Christmas In July ?


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Jul 17, 2008
Only if you're a crafter ! And you should have enough to set you up for a month of Christmases by now ! Almost a whole flipping day of it! Ah well at least my money's safe !
As I said, nearly a whole day of it. Christmas in July was never like this before.
Christmas in July used to be just one day and that was more than enough now we have a whole weekend!! :taphead:
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Only if you're a crafter ! And you should have enough to set you up for a month of Christmases by now ! Almost a whole flipping day of it! Ah well at least my money's safe !

Congrats to QVC for being the worst and most cynical shopping channel on televison .Qvc sucks for many reasons but they went straight into the number one slot as the worst channel by doing Chistmas in July and a whole day of it as well.
I wonder what percentage of their potential viewing audience they totally wiped out with their early Christmas shows..and it wasn';t just crafting either.
I resent them pushing this out 5 months in advance,and I'd like to know what saddos are so keen that they actually watch and buy Christmas in July.
My Christmas starts round 22nd Dec when I am on a plane lifting off taking me away from the massive commercial enterprise which in this country is called Christmas.To start this in July is MAD, MAD, MAD!!!
It puts pressure onto those can't afford to spend then we have the follow up in January with advise on clearing the credit card debts.( maybe if you buy in July this is a way of spreading the cost?!!!)
I won't be watching QVC for one second this weekend but expect plenty will love it or they wouldn't do it!
Opps - have to admit, I quite enjoyed the Mr Christmas show, and the yankee one last night. I am one of those people who like to spread the cost of christmas so I always start shopping early.....Looking forward to christmas this year!
It's a shame everyone feels so pressured in having to buy gifts for everyone. Even on Lori Greiner, Charlie kept blathering on that it was a shame she wasn't on a week earlier as her stuff would have made great teachers gifts. There are better ways to show your appreciation of someone and their efforts on your behalf than just throwing money at some impersonal "thing". I used to love Christmas but the commercialism has killed it. I know we say it every year but it really does get worse each time round. I wonder where it will stop. I got very depressed over it last year as I have a large family who all seem to insist on swapping gifts. I can't be doing with spending hard earned cash on people that I never see from year to year.

I had to laugh at their promo though. Words along the lines of "buy now because there are only 5 months left until Christmas!" OMG! Only 5 months? Why didn't someone say sooner? I'll never get it all done in time now :p

It's a shame this weekend didn't coincide with Green Earth Day because my TV has been off for most of it!
There are so many people on their own through various circumstances who do not have the 'family' to buy all these gifts for.I am sure this 'Christmas' presentation make them feel even more 'alone'.I am one without the 'family' now but through working for over 40 years has built up enough cash to get me out of it, so I do.
Bah humbug!

Apart from immediate family we don't give presents to the other adults in my side of the family; however the out-laws give higher value presents at Christmas than they do for birthdays which makes for a real imbalance in my Xmas spending. The scrooge side of me feels a tad resentful spending 4 or 5times as much on people I don't particularly like, than I spend on my lovely brother. I know that if I suggest we only buy presents for the children there'd be outrage and indignation! i spend time thinking of appropriate gifts for them whereas they invariably get me a Boots voucher!

The shopaholic side of me would love an excuse to spend more at Christmas and I wish, in a way, I had more people to buy for; but if I spend more on my side of the family I'd be upsetting the equilibrium.

Jude xx
What a boring, boring weekend, 24hrs of anything is more than enough. :headbang:
Listening to the radio today, someone called in to say that they were having a full Xmas dinner to celebrate the fact that it is exactly five months to Xmas. Inspired by QVC programming perhaps? On a different note, I do think QVC is probably offloading last year's stock. I can't bring myself to watch! This has got to be one of the worst weekends of programming in a long time.
I am thoroughly depressed by Christmas In July. I am also thoroughly annoyed at presenters wishing me 'Merry Christmas'. It's not chuffing Christmas - it's chuffing July. Don't make me reverse my 'What The Chuff?' bus back two stops again...
been well hacked off with it today, I like a bit of QVC on a Sunday while bracing myself for the week ahead, somehow all the stuff looks even more tawdry for being hawked while the sun is out and the flowers are in bloom. Bit like when the lights go on in a nightclub and you can see the muck!!

Was at a festival yesterday so was not bothered about what they were up to, but seriously, two days of it, must be popular otherwise they would not do it.
this weekend has got to be the worst in QVC history!!! fair enough have a few Christmas crafty hours so people can start making their cards etc but a whole weekend of Christmas tat in July?!?!?!

I know I'm lucky as due to friends & family being very scattered and a lot non-UK based I get off very lightly at Xmas (in fact other than all the parties and nights out which I do enjoy I tend to ignore the whole thing :giggle:) and I know people with large families have to start budgeting and buying - but WHO is sad enough to buy Xmas wreaths & twee ornaments in July?

wait till October and your local Poundstretcher/B&M/Wilkinsons etc will be full of them at about an eighth of the QVC price...:headbang:
Am feeling a little bit like a naughty schoolgirl. I taped the whole of Sunday's Xmas in July mainly because I knew they had some cheap offers. Unfortunately as voiced by so many, it was really c**p. I did buy some fake candles mainly because the price was good and I do use these.
Other then that I woldn't give tuppence for any of the other stuff including Yankee candles. What was QVC thinking? There was so little variety that things were being churned out 4 - 5 times over the day. More sad is that I noticed this!!!!
saw a bit of julia earlier flogging those snowman light things that stick to your window she actually said they would be good if you have a place you rent out like a ski lodge that's relating to your customers isn't it? we all have a holiday ski lodge
BBC breakfast has just done a feature on Christmas shopping kicking off in the Summer and had a little intervew with Alison K, she said that they (QVC) took a million quid in one day during the "Christmas in July" event!!!! Have to day that it looked even tackier when shown as an extact on the BBC, they had a clip with Craig yapping away like he was on speed and the set looked totally garish
When I was new customer,I always used to buy something.I used to love it.I can see if you're a new customer,that it holds novelty facter (plus you havn't seen all the stuff,that we lot have,for years!!)

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