Chloe on the Holiday Shop Hour


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Imo it was all just a joke, Charlie ended his hour saying something about the chocolate thief ...Chloe answered... we will miss you when you go to America....
Chloe is all over the place at the moment .She was presenting with Lesley Ebbetts and rambled off the subject and Lesley said to her "now to get back to this tunic "She replied to Lesley oh you're so professional to get me back onto the subject,or words to that effect,but by then the time ran out and they never did talk about the tunic.

I think Chloe is a bit of a free spirit with a low boredom threshold and it wouldn't surprise me if she was off to pastures new.
She's definitely not in the same mould as the rest of the shopping telly presenters and it wouldn't surprise me if she's still finding it hard to fit in. Shame, really. I think she's at least a breath of fresh air, love her or hate her.
She's definitely not in the same mould as the rest of the shopping telly presenters and it wouldn't surprise me if she's still finding it hard to fit in. Shame, really. I think she's at least a breath of fresh air, love her or hate her.

Yes we often complain about how boring Q is.I know we are mainly talking about the products ,but she is at least being herself I think .
She's not slick or word perfect and not a natural seller, but has a genuine-ness and likeability about her.
I think she does seem a bit awkward at times but she is not the only one in fact considering the length of time Kathy Taylor has been presenting she still get tongue tied at times. Of course then there's Marverine.
I think she does seem a bit awkward at times but she is not the only one in fact considering the length of time Kathy Taylor has been presenting she still get tongue tied at times. Of course then there's Marverine.

Marverine is not a natural telly-selly person and I feel a little sorry for her. I can remember being new in a job and feeling out of my depth. Perhaps if she doesn't become more comfortable she might decide it is not for her but I like the fact that she, Kathy Taylor and Chloe are not word perfect, it is endearing to me because they are not perfect.
I don't find it endearing, I find it unprofessional and at times I feel embarrassed for them, I can feel their nerves and the fact they're uncomfortable through the telly.
In a curiously obtuse way I probably pay more attention when the presenter is less than slick and word perfect, maybe beacuse it takes more effort to follow what they're say. Any long than an hour and it can get a bit tiring. Maybe QVC know that if they mingle different presenting styles throughout the day (esp TSV presentations) they'll persude a wider cross-section of viewers to buy. If a presenter brings in sales I think they're secure in their jobs.

Kathy Tayler has improved though, when she first started it was like listening to Mavis Riley.

Miss E, I can remember doing a highly technical job with laughable training and suffering from what they call "Imposter Syndrome" - that feeling that sooner or later someone will realise that you don't really know what you're doing! I got the job because I scored well in an aptitude test and because of seniority in a completely unrelated field. It was so stressful! But I met my husband so it wasn't all bad!
I don't find it endearing, I find it unprofessional and at times I feel embarrassed for them, I can feel their nerves and the fact they're uncomfortable through the telly.

I agree because sometimes I too feel uncomfortable because they are uncomfortable, but I would like to think they are trying to be as professional as possible, and at the same time I feel sorry for them that they do stumble. Perhaps endearing wasn't the right word. I have some sympathy for the less polished presenters.
Akimbo, I remember my boss asking me to undertake a project which even his (so-called) PA hadn't a clue about. I had to show extreme confidence and assured him, yes of course, no problem. I then went home and did my homework. I got a bonus in the end for my work on the project. Smoke and mirrors lol. Chloe perhaps needs to do her homework ?
In a curiously obtuse way I probably pay more attention when the presenter is less than slick and word perfect, maybe beacuse it takes more effort to follow what they're say. Any long than an hour and it can get a bit tiring. Maybe QVC know that if they mingle different presenting styles throughout the day (esp TSV presentations) they'll persude a wider cross-section of viewers to buy. If a presenter brings in sales I think they're secure in their jobs.

Kathy Tayler has improved though, when she first started it was like listening to Mavis Riley.

Miss E, I can remember doing a highly technical job with laughable training and suffering from what they call "Imposter Syndrome" - that feeling that sooner or later someone will realise that you don't really know what you're doing! I got the job because I scored well in an aptitude test and because of seniority in a completely unrelated field. It was so stressful! But I met my husband so it wasn't all bad!

Ha ha, I can imagine her being asked what sizes are available and replying, "Well, I don't really knowwww...."!
A bit of research would definitely help their patter to flow, and including a few pertinent facts would be more useful than knowing that Kim Kardashian wears it, or dithering around looking for the details on their cards.
Dear Lord, it makes me weep to think that someone who is almost 40 (?) can feed Kim Kadarshian facts to a mainly middle aged audience. Apart from seeing KK mentioned in the papers at times, I have no idea (or want to know) who this non-entity is.
Dear Lord, it makes me weep to think that someone who is almost 40 (?) can feed Kim Kadarshian facts to a mainly middle aged audience. Apart from seeing KK mentioned in the papers at times, I have no idea (or want to know) who this non-entity is.

Ha ha, name dropping only works (or maybe not) if you do know who the person is that is being referred to ! I do know who Kim Kardashian is but I wouldn't buy just because it is said that she used something.
Dear Lord, it makes me weep to think that someone who is almost 40 (?) can feed Kim Kadarshian facts to a mainly middle aged audience. Apart from seeing KK mentioned in the papers at times, I have no idea (or want to know) who this non-entity is.

Cannot understand at all why kardashians get so much publicity ????totally at a loss .com
I've looked up KK and she is 34, an American tv and media personality, model and socialite.
Am I supposed to buy products because her name is mentioned?
What drives me potty with her is when she has a Guest on with her who is trying to chat with he about a product and she constantly looks the other way while they are talking so she can stare at the monitor. I always think the guests must feel rather uncomfortable, I would if the person I was speaking to wouldn't look at me.
Dear Lord, it makes me weep to think that someone who is almost 40 (?) can feed Kim Kadarshian facts to a mainly middle aged audience. Apart from seeing KK mentioned in the papers at times, I have no idea (or want to know) who this non-entity is.

Oh no I've lead you up the garden path, Chloe didn't mention KK per se, I was just using her as an example of someone who wouldn't induce me to buy a product! Sorry. But the KK reference struck a nerve with all sensible women over 35! It's the same with Alison Young when she starts name dropping, or James Read wittering on about Rosie Huntington-whatsit (who?) and Olivia Coleman.

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