credit to mike mason


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Do you think it's got to the point that we require a level of honesty from bid that is way beyond that of any other advertiser? I say this because we are. Demanding they tell us about the negative features of an item just as much as the positive. We don't demand this level of honesty from others do we? They are in sales/advertising after all. Imagine if the same rule was applied to every advertisement on TV? "we are injury lasers for you. Actually we are not real lawyers but the company paying for this advert will take 40% if they win" .. Or ... "the all new range rover. Group 17 insurance and just 20mpg . But looks stunning" .. Or ..."burger king taste is king and half of your daily Fat allowance"

I could go on but I think you get the point. Has BID been so naughty that they have created a situation where we don't just want the facts and truth but we want to know everything bad or negative too?

Just look at the amount of ASA rulings against bid. That should show you that it is not just us putting them under the microscope. Name me one other channel that the ASA have been so concerned about their behaviour they have reported them to OFFCOM. Says all you should need to know.

Do you think it's got to the point that we require a level of honesty from bid that is way beyond that of any other advertiser? I say this because we are. Demanding they tell us about the negative features of an item just as much as the positive. We don't demand this level of honesty from others do we? They are in sales/advertising after all. Imagine if the same rule was applied to every advertisement on TV? "we are injury lasers for you. Actually we are not real lawyers but the company paying for this advert will take 40% if they win" .. Or ... "the all new range rover. Group 17 insurance and just 20mpg . But looks stunning" .. Or ..."burger king taste is king and half of your daily Fat allowance"

I could go on but I think you get the point. Has BID been so naughty that they have created a situation where we don't just want the facts and truth but we want to know everything bad or negative too?

Bid have been so misleading in the past and the ASA complaints speak for this. I agree that they are being very overcautious, but with OFCOM watching they need to be. At the moment, if there are white lies I do think that they are mistakes and not intending to mislead and I would not put in a complaint about them. It was the fact that they were so planned out and it seemed like the producer was coming up with new tactics every day to boost sales even if it meant misleading. I feel that OFCOM should fine bid for what has happened in the past to stop them from misleading in this fashion again. If OFCOM just say they've changed and don't fine them, I can see them deciding to go back to their own ways gradually which would be ashame.
Just look at the amount of ASA rulings against bid. That should show you that it is not just us putting them under the microscope. Name me one other channel that the ASA have been so concerned about their behaviour they have reported them to OFFCOM. Says all you should need to know.


I think you have misunderstood my question.
I agree that they are being very truthful, but I assume it is just to be overcautious because OFCOM are on their backs. I would suspect that it is to show OFCOM how much they have 'changed'.

They no they are very close to a serious sanction or worse

people cant blame them for being over careful

I have watched ideal world for most of the day today

I could have made 4 seperate asa complaints all very similar to ones that have been upheld to sit up tv

I do partly agree with the poster above that if some of the other channels had the same scrutiny as bid they would not be looking quite so clean cut as they do at present
They have themselves to blame for the mess. But I don't think they are the worst channel. There are worse but they are not under the microscope like BID. I find mike mason pretty funny when I see him. But reading on here it's like wolves at the gate waiting for him to say something even slightly contentious or sensational. Again. Self enduced but not exactly fair and balanced. my point was that we love to complain and moan. It's just British cultour! It's not an opinion it's a fact. We prefer to talk about the negative. We find it more interesting for some reason.I'm not too bothered to be honest but I do find it all really entertaining lol. It would be dull on here if they was all angels right? What would we talk about? Halogen ovens ????.....

However, Bid is the channel that the viewers of this forum watch, yes, there may be worse channels, but they're ones I don't watch, so I'm happy to leave it to the viewers of those channels to make their own complaints should they feel the need. I don't think people are watching hours of Mike just waiting for him to make a slip up - Yes, it might seem he's being victimised, but c'mon folks he was one of the worst offenders..but if he's started to be a bit more honest, jolly good on him! telling us how the other night he was down town wearing his cheap polyester suit from bid, phoning a cab on his £14 mobile so he could rush home and watch the latest film on his dongle!
However, Bid is the channel that the viewers of this forum watch, yes, there may be worse channels, but they're ones I don't watch, so I'm happy to leave it to the viewers of those channels to make their own complaints should they feel the need. I don't think people are watching hours of Mike just waiting for him to make a slip up - Yes, it might seem he's being victimised, but c'mon folks he was one of the worst offenders..but if he's started to be a bit more honest, jolly good on him! telling us how the other night he was down town wearing his cheap polyester suit from bid, phoning a cab on his £14 mobile so he could rush home and watch the latest film on his dongle!

Exactly. I may not have a full time job but I keep busy and with many dramas and other TV to keep me amused I only have time to watch the channel which I do get the odd thing from. Reminds me of a school child told off for talking in assembly. The child's excuse would be that there are others talking, some worse than him and he was picked our because he talked before. Well that's life. If he hadn't talked before on in bid's case breeched many ASA guidelines over many years people wouldn't be watching more intently.

This is what I meant before BingoWings. It doesn't matter whether they are under the microscope than other channels. They are doing wrong and even though they know offcom are onto them they still are bad and IMHO Mike is one of the worse although I am glad to hear in patches he is getting better.

M&M. I know I keep asking this but you told me that Mike left Quiz Call because he found it morally wrong. Why is he still at bid now?

However, Bid is the channel that the viewers of this forum watch, yes, there may be worse channels, but they're ones I don't watch, so I'm happy to leave it to the viewers of those channels to make their own complaints should they feel the need. I don't think people are watching hours of Mike just waiting for him to make a slip up - Yes, it might seem he's being victimised, but c'mon folks he was one of the worst offenders..but if he's started to be a bit more honest, jolly good on him! telling us how the other night he was down town wearing his cheap polyester suit from bid, phoning a cab on his £14 mobile so he could rush home and watch the latest film on his dongle!

I wish I had the time to watch hours of TV don't you Merry? I usually watch situps when I'm ironing or working in the kitchen. I rarely watch it in the evenings
All power to Mike for trying to be honest....but what's the flipping point if another presenter just picks up where he left off! Yes Guy Kean...Laurelle is NOT a famous high street brand, never has been and I doubt if it ever will be!
You see I know people like me and others who have been critical of Mike have his Minions say it us pointless but can you honestly say he would have just started to change on his own without us?

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You see I know people like me and others who have been critical of Mike have his Minions say it us pointless but can you honestly say he would have just started to change on his own without us?


I think PJ makes a very valid point here.
I admit I've done my fair share of presenter bashing on here but ONLY because I want them to be honest and I get angry thinking some viewers have been misled and/or scaremongered by them.
However, I've always given credit where it's due too.
I like to think we've helped make a difference to those who were at risk of being sucked into the channels by making complaints to drive up standards. For me, I only have to look at how some of the presenters have changed to know that it's happened because of not in spite of us forumites.
All power to Mike for trying to be honest....but what's the flipping point if another presenter just picks up where he left off! Yes Guy Kean...Laurelle is NOT a famous high street brand, never has been and I doubt if it ever will be!

It's that cheapo smelling one one isn't it? I've never used it but apparently you need about a bucketful to make it last.
It's that cheapo smelling one one isn't it? I've never used it but apparently you need about a bucketful to make it last.

Oh yes Hillary, it's the cheap one that has it's own website with utterly ludicrous RRP's that (not dirty) Peter has no hesitation in telling us to check out so we can compare their prices to Bid's (for example £40 for a bottle of 'Disco' that Bid have shifted for less than £3 :eek:).

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Mike has just sold over a thousand Betty Boop Angel Eau de Parfum (75ml) for £7.99 + £7.99 p&p. That's some selling I must say, I am quite happy he's doing well as he's been really on the ball just lately. It goes to show if the product is decent & the price is reasonable there's no need to act like Peter Simon does to achieve good sales.
anything with betty boo on flies on bid

somebody will mention it is cheaper on no doubt

over a thousand people willing to pay bids price could have easily charged £3 more and sold enough to make more
anything with betty boo on flies on bid

somebody will mention it is cheaper on no doubt

over a thousand people willing to pay bids price could have easily charged £3 more and sold enough to make more

I don't know what price it is on any sites but my better half said she bought it once with the boop a doop fragrance (pack of 2) & she payed about £50 for it. She liked both fragrances too. I think this may well be a decent deal and I enjoyed Mikes presentation selling it.
I really respected Mike tonight, he showed a lot of dignity
He was selling a big button mobile and a viewer texted in saying 'keep up the good work Mike and take no notice of the haters' (could have been referring to this forum maybe?)
Mike handled it really well but Kiri brought up the fact that he had haters a few times as a joke. Mike wouldn't be drawn, he didn't comment except to say 'you can't please all the people all of the time' and he steered Kiri away from the topic.
Good on you Mike, exceptionally professional and dignified behaviour and a pleasure to watch this evening IMO
I do wish people would stop referring to storage on a PC or tablet as memory. Two totally different things. Thought Mike would know as a self confessed techy. Not saying he is trying to be missleading in any way, just a school boy error.
that was cracking from Mike

Like deeedeee said somebody probably from the facebook page texted in and you could tell he was a bit hurt by it but held himself back from commenting directly

well done mike

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