Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate


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Please stop saying CHOCOLATE Mrs Thornton's woman, you are doing my head in!! You must say it twice in every sentence.
and I wish she would stop saying that you cannot buy Mint Crumbles anywhere as nobody else makes this kind of sweet - every single M&S does!!!
I'm just trying to imagine how a guest might present an hour of Thorntons' products without mentioning 'chocolate' all the time …:wink:

In her defence, I think the Thorntons' mint crumble sweets are much denser than the M & S ones.
Yep agree but she says the chocolate word quite literally every other word. I was chocolated to death by the time she was over and they even finished the hour quarter of an hour early which surprised me as they had stock left, almost like she was irritating them too LOL.

Re the mint crumbles it was the fact that she kept saying that nobody else made them, well they do Mrs Thorntons lady you are wrong, whatever quality/density etc - they do. Now I am going to get on with life as I cannot believe I am so worked up over a ruddy chocolate lady ROFL!!
****** expensive too.
They are flogging this for just under £35.00

My local Co-op are selling a 450g box of Thorntons chocs for a fiver (down from £11.00).
So I would need to buy three boxes to get roughly the same weight, saving myself £20.00 in the process.

Yep, saw this offer in a Texaco service station today :hi:that had a Co-Op. Great offer if you're into Thorntons.
Please stop saying CHOCOLATE Mrs Thornton's woman, you are doing my head in!! You must say it twice in every sentence.

She gets on my nerves when she talks about the products in a revered, hushed tone. For gawd's sake woman, they're only chocolates.
AND when she disects them they all look the same inside, regardless of what flavour they are supposed to be. Cant be doing with all this truffle, ganache and mousse. Whatever happened to hard centres ???? All expensive chocs taste exactly the same - where are the butterscotch, turkish delight, marzipan, caramel, coffee/strawberry/orange creams from years gone by eh ? Oh I YEARN for the Black Magic of years ago !!!!!!
AND when she disects them they all look the same inside, regardless of what flavour they are supposed to be. Cant be doing with all this truffle, ganache and mousse. Whatever happened to hard centres ???? All expensive chocs taste exactly the same - where are the butterscotch, turkish delight, marzipan, caramel, coffee/strawberry/orange creams from years gone by eh ? Oh I YEARN for the Black Magic of years ago !!!!!!

Ohhh, me too. And All Gold with the brazil nut toffee yum !!
AND when she disects them they all look the same inside, regardless of what flavour they are supposed to be. Cant be doing with all this truffle, ganache and mousse. Whatever happened to hard centres ???? All expensive chocs taste exactly the same - where are the butterscotch, turkish delight, marzipan, caramel, coffee/strawberry/orange creams from years gone by eh ? Oh I YEARN for the Black Magic of years ago !!!!!!

Yeah I loved the original Black Magic choccies, toffee and mallow - scrummy!!! and the lemon creme was nice too. But toffee and mallow rocked lol.

I actually ventured into my local Thorntons this morning and they had quite a lot of offers on which really showed up QVCs prices on Sunday as being expensive. They had a really large box of assorted choccies which was half price at £5 and the Bakewell Block they kept raving about was in there at only £1.79 each or 3 for £5, on QVC to get this you had to spend not far off £40 as it only came with a centenary big box. I actually bought one and opened it on the train home and have to be honest its rather yummy so well worth the £1.79, and finding it for that price in the store was a surprise too, I would have been livid if I had paid nearly on £40 on air too get it in the other set.
Yes why don't they bring back all the old flavours,I liked the original milk tray and my favourite one was shaped like a barrel with green liquidy centre.
Chocolates are far too poncy these days I agree, they all look and taste the ****** same and the prices can be shocking. :eek: Call me old fashioned (if you dare lol) but a nice cold slab of Cadbury Fruit & Nut does it for me or my all time fave dark choccie, Cadbury Bournville Old Jamaica Rum & Raisin. :rock:
Chocolates are far too poncy these days I agree, they all look and taste the ****** same and the prices can be shocking. :eek: Call me old fashioned (if you dare lol) but a nice cold slab of Cadbury Fruit & Nut does it for me or my all time fave dark choccie, Cadbury Bournville Old Jamaica Rum & Raisin. :rock:

Oh yes cold Cadbury Fruit & Nut is a fav of mine too!!!!!! :happy:
Cadburys Rum and Raisin - aaah that brings back memories, with its orange and gold wrapper.

My ole daddy would always have a secret bar of this for a Sat night when he was watching Match of the Day, he would hide it from us during the day and then it would appear when the show started, I nb being poorly once and getting up and going into the front room and seeing him instantly slide it under the armchair as if to say "oh no, this is all mine" hee hee. Funny what things can take you straight back - OMG that must be at least 35 years ago, gulp!!!!

He progressed to Yorkie Raisin and Biscuit too ..... lol
Cadburys Rum and Raisin - aaah that brings back memories, with its orange and gold wrapper.

My ole daddy would always have a secret bar of this for a Sat night when he was watching Match of the Day, he would hide it from us during the day and then it would appear when the show started, I nb being poorly once and getting up and going into the front room and seeing him instantly slide it under the armchair as if to say "oh no, this is all mine" hee hee. Funny what things can take you straight back - OMG that must be at least 35 years ago, gulp!!!!
The wrapper is purple and red now Spooky and the taste is still divine. :heart:I currently have 3 bars in the fridge...:blush: I like your Dad's style!! :grin:
The wrapper is purple and red now Spooky and the taste is still divine. :heart:I currently have 3 bars in the fridge...:blush: I like your Dad's style!! :grin:

Poor ole daddy is now a type 2 diabetic so he cannot enjoy his chocolate anymore :doh: but its good that it is still about, enjoy yours. :happy: xx
The wrapper is purple and red now Spooky and the taste is still divine. :heart:I currently have 3 bars in the fridge...:blush: I like your Dad's style!! :grin:

Oooo I'm jealous! I don't normally buy sweets, but when I do it's always chocolate! You've sown the seed in my mind now PPC but I'm in a place where I can't get Rum and Raisin and I'm now craving it. Enjoy a piece for me and to hell with Thorntons!
Sainsburys sell it Gemma and Amazon sell a box of 18 :happy: if you're really stuck and NEED it... :wink:

Thank you very much for that PPC but I don't think it will help me at the moment 'cos I'm in SouthAfrica visiting my daughter! I'll certainly bear it in mind for the future though! Gemma xxx

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