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Gracie T

Registered Shopper
Aug 20, 2009
I enjoy Face Book .. so I thought I would sent friend requests to some of the presenters ... Julian Ballantyne.. never responded ...... Pippa ... accepted.... Debbie F ... accepted .... Craig R ... accepted .... Loen & Andy Love ... accepted .... LJ Rich ... accepted .... Dave Bradford ... accepted .... ex presenter Paul Lavers ... accepted.....CHuntley ... sent me a message saying that she likes to keep private ... I'm not a stalker lol ... I'm really not impressed .. all the others are so down to earth, it's a bit of fun ... stop taking yourself so serious Catherine
I guess she dosen't have to accept, and has a right to keep things personal if she wishes. Is anyone forcing you to make your Facebook public??
shame she's not so private when we have to hear her endless witterings about her handbag collection, her weight loss, what moisturiser her husband uses etc. Only private when it suits eh chuntley.
I guess she dosen't have to accept, and has a right to keep things personal if she wishes. Is anyone forcing you to make your Facebook public??

No she doesn't have to accept, but she twits constantly, so I just don't see the difference. All the others accepted, she didn't
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I don't blame her to be honest...some presenters like Pipa put private pics up but she probably puts those ones she does not mind sharing and she does mention things like her christmas album so in a way it is promotion of her stuff. Pipa knows what she wants people to see and what she does not...also you can accept people but not let them see certain pictures etc.

Catherine may have joined Facebook to talk with her friends, family and not the public..some celebs have 2 accounts one for friends and one for fans.

I don't think her not accepting is a nasty thing, she did take the time to explain why.
I enjoy Face Book .. so I thought I would sent friend requests to some of the presenters ... Julian Ballantyne.. never responded ...... Pippa ... accepted.... Debbie F ... accepted .... Craig R ... accepted .... Loen & Andy Love ... accepted .... LJ Rich ... accepted .... Dave Bradford ... accepted .... ex presenter Paul Lavers ... accepted.....CHuntley ... sent me a message saying that she likes to keep private ... I'm not a stalker lol ... I'm really not impressed .. all the others are so down to earth, it's a bit of fun ... stop taking yourself so serious Catherine

I don't get this facebook thing at all. Why would you want to be friends with people that you don't know???
Yeh I think she's right to have her own privacy, I have mine so people can't see anything.

I tried to add Leighton Denny instead of the group and he said the same.
No she doesn't have to accept, but she twits constantly, so I just don't see the difference. All the others accepted, she didn't

Maybe she has chosen to have Facebook more private, just for real friends etc....Whereas she has chosen Twitter as somewhere fans/viewers can follow her.
I don't blame her to be honest...some presenters like Pipa put private pics up but she probably puts those ones she does not mind sharing and she does mention things like her christmas album so in a way it is promotion of her stuff. Pipa knows what she wants people to see and what she does not...also you can accept people but not let them see certain pictures etc.

Catherine may have joined Facebook to talk with her friends, family and not the public..some celebs have 2 accounts one for friends and one for fans.

I don't think her not accepting is a nasty thing, she did take the time to explain why.

I totally agree.
I don't blame her to be honest...some presenters like Pipa put private pics up but she probably puts those ones she does not mind sharing and she does mention things like her christmas album so in a way it is promotion of her stuff. Pipa knows what she wants people to see and what she does not...also you can accept people but not let them see certain pictures etc.

Catherine may have joined Facebook to talk with her friends, family and not the public..some celebs have 2 accounts one for friends and one for fans.

I don't think her not accepting is a nasty thing, she did take the time to explain why.

I couldn't agree more! I respect Catherine for choosing to keep parts of her private life to herself. Sometimes people post thoughts and stories and experiences that they want to share with a chosen few. Quite normal really! Also if you are someone's Facebook friend you can usually see all their other Facebook friends and the things they post on your mutual friend's page. It might just be that Catherine is also doing this to protect the thoughts etc of her actual friends and family!
It sounds, doesn't it, like she was very polite in her refusal?
If someone I don't know (after all Facebook is officially only supposed to be for connecting with people you know!) asks me to be their Facebook friend I usually ask them where they know me from, or whether they know of a mutual interest. Personally I don't want to broadcast everything I put on Facebook with everyone ON Facebook! And I'm completely unknown!
I don't get this facebook thing at all. Why would you want to be friends with people that you don't know???

That's just it - you're not actually supposed to ask someone to be your Facebook friend unless you actually know them! People do - I have a couple of friends on there I don't know in the real world but we have common interests etc.
I don't blame her to be honest...some presenters like Pipa put private pics up but she probably puts those ones she does not mind sharing and she does mention things like her christmas album so in a way it is promotion of her stuff. Pipa knows what she wants people to see and what she does not...also you can accept people but not let them see certain pictures etc.

Catherine may have joined Facebook to talk with her friends, family and not the public..some celebs have 2 accounts one for friends and one for fans.

I don't think her not accepting is a nasty thing, she did take the time to explain why.

I agree Irishbliss, at least CH took the time to respond and not just hit the "decline" button.

Hear hear to both.
shame she's not so private when we have to hear her endless witterings about her handbag collection, her weight loss, what moisturiser her husband uses etc. Only private when it suits eh chuntley.

Well said LE lover! I also remember her mentioning sharing a bath with her other half ages ago, which was just squirmy. Chuntley's odd in that way: kind of alright and nice enough, then she'll just try too hard and blow it somehow by being a bit cringeworthy - giving us a bit too personal a titbit of info./too crawly with a guest/making some totally inane remark - meanwhile being dressed up fit to appear on a bandbox. Sooooo... when she wants to be 'private' on facebook you just want to stick your tongue out and blow a big wet raspberry in her face!
That's just it - you're not actually supposed to ask someone to be your Facebook friend unless you actually know them! People do - I have a couple of friends on there I don't know in the real world but we have common interests etc.

There are no rules that I am aware of that you have to actually know the person to become a f b 'friend' ... I have friends I know and friends I don't know ... my original point was that everyone else accepted and she didn't but hey ho ...
shame she's not so private when we have to hear her endless witterings about her handbag collection, her weight loss, what moisturiser her husband uses etc. Only private when it suits eh chuntley.
and her time of the month don't forget.............
I don't know anything about Facebook, but why can't people who want to be 'private' just not appear on the site at all to random searchers? Why can't the 'private' Facebook person just circulate such a hidden-from-the-rest-of-the-world link by email to the select people who they want to be 'friends' with? That's a question the Facebook people should be honest about and address - it makes me wonder why this isn't the case! The only thing I can think of is that Facebook want this tantalising oooooooh-can-I-be-your-friend situation present on their 'wonderful' :smirk: site.
shame she's not so private when we have to hear her endless witterings about her handbag collection, her weight loss, what moisturiser her husband uses etc. Only private when it suits eh chuntley.

Well said LE lover! I also remember her mentioning sharing a bath with her other half ages ago, which was just squirmy. Chuntley's odd in that way: kind of alright and nice enough, then she'll just try too hard and blow it somehow by being a bit cringeworthy - giving us a bit too personal a titbit of info./too crawly with a guest/making some totally inane remark - meanwhile being dressed up fit to appear on a bandbox. Sooooo... when she wants to be 'private' on facebook you just want to stick your tongue out and blow a big wet raspberry in her face!
One thing I can say with 100% certainty is that Catherine is a absolutely lovely person.

Facebook limit friends so can fully understand her not accepting everyone.

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