Charlie bears...all sold out!


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Thought I'd keep those of you who have been following Slothy's progress (or lack of it) up to date.

Apparently it isn't Parcelforce who should have delivered him .... he was sent by first class mail and I've got to sign for him, so it's Royal Mail. I've now received a tracking number and it confirms that he was received by the first post office in the chain on 9th February. After that the trail seems to go cold, so goodness knows where he is now. :(

I'm going to track him each day and hopefully I will read the name of my local post office before too long. I just feel sorry for the supplier because this has never happened before and other customers, whose bears went out on the same day as mine, were ringing him up to confirm their bear's arrival within a couple of days of their despatch.

Trust it to be mine who seems to have gone on a worldwide trip.

Ooooo ...... and I've just realised that I've gone orange, less than 24 hours after I made the donation. I wish Slothy had been that quick!!

You wouldn't want him going Orange, would you! I reckon he's met another bear somewhere in Post Office land and they're having a little adventure together - maybe he'll bring her home with him!!!!!!
charlie bears

Hi everyone.
I thought i would just let you know that i have added lots more bears to my site and more to come.

I'm resisting all temptation until Joe arrives ........... or I'm trying to. :)
Peter arrived at work yesterday, and he has been round the office for a cuddle off everyone today. OMG, he is absolutely gorgeous. I bought him for my mum, but now I'm not sure if I can part with him...
Peter arrived at work yesterday, and he has been round the office for a cuddle off everyone today. OMG, he is absolutely gorgeous. I bought him for my mum, but now I'm not sure if I can part with him...

I don't suppose he spotted Joe on his way, did he? ;)

I'm glad Peter arrived safely and he's so gorgeous. :)
I can hardly believe that I'm actually posting this, but............

SLOTHY'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was delivered about 20 minutes ago, by my regular postman whose first words to me were "Oh dear, you've been waiting a long time for this parcel." (Ermmmmmm, you could say that!)

Apparently Slothy's been at my local post office for about nine days waiting for the backlog of parcels (due to the snow) to be cleared.

I rang the company I ordered him from, to let them know he was here, before posting this, and they were going to send out Slothy Mark 2 to me tomorrow by special next day delivery so he'd have arrived on Monday.

Although it seems that it's all been a lot of hassle, I cannot praise Magpie's enough for the service that I've received, because the problem started as soon as Slothy left them so his delay wasn't down to them.

I've been in daily contact with Rick and he's always rung when he said he would. And now for the bit about customer care that I mentioned in an earlier post. When I first ordered Slothy there was only one bear left after him and, once I let them know that he'd not arrived, Rick put the remaining Slothy to one side for me .... just incase. When that one was sold, by mistake, Rick purchased another Slothy for me from another company so that I was certain of getting him, should the one that's sitting beside me now not arrive.

As far as I'm concerned that is excellent customer care. Many companies would probably have told me "Sorry, we are now out of stock" - Magpie's didn't. They ensured that their customer would get the goods she'd ordered, even though the delay in his arrival was down to the good old post Office and the snow.

Thanks to those of you who have followed his epic journey and to those who have PMd me about it. :) He's now safe and sound, although a little wide eyed and ruffled after his experience, and if I can work out how to post photos here then I'll take one of him 'settling in' with the rest of the crew.

And he's gorgeous, by the way. :)
So pleased he's arrived at last. Let's see a pic then...

I'm probably going to take one tomorrow (I didn't want to freak him out ;) ...... I actually need to recharge the camera batteries) and I will then have to work out how to post them here. Can I upload them straight from my computer or do they have to be hosted somewhere first?
You can upload them direct from your computer Toril. When you write a post, scroll down and click "manage attachments". It will then let you browse your own files such as "my pictures" and upload direct from there. This way you will get a smaller pic attached to your post and we can click on it to enlarge it.

If you want a bigger pic in your post you will need to use an image host such as PhotoBucket.

Hope this helps.
I may be away this weekend, but I'll give that a go as soon as I can. Thanks, Perdita. :)
What a delight to find this thread about the ever so gorgeous Charlie Bears.

I bought my first bear Lewis last year and being hard up (poor me) he was a lonely soul until last week. I spotted the Charlie Bears show was upcoming on QVC and I had had my eye on Finley for sooooooooooo long I didn't want to risk losing him. I was about to click the submit order button when I remembered ebay had very generously sent me a 10% discount voucher, so I popped off over there to see.

I got Finley for less than the QVC price and without postage so was well chuffed.

He arrived in two days and the second I lifted him out of his box I fell in love with him. Can I confess a little secret girls, just between us, shhhhh dont tell anyone. I held him up and the light streamed through his long black tipped hair and I cried cos he was so beautiful.

He has been doing aerobics across the back of my black sofa all week and my Daughter thinks I lost the plot cos everytime she comes in I say 'look Finley has moved again!'. Her most recent comment to me was 'Mum, you are losing it, quit talking nonsense about that ruddy bear'.

Then I found this thread and I showed it to her........ 'see' I said 'other people's bears move as well'.

'You are all ruddy bonkers' was her reply.

Well if I am bonkers I don't care, Finley and Lewis are now best of mates and I am itching to have enough dosh to treat myself to perhaps a little sister for them both.

I have had an ache in my heart since I came home from school aged 5 1/2 and discovered that the nasty workmen who was modernising our kitchen had bricked up my Panda in the cupboard under the stairs. I cried and cried and begged him to unbrick Pandy but there was no heart to this man and he refused. Finley has finally filled that hole that Pandy left behind 45 years later!

Mad ole Looby
I have had an ache in my heart since I came home from school aged 5 1/2 and discovered that the nasty workmen who was modernising our kitchen had bricked up my Panda in the cupboard under the stairs. I cried and cried and begged him to unbrick Pandy but there was no heart to this man and he refused. Finley has finally filled that hole that Pandy left behind 45 years later!

Mad ole Looby

That kind of trauma could psychologically damage a child for life, Looby.....:54:
Hannah the rabbit has arrived this morning, complete with carrot - just in time for my birthday. She is utterly gorgeous, although still looks a little bit nervous of her new surroundings. A good night's rest in her new home will doubtless cure that!

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