Dave the jadeite man


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I didn't see the thread from the employee! I do wish I had. What I can't get my head around is if people are being truly ripped off as it's suggested why are they allowed to get away with it? Why are people still buying at these ridiculous prices? How do the presenters not feel sick at what they are doing? I feel sick watching them, their false amazement and gushing when they know people are paying well over the odds and they are aiding them. I know it's their job but to me it shows what kind of people they are!!!!! Steve is not going to do anything but reap the benefits for all his God bless facade.
Sorry, it was an ex-employee. It's on page 15 of the "Gemporia - Struggling Financially?" thread. The user has now deleted their profile so no username name, but it is a big post and you will find it. This is the relevant section:

"By the way the working on tiny margins thing a complete load of bull. You see those pieces of Jade on screen pretty much every day? It's because they're the only things currently in stock that actually makes any money. This is because they cost something like £2 to make and then they mark it up to £100+ pounds. It's daylight robbery especially when you look at the actual quality. Oh and don't even get me started on what they actually say regarding treatments. Just one example was a really expensive parabia they sold a month or so back. Jake was on screen saying it was natural. HE'D CHANGED THE RECORDS TO MAKE IT SAY NATURAL. Whether this was orginally a mistake or he's lying I can't say because I genuinely don't know but you guys can be the judges of that."
Yup, pretty much what I have found. Very similar Type A Burmese Jade products are available out their for often 90-95 per cent less than Gems are charging for very similar, if not identical, designs. What that staff member posted in another thread, that Gems were relying on selling Jade at massively inflated prices to get them out of their financial woes seems to be exactly the case - and a little research shows that.
If Gemporia feels able to massively ramp up the selling price of their jade, then I would be wondering about the prices of whatever else they're currently selling.
Sorry, it was an ex-employee. It's on page 15 of the "Gemporia - Struggling Financially?" thread. The user has now deleted their profile so no username name, but it is a big post and you will find it. This is the relevant section:

"By the way the working on tiny margins thing a complete load of bull. You see those pieces of Jade on screen pretty much every day? It's because they're the only things currently in stock that actually makes any money. This is because they cost something like £2 to make and then they mark it up to £100+ pounds. It's daylight robbery especially when you look at the actual quality. Oh and don't even get me started on what they actually say regarding treatments. Just one example was a really expensive parabia they sold a month or so back. Jake was on screen saying it was natural. HE'D CHANGED THE RECORDS TO MAKE IT SAY NATURAL. Whether this was orginally a mistake or he's lying I can't say because I genuinely don't know but you guys can be the judges of that."
Thank you
Something that confuses me is the "we're only taking confirmations" line. If I add something to my basket and don't check it out, the stock level doesn't go down. I can take it out and put it back in and the counter still shows the same number.

Something else to watch out for is that I'm seeing presenters talking about things selling out in the morning, but when the repeat comes around there's lots of stock left if the stock numbers shown are any indication. I don't think they're always honest about how many pieces are being sold, it's just to give you a final push if you are sitting on the fence. That wasn't something I caught until they started doing replays.
I noticed this a couple of weeks ago. They'd say something had sold out while the quantity was still high & still available on web. Definitely think it's a sales tactic
Two of my jade pieces just arrived. Ebay, from China, both 99p. Both sold as type A Burmese Jade. The buddha looks almost identical to the one being sold by Gems, even as a hole in the top of his head - like theirs. Although theirs has a silver mount and they are banging it out for £149 on the website and I have seen it for £99 in an auction. The buddha has translucency, the carved round pendant not so much, just in places. I got certificates with them - but they are in Chinese. One more 99p treat to come which is very similar to something being sold for £249 on the website at the moment. I'll post it when it arrives.
Here is another example. Surely what they are doing is not legal. They r deliberately misleading customers by referring to these items as “legacy” and “heirloom “. The fact that customers mails sent to studio seem to indicate that they r targeting the elderly who may not even check prices on internet sites makes it even more despicable .Charging 199 for a12 pendant. There is no excuse. By the way findings for jewellery makers are available at Cookson Gold and prob lots of other sites too. They are cheap.


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I know companies can charge what they like. I know the "value" of something is whatever the punters will pay. But their markups on jade are absolutely obscene. I really do not know how they sleep at night. I've spent a fair bit of money with them in the past. I got some nice pieces, often paying about a third less than they showed the same pieces at during more sociable hours. But, blimey, bearing in mind my 99p and your £11 are RETAIL prices and they will be getting trade or wholesale. This is absolutely disgusting. You photo shows two pieces that are identical. I am amazed the media or consumer press have not picked this up.
Thanks for the heads-up on Cookson Gold by the way. I will definitely check them out.
Here is another example. Surely what they are doing is not legal. They r deliberately misleading customers by referring to these items as “legacy” and “heirloom “. The fact that customers mails sent to studio seem to indicate that they r targeting the elderly who may not even check prices on internet sites makes it even more despicable .Charging 199 for a12 pendant. There is no excuse. By the way findings for jewellery makers are available at Cookson Gold and prob lots of other sites too. They are cheap.
I know companies can charge what they like. I know the "value" of something is whatever the punters will pay. But their markups on jade are absolutely obscene. I really do not know how they sleep at night. I've spent a fair bit of money with them in the past. I got some nice pieces, often paying about a third less than they showed the same pieces at during more sociable hours. But, blimey, bearing in mind my 99p and your £11 are RETAIL prices and they will be getting trade or wholesale. This is absolutely disgusting. You photo shows two pieces that are identical. I am amazed the media or consumer press have not picked this up.
Thanks for the heads-up on Cookson Gold by the way. I will definitely check them out.
Plus Gemporia have the money and power to buy in huge volume and will therefore get bugger bulk discounts - compared to smaller online sellers that won't have anywhere near that privilege.

Is the Watchdog TV programme still running these days?......
Plus Gemporia have the money and power to buy in huge volume and will therefore get bugger bulk discounts - compared to smaller online sellers that won't have anywhere near that privilege.

Is the Watchdog TV programme still running these days?......
I really don't know which is a shame
Two of my jade pieces just arrived. Ebay, from China, both 99p. Both sold as type A Burmese Jade. The buddha looks almost identical to the one being sold by Gems, even as a hole in the top of his head - like theirs. Although theirs has a silver mount and they are banging it out for £149 on the website and I have seen it for £99 in an auction. The buddha has translucency, the carved round pendant not so much, just in places. I got certificates with them - but they are in Chinese. One more 99p treat to come which is very similar to something being sold for £249 on the website at the moment. I'll post it when it arrives.
How do you know that your stones are untreated? Are you able to check it? How do you know that the certificates are reliable? You see, there are many people (especially from India) who sell fake gemstones with fake certificates. This topic is well-known among the gem collectors.
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How do you know that your stones are untreated? Are you able to check it? How do you know that the certificates are reliable? You see, there are many people (especially from India) who sell fake gemstones with fake certificates. This topic is well-known among the gem collectors.
No, of course, I don't know for sure. I pretty much said that in my initial post when I said I had just purchased these items. However, as others have already said. There have been questions about the accuracy of Gems. I personally have an amber necklace that says no treatment when it has obviously been heat treated as it has sun cracks. You get those through heat treatments. Also I quote this from a post from an ex-employee.

""By the way the working on tiny margins thing a complete load of bull. You see those pieces of Jade on screen pretty much every day? It's because they're the only things currently in stock that actually makes any money. This is because they cost something like £2 to make and then they mark it up to £100+ pounds. It's daylight robbery especially when you look at the actual quality. Oh and don't even get me started on what they actually say regarding treatments. Just one example was a really expensive parabia they sold a month or so back. Jake was on screen saying it was natural. HE'D CHANGED THE RECORDS TO MAKE IT SAY NATURAL. Whether this was originally a mistake or he's lying I can't say because I genuinely don't know but you guys can be the judges of that.""

That is interesting because this ex-employee is saying just what we are saying the stuff Gems are selling costs only a few pounds and yet they are selling it at vastly inflated prices. Also because it throws doubt, yet again, on the accuracy of Gems certificates, particularly with treatments. Also we have the question of green indicolite.

I would believe - pretty much wholesale - certification from bodies such as the GIA. Otherwise, it's a matter of trust isn't it? And right now, I trust Gemporia/ Gems about as much as I trust a Chinese ebay seller. The difference is with a Chinese ebay seller I am paying 99 pence and with Gems for a VERY similar if not identical piece I would be paying at least £99 - often more. Since their financial worries there is more than a whiff of desperation about their shows, their pricing policies and their practices - and that makes me very wary. You may have a different opinion - I'm going to stay away and hope I am proved wrong. But look at the pieces on ebay and the pieces they sell. They look very similar or identical, right down to the carving. There are good reasons to be wary - and it's not just me saying it.
No, of course, I don't know for sure. I pretty much said that in my initial post when I said I had just purchased these items. However, as others have already said. There have been questions about the accuracy of Gems. I personally have an amber necklace that says no treatment when it has obviously been heat treated as it has sun cracks. You get those through heat treatments. Also I quote this from a post from an ex-employee.

""By the way the working on tiny margins thing a complete load of bull. You see those pieces of Jade on screen pretty much every day? It's because they're the only things currently in stock that actually makes any money. This is because they cost something like £2 to make and then they mark it up to £100+ pounds. It's daylight robbery especially when you look at the actual quality. Oh and don't even get me started on what they actually say regarding treatments. Just one example was a really expensive parabia they sold a month or so back. Jake was on screen saying it was natural. HE'D CHANGED THE RECORDS TO MAKE IT SAY NATURAL. Whether this was originally a mistake or he's lying I can't say because I genuinely don't know but you guys can be the judges of that.""

That is interesting because this ex-employee is saying just what we are saying the stuff Gems are selling costs only a few pounds and yet they are selling it at vastly inflated prices. Also because it throws doubt, yet again, on the accuracy of Gems certificates, particularly with treatments. Also we have the question of green indicolite.

I would believe - pretty much wholesale - certification from bodies such as the GIA. Otherwise, it's a matter of trust isn't it? And right now, I trust Gemporia/ Gems about as much as I trust a Chinese ebay seller. The difference is with a Chinese ebay seller I am paying 99 pence and with Gems for a VERY similar if not identical piece I would be paying at least £99 - often more. Since their financial worries there is more than a whiff of desperation about their shows, their pricing policies and their practices - and that makes me very wary. You may have a different opinion - I'm going to stay away and hope I am proved wrong. But look at the pieces on ebay and the pieces they sell. They look very similar or identical, right down to the carving. There are good reasons to be wary - and it's not just me saying it.
Well said!

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