Aldi Lacura Cuvée Royal Days 3 and 4 (cheeky, I know, but it's past midnight :mysmilie_59

Day 3 - Cuvée Royal Moisture Serum
Day 4 - Cuvée Royal Power Serum
Probably at this stage I should say I haven't yet tried any of the 4 serums revealed. I won't today either as I treated myself to a facial.
So - Day 1 Oxy Serum contains Dakaline and should improve skin firmness and smoothes the skin - there are 4 vials of this in the calendar.
Day 2 Refine Serum contains Enantha Chlorantha extract, Oleanolic acid Hyaluronic acid, and Ectoin to support skin hydration and elasticity - there are 4 vials to try.
Day 3 Moisture Serum contains Polysaccharides, Apple and Lupine extract, Hyaluronic acid and Ectoin to minimise moisture loss and reduce appearance of wrinkles - another one with 4 vials.
Day 4 Power Serum contains an Oxygen complex, Hyaluronic acid, and Ectoin to improve skin firmness and reduce appearance of lines and wrinkles - yet another which comes in 4 vials.
I will predict that Day 5 will be the Lift serum, which is the only other one which comes in 4 vials in the calendar.
Even though I've not had a proper play with any of the serums as yet, I'm definitely sold on the idea of a beauty advent calendar... so come 2017, I will be looking for recommendations from users of other calendars.
This one, though, for the fact it's serums, and cost only £19.99 represents good value for the type of ingredients involved. But if you are hankering after a variety of different brands to try it might not be the best one. For me, I don't want makeup, just skincare, so I might have to stick to a single brand.
I think the powder pink pot rouge is supposed to be Bobbi Brown's best selling blusher, isn't it?