Current item Marcel Drucker watches


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To be honest maybe i have no taste as I adore diamonique just love it but these watches are just too garish
MD seems to be a great guy and, from what customers have said, offers great customer service. but the range is similar to watches one can pick up from market stalls for a few pounds. there must be exceptions in his range, but most watches are tat and cheap looking.
I actually have a couple of his watches (sorry, vaaatchessss...)...
And I like them!


With marcasite

With blue pearls and crystal

I do think most of them are hideous, but I cherry picked these ones with no regrets.
I also sent for a goldtone amethyst one meant to be a gift for my mum, but I just hated it on sight - looked much cheaper than it was, so it went back!
I would however buy again if the right design came up. Not that I need any more watches, I had FORTY at the last count...
both are beautiful PQ! i have one of the watches, too, in rose gold tone. but i agree, most of them are hideous.

40 watches! :11: only joking...why not? i bet you enjoy wearing them :1:
I don't have a watch. I have a problem keeping them working. Every watch I owned stopped after a short while so I've given up. I constantly give myself electric shocks, maybe I'm too wired!
they look so hideous to me

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I do like Toril's one especially, (though PQ seems to have picked a couple of little gems too!) - I saw that (or one very similar to it!) in one of the shows!
MD himself seemed a nice enough chap but came across as not entirely compos mentis - bit of an uphill climb for the presenters working with him I would imagine?
I do like Toril's one especially, (though PQ seems to have picked a couple of little gems too!) - I saw that (or one very similar to it!) in one of the shows!
MD himself seemed a nice enough chap but came across as not entirely compos mentis - bit of an uphill climb for the presenters working with him I would imagine?

I was shocked the other day when i saw him on a show... I hadn't seen him on a program for a year or so and really noticed a difference in him... (never bought any of his watches - just seen some of the hours over the years...)
Was that wired PetPixie or weird? LOL.

I have an amethyst one. Loads of amethysts for the money but I can't wear it.

It ruined a lovely evening skirt which now looks as though I was attacked by a deranged kitten.

P.S. No offence Kitten-with-Claws - just a figure of speech.
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I'd been wondering what had happened to Marcel too.

Only ever had one of his watches. I liked it, but it kept sending my arm green. The metal also became very blistered on the underside of the watch, so I ended up sending it back. Oh well!
I was shocked the other day when i saw him on a show... I hadn't seen him on a program for a year or so and really noticed a difference in him... (never bought any of his watches - just seen some of the hours over the years...)

The airing before last of his products, some other man was representing him, i think they said it was his brother. I have thought over the last few years he looks inreasing frail and I though this visit he did not look well at all to me.

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