Come on Barbie, Lets go party....


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No denying a fine pair of pins, but I can think of nothing worse than being admired from the back and then making people jump when you turn round.

I speak from experience here. A few years ago I was at the V Festival and found myself seperated from the group, I was dancing about (blame the drink) wearing a beanie hat and it was very dark. I young lad of about 18 started to dance along side me and was quite happlily trying to impress me, all of a sudden bright lights flashed and his face was a picture. God I didnt know people could run that fast. It was hilarious and still causes much merriment whenever remembered by Mr Y.

Brilliant Yorko .
My Daughter's friends Mum is known locally as "1664" on account of looking 16 from the rear but 64 from the front!! she doesn't know of course and fancies herself rotten!

She's one of these women that has always had an incredible figure and works hard at keeping it but has overdone the sun,wine and the dieting.
It always makes me smile.
My Daughter's friends Mum is known locally as "1664" on account of looking 16 from the rear but 64 from the front!! she doesn't know of course and fancies herself rotten!

She's one of these women that has always had an incredible figure and works hard at keeping it but has overdone the sun,wine and the dieting.
It always makes me smile.

Maybe she is living by the saying "You don't look at the mantlepiece when you're poking the fire"
Maybe we don't use that phrase in N.I. or maybe i'm just niave, or........... just old :sweat:
I think it's been about for a while Barb, so fear not, it's certainly not an age thing. My Mum's early 70's and said it to me when I was a teen, about someone who was putting it about in the town where we lived. I remember shouting "MOTHER & YOU A GOOD CATHOLIC GIRL!" Whilst rolling about with laughter lol x.

Barkly, I'm with you on this one. Never 'eard of it on either side of ThePond. You and I are SuchInnocents. 'Til this forum! lol x Edjercatin'Snarly
In a similar vein, I used to work with a lot of male Servicemen. One of their favourite expressions when talking about a well upholstered lady lady was "you could slap her @rse and ride in on the waves" It creased me up when I first heard it before the days of Political Correctness.

Hope no- one is offended by this post. If so, my apologies. Gemma
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In a similar vein, I used to work with a lot of male Servicemen. One of their favourite expressions when talking about a well upholstered lady lady was "you could slap her @rse and ride in on the waves" It creased me up when I first heard it before the days of Political Correctness.

Hope no- one is offended by this post. If so, my apologies. Gemma

Not offended at all Gemma because the version I know is "smack it twice and go in on the ripple"!! :wink:
'All cats are grey in the dark' is another...

I'm sure Michelle Hope is some Julie Walters/Victoria Wood creation. She isn't really real is she?!

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