Registered Shopper
Just to add my tuppence worth, I had to switch off CS the other day, she was just so nauseating! I think a room full of toddlers would have started chucking their toys at her in protest!
I agree with all you have said, LEL.
I must confess that I'm very disappointed in Debbie Flint. I think the appeal she had was because of the way she interacted with others like Paul, Rob etc. and because the hard sell seemed secondary to having fun. I won't labour the point about times and methods changing because it's been done to death on other threads.When I see her steely eyes now, I start to wonder if she was brought back to do just what she is doing. If so, and if the comments on this forum are anything to go by, QVC have got it massively wrong.
Maybe this works with the newer customers, not us old school lot who remember the halcyon days and maybe it is us that are out of step in this brash gimmee,gimmee culture.We liked to be seduced into parting with our money with a bit of subtle flattery and ego stroking...and why not.....
Ooh "Flinty eyes" Flint - that ones going to stick isn't it?! Nice work Minnehaha! :mysmilie_17:
I believe that different selling styles work on different people so QVC tries top have styles that work on all of us. (and that means that some presenter's selling styles won't work on us and will in fact irk us to the point of switching off, watching on FFWD or making good use of the "mute" button.)
I've also come around to BurlyBears way of thinking on the subject of us slagging off the presenters on here. I had thought that some of the things said were gobsmackingly bitchy and cruel and it made me feel uncomfortable because we know that some of them read this board.
However, the presenters have no control over what people think, how people perceive them, and what people say about them - but they do have control over what they choose to read on the internet, plus - as BurlyBear says - our feelings about the presenters are directly linked to our purchasing decisions. QVC know it and exploit it which makes the presenters fair game.
I also have a theory that we express our negative feelings about QVC by slagging off the presenters because they are the public face of the faceless corporation.
But anyway... I also wholeheartedly agree with Watersiren that free speech cuts in all directions. I support everybody's right to post what they feel, whether they are starting a thread, adding to it, agreeing, disagreeing - whatever. :mysmilie_11:
i don't reckon Debbie F has watched QVC since she left all those years agocos quite frankly, i know far more about every product than she does.....and yes, i know, that makes me a saddo but yeehaa it's xmas
I agree with you here LE Lover and I also admire Anthony Heywood for this also.
CS however I can take or leave. I caught a bit of her yesterday selling a pink Quickchange (?) cordless screwdriver which I thought looked innovative as it had all the drill heads attached to it and looked really easy to use however CS had to keep banging on about it being "girly pink". I also laughed to myself when she was presenting an aerobed and said it would be great now in the run up to Christmas with extra guests and then went on to say she wished she had had one at weekend when some relatives were snowed in and stayed at hers. Said she had to get the soft bed out for them. Me, I'm sitting there thinking, well if she hasn't got one why should I bother buying one? Now had it been Craig I'm sure he would have had one in every room just in case!
On the subject of DF I can't bear to watch her anymore. x
I like Julian too as he seems like a really nice, decent guy and comes over as being very credible (I also picked up on him saying one of the Yankee Candles wasn't for him but his mate liked it).
I also noticed Claire said that she wished she had the aerobed but if she said she did have it then I would have been thinking "another presenter who says they have everything". However I did feel she came over as a bit affected when she was talking about mummy. Having said that I like her as she always seems very happy and positive and it must be difficult for her at times.
Craig of course would have had an aerobed upstairs, one downstairs and one to keep in the car! That said I do like him but once we notice something a particular presenter does we cannot help but pick up on it. I think the problem is that some of us, and that definitely includes me, watch a bit too much QVC and notice all these things that someone who just dips in now and again wouldn't.
Sorry I cannot remember who mentioned that different styles of presentation appeal to different people but I agree with that, you cannot please everyone!
Imo she would deffo appeal to men.....especially the sort who *enjoy* the girly, subservient Stepford type of women or those latent Mummy's Boys who crave nurturing and possibly love to wear nappies..... :mysmilie_11:True. I have a huge question-mark in my mind. Whom does CS appeal to? I am sure she does, no doubt. This is a genuine question, I would be grateful for any answers.
Imo she would deffo appeal to men.....especially the sort who *enjoy* the girly, subservient Stepford type of women or those latent Mummy's Boys who crave nurturing and possibly love to wear nappies..... :mysmilie_11:I suspect she also fills the gap for some of the more needy viewers who feel comforted by her maternal vibes and baby soothing voice, which personally make me feel like chucking up, but each to their own. :mysmilie_701: I wonder if irl she's actually as hard nosed as Flinty or a closet dominatrix.....?? :mysmilie_61:
I imagine the key criterion for performance evaluation must be sales and if her shows weren't generating enough revenue for QVC then they wouldn't keep her. I know that's not really answering your question though!True. I have a huge question-mark in my mind. Whom does CS appeal to? I am sure she does, no doubt. This is a genuine question, I would be grateful for any answers.
now this is in no way a nasty thread and I am sure Claire is a lovely lady and a great Mum.... but i cannot watch her present anything anymore.
It's like watching shopping telly for 4 year olds,everything is yummy,delish,fabby or deeeevine and delivered in a singy songy contrived childlike voice.
It's not a good way to present imho ...so it's the off/mute button for me which is a shame really.:mysmilie_73:
Debbie Flint has a hard cash focused style to her presenting that to my mind would be more suited to a Hook a Duck stall at a fair. I don't think it sits very well with QVC's intention to be the television equivalent of a department store.
Claire is a stunning lady, but I also dislike her childish manner.
As for DF, I disliked her from the very beginning of her 'return' show a few months ago. I had been led to believe that she was a special presenter because so many posts here had referred to her and the 'good old days' in glowing terms. Sorry, but I don't get it at all. She's a real turn off.
Claire is a stunning lady, but I also dislike her childish manner.
Claire is stunning and very easy on the eye and if she dropped the cutsey carp she would be one of the most watchable presenters because she's not full of herself like JR and AK, not bossy like AY, not gushing like CH, not disingenuous like DG, not grating like AD and not plain stupid like JF.
As for DF, I disliked her from the very beginning of her 'return' show a few months ago. I had been led to believe that she was a special presenter because so many posts here had referred to her and the 'good old days' in glowing terms. Sorry, but I don't get it at all. She's a real turn off.
I used to like her in the old days but I did wonder when she was coming back whether it would work as things have moved on. I haven't really seen that many shows presented by her since she has come back but she seems ok to me.
I have never like DF as a presenter and didn't wallow in rose tinted nostalgia when her return was announced, in fact quite the opposite and I hope her stint on QVC is even shorter than her last one.
ppc i don't remember DF from the last time round, all i know now is that i really don't like the steely eyed one. as you said nearly everyone was wetting themselves with excitement at her return. In what ways if any has she changed?