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There are no rules that I am aware of that you have to actually know the person to become a f b 'friend' ... I have friends I know and friends I don't know ... my original point was that everyone else accepted and she didn't but hey ho ...

I think, when I joined a long while ago, you were told that you really weren't supposed to try to 'friend' people if you didn't know them. I'm not sure it was part of the rules, but it was certainly discouraged. Now I think they warn users to be very, very careful.
I did not mean to offend, only to say that the fact Catherine refused you was probably more to do with wanting an online place to go to get away from it all (as many of us do) rather than taking herself too seriously. To be honest I'm surprised any ST presenters accept viewers as friends for that very reason.
One thing I can say with 100% certainty is that Catherine is a absolutely lovely person.

Facebook limit friends so can fully understand her not accepting everyone.

Well said Graham, I'm sure she is. she certainly used to read this forum, not sure if she still does. There's so much nastiness shown towards certain presenters, such personal attacks really aren't necessary. If you don't like them, don't watch them - or critisise them for trying to keep their personal lives personal. Talking about their families on air is one thing, but I certainly wouldn't want my family and friends mixing with QVC punters on my Facebook profile.
I don't know anything about Facebook, but why can't people who want to be 'private' just not appear on the site at all to random searchers? Why can't the 'private' Facebook person just circulate such a hidden-from-the-rest-of-the-world link by email to the select people who they want to be 'friends' with? That's a question the Facebook people should be honest about and address - it makes me wonder why this isn't the case! The only thing I can think of is that Facebook want this tantalising oooooooh-can-I-be-your-friend situation present on their 'wonderful' :smirk: site.

I think the reason you can be searched and found is so that people can contact you - there'd be little point in it if they couldn't! For example many of my Facebook friends are old schoolmates - most of whom I had lost contact with. I was able to get back in touch with them, and they with me only because of the search facility on Facebook. You can keep private almost everything else - all your personal details, your friends, your comments, your posts etc from everyone if you wish, or tailor access to individuals as you want. Provided you're not putting every little detail in open public view you can really keep a lot of things sacred until you let someone is as a friend. It's pretty cool, I think.
Totally agree with post saying CHuntley is only private when it suits her.

Personally, I don't like her OTT way of presenting - find it too "nice" and a bit false.

P xx
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Well said Graham, I'm sure she is. she certainly used to read this forum, not sure if she still does. There's so much nastiness shown towards certain presenters, such personal attacks really aren't necessary. If you don't like them, don't watch them - or critisise them for trying to keep their personal lives personal. Talking about their families on air is one thing, but I certainly wouldn't want my family and friends mixing with QVC punters on my Facebook profile.

Hear hear.
Totally agree with post saying CHuntley is only private when it suits her.

Personally, I don't like her OTT way of presenting - find it too "nice" and a bit false.

P xx

Thats is Catherine I am afarid 100% nice, nothing she can do about that it is the way she is.
To be honest I think anyone in the public eye, even in a very minor way, are potentially asking for trouble by allowing strangers to join their FB.

They do have an option of setting up a 'fan' account and that way can keep their personal account private.
I think she is quite right to keep it private, just look at what happened to that poor girl Katie who has been in the media recently.

I have my Facebook page private as well as I don't want all and sundry looking at my holiday photos etc, just the select few get that delight! A lot of people have their page's private, it's no big deal really. I do think this has been blown into something it didn't need to be to be honest.
Fair play to her for wanting to have something private. Twitter is a more obvious place for her to connect with QVC viewers than FB, which is in a lot of ways distinctly more personal than Twitter as you put relationship status on there, family photos, where you live etc. I guess it's up to the discretion of the presenter what they want to reveal and not reveal.
Its Catherine's right to be private IMO, she has asked GracieT via Twitter to post the full explanation she gave for not adding to FB.

Thanks for this Clare, I have now contacted Catherine on twitter and told her she can send reply to me and I will post it on here.
I don't get this facebook thing at all. Why would you want to be friends with people that you don't know???

I couldn't agree more - it's a load of carp. Surely to call someone a friend you should actually know them! I cannot stand Chuntley but I totally agree with her and am impressed that she actually took the time to reply!
so if Catherine did indeed accept, then what? would you write on her wall like you know her? start a poke war with her? flick through her pics?

its bad enough her place of work is broadcast to millions, maybe she just wants to keep some facets of her life personal?
I can't be doing with Facebook, Twitter, all that gumph!! One of my kids put me on Facebook and I don't understand any of it, someone wants to show me their farm, someone else sent me a rainbow etc, etc. It's a mystery to me:angel:

I hate the way there's just no privacy any more, everyones' lives have become so public. You used to be able to escape from people but not any more, we're either being bombarded with phone calls, emails, Facebook, mobile calls etc, etc.
I hate the intrusion, I just want a quiet life. I never, ever give my mobile number to anyone but good friends and family, that way I know that at least it's people I want to hear from not someone chasing me up from Moneysupermarket because I've been looking at insurance prices!!:sleepy:

Don't get me wrong, I'm very much a people person but just don't get this need to be in constant contact all the time xxx:cheeky:
I don't get this facebook thing at all. Why would you want to be friends with people that you don't know???
My thoughts entirely! I get sick and tired of casual acquaintances I speak to every day or friends who I am in contact by email almost daily, sending me messages asking me to be their "fwend". If they are friends already I don't need to do the Facebook thing and if they aren't why should I care.
I am on facebook. Only joined as a friend put some photos up and also a perfume get together had their tour up. Follow some perfumers who post.

I have no photos or even personal details. I keep getting people who want to be my friend, I have no idea who half of them are. I do pop into Keeley from Elemis' wall to find out about tsv's usually. I have people sending me perfume, and other weird things. Look on the wall if the site is down. Have chatted with a few people I do know. From believe it or not.

Thought I had a stalker at one point who I was ignoring, he popped into chat with me when I was talking to someone else. Found out he was not a stalker but had me mixed up with someone with the same name. A real life friend complains she cannot find me on facebook as I leave no photos or personal stuff. Why, she lives round the corner from me!

I do not want to do a farm thing no interest. Who the hell wants to farm a imaginary farm? Please get a life. Same friend from round the corner in real life. Does this farm crap everyday. Its like watching pain dry.

Do not want invites to things.
Especially on the other side of the world.

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