought that she would be something special from the way so many people used to hanker after the 'good old days' and would often refer to DF. I don't think Julia has anything to worry about. She's miles ahead of DF IMO. And the same can be said of Debbie, Pippa etc. There's something polished about them, and in comparison, DF seems a bit rough.
Didn't know her from before, so I've tried to watch her, but I just can't warm to her and her market stall style (roll up, roll up!) - I'm afraid I switch over immediately now when she's on, so she's joined JF and AD on my no-watch list.
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Well spotted Boffy I noticed JR's accent had plummed up a bit, the only problem is she can't keep it up. It was so funny when she was on with the South Sea Pearls lady, she was trying to copy her lovely speech and failing badly.:cheeky:

I am watching the Liz Earle show just now and Julia is falling in and out of the plummed up voice!!! :laughing:
Agreed. The Gatineau show was like watching one of the cheap jewellery channels. Beauty shows are normally relaxing and pleasant to watch but the hard sell and patronising steely glares made me turn off. It was all very tacky.

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