Charlie Brook


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Did anyone watch him on the pressure cooker TSV show last night? Charlie has a nasty habit of gorging on whatever - in this case home-made bread - and letting Simon Brown carry on while he munches away. I know they're supposed to love everything that's cooked on QVC, even if the pie has a disgustingly soggy bottom etc, but last night Simon had brought in a nicely wrapped Christmas present of home-made plum jam that his partner had made from plums in his garden and was obviously going to show how you could use the pressure cooker to do stuff like that as gifts, but Charlie was having none of it, and hinted so much that Simon had to unwrap his gift in order to let Charlie gorge on his jam, not mention anything about using the pressure cooker for stuff like that and Simon obviously wasn't completely happy about it because he said, "Oh, well, all right then" or words to that effect.

In the past OH and I have laughed about Charlie's huge appetite, but last night's episode really irked and if Charlie had thought a bit, he would have realized that that was showing another aspect of the cooker, now lost for all time.

Charlie, if you read this, do us a favour and have a REALLY good meal before you go on air. Don't use the on-air programmes as a meal substitute.
Charlie renews his contract on QVC. Okay Charlie we can only offer this much of a raise, but you are welcome to eat whatever you see on set. Bet the camera crew hate him, usually on cookery shows they get to tuck in after its finished.

So now we know the answer to the question, 'Who Ate All The Pies?' It was Charlie.:mysmilie_5:
I have an internal mental battle regarding Mr Brook.

He's annoying, smarmy, sycophantic, creepy & lets be honest, a bit wet. But...... even after all that, I still would. Crazy isn't it?
I love Charlie! He is very cheeky and a lot of what he does/says I take as being tongue in cheek. And yes, I would too Mr M ;-)

As an aside, this forum has been so quiet of late, even before xmas. Is there something going on I am not aware of?!
I think "a bit wet" just about sums him up. I've always had a hankering for tall chaps, and that's all he has going for him as far as I'm concerned.

In his early days he would often refer to "the bosses" and "I wont' be having my contracted renewed after this", so I think he's a run with the fox, chase with the hounds sort of man. He mentioned recently that he had never tasted whisky or gin, and can't stand football (but obviously doesn't have a problem with free food !) - ok neither have millions of others, so in all, I find him a bit of a big girl's blouse.
000what does irk rather with Charlie, is when he says "In the BROOKS household".... Well, as he and his partner are not married, and she is still using her own name, it is not technically "the brooks household". I know it may be considered rather a petty niggle, but I'd be reminding him of this, if I was her.
He's been troughing again this afternoon. I thought he was diabetic and had to watch his diet. I don't know where he puts it he has been eating all the way through the hour. I don't like him either.
Charlie Brook is like a jar of raspberry jam himself. Some people find him sweet, others, a bit seedy. He doesn't overly bother me. I think he is about on par as far as the sincerity factor goes. Kathy is by far the nicest presenter.
I cannot stand Charlie. He really makes me mad. Stuffing his face and requesting that simon make this or make that is just disgusting, simon is a guest at QVC and is there to showcase products, not feed charlie. If charlie spent some money he'd have a full tummy before he starts the show. I find him the worst presenter for trying to find freebies, its a total disgrace!
I love Charlie! He is very cheeky and a lot of what he does/says I take as being tongue in cheek. And yes, I would too Mr M ;-)

As an aside, this forum has been so quiet of late, even before xmas. Is there something going on I am not aware of?!

I don't mind Charlie and to be honest Dale gives him a run for his money regarding stuffing his face. Yes this forum has been quiet and dare I say a bit boring of late. I am hoping people were busy with other things over Christmas because I absolutely love reading everyones posts on it.
I can't decide what I think about Charlie. Sometimes he's a bit frustrating to watch if you want t buy something, but for some reason I don't mind him too much. I always find myself nodding off to sleep when he's on, I don't really mean that as an insult, he just has quite a relaxing type of voice. If I am just watching for the sake of having something on then he's nice to listen to.
I much prefer him to smarmy, arrogant letchy Dale that's for sure. Charlie does say some daft stuff somethings though.
I must be turning into an old grump because Charlie annoys the daylights out of me but so do many of the others. I guess we`ve seen them so many times and have become so familiar with their quirks/bad habits/expressions etc it`s become boring.
I watched about ten minutes yesterday and was so nauseated by the constant stuffing of mouth that I switched channels. Has CB said he's diabetic too then? I know Mr Biaggi is, but I haven't heard CB refer to it. All the diabetics I know have a problem keeping their weight down, and CB is now so startlingly thin that when he turns sideways he almost disappears.
I cannot stand Charlie. He really makes me mad. Stuffing his face and requesting that simon make this or make that is just disgusting, simon is a guest at QVC and is there to showcase products, not feed charlie. If charlie spent some money he'd have a full tummy before he starts the show. I find him the worst presenter for trying to find freebies, its a total disgrace!

I like SB and, tbh, I don't think he regards himself as a guest, rather a QVC regular, part of the fixtures and fittings.
I saw the afternoon show and thought it was appalling, he left Simon to do all the talking while he filled his gob. to me he is such a phony, cannot bear him and this constant eating on air should be stopped. what is the point? they are not going to say, Ugh! it's vile! although Simon's dishes always look so delectable, wish I could cook like him.
I like Charlie but I can no longer watch him presenting anything to do with food, I feel embarrassed for him ... he is like a gannet...he eats his way from one end to the other, it doesn't seem to matter what order the food come. Bless him he must have hollow legs...:giggle:

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