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Didn't know if Catherine had left or was ill?
She was missed some shows a week a go and was due on again yesterday. Now she has been removed from the schedule for the next week. Lets hope she's ok.
After all her sucking upto Lulu Guinness, she has probably started working in one of her shops. :grin:
If this helps at all here's something my daughter heard Catherine say.
Think it was more than likely the last time she was on, which would have been just after the Lulu G TSV day.
She said something along the lines of, she'd burst into tears at the hairdressers for no reason at all.
So the card that a QVC viewer had sent in to her saying the mistakes she makes on air, make her seem more real.
Carrying the card around with her that day, had helped her feel a bit better.


I too was wondering about Catherine,she has'nt updated her blog for ages and neither has she 'Tweeted' for some time. I also read how she felt like bursting into tears while in the hairdressers' also she has been saying for some time now about not sleeping well,sounds as if she is really under the weather. I also get the feeling she is missing working alongside her crafting buddy !
If this helps at all here's something my daughter heard Catherine say.
Think it was more than likely the last time she was on, which would have been just after the Lulu G TSV day.
She said something along the lines of, she'd burst into tears at the hairdressers for no reason at all.
So the card that a QVC viewer had sent in to her saying the mistakes she makes on air, make her seem more real.
Carrying the card around with her that day, had helped her feel a bit better.


Considering how long CHuntley's been in her job, the quantity of her mistakes make her look unprofessional and unprepared. As much as HRH La Roberts may annoy people, she at least constantly appears to do her homework about items she presents and prepares for her shows.

If the ever-fragrant Ms Huntley cannot do her presenting job (for whatever reason), then maybe it's time to hang up her weave and let someone else have a go? She may find that she'll be able to deal with whatever is bringing her down if she makes to time to do so.
well, i'm not keen on her presenting-style but we don't know if anything is happening in her personal/private life that might be affecting her and her on-air performance. Perhaps a short term absence is best - must be hard to concentrate on screen if you have things on your mind.
I like her.At least she's not a false bitch like Roberts.I don't care how much homework that woman does ,she just creeps me out.I want a presenter to be pleasent and real.CH is both..not too bad looking either.
catherine is a bit sugary for me but i wish her well. she has done well with being a single mum and all!
Hoodedclaw Thats a bit harsh, she may be having a bad time in her private life we don't know. Give her a break, i have even heard JR say recently she has been under a lot of stress over the last year.
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I hadn't noticed her missing until I read this thread, but hearing that she talked on air about bursting into tears at the hairdressers, well its not exactly professional is it?

I'd be warned in my job if I was telling clients that I was depressed etc etc. People come into a business to buy or place orders etc, they don't expect the assistant to start telling them all about how hard their life is.
keep your fingers crossed that CH isnt announced as having a serious illness. you'll be accused of being "nasty" by the self-righteous police on here. amongst others.
I like CH.Its taken a while,but I do like her.I've always thought shes never been the same,since splitting with the long term boyfriend.She used to blog loads then about wales,gigs,festivals,things they'd been too - now its all gone quiet.

Maybe its completely innocent why shes away - I heard her say recently she moved house - perhaps shes having time off for this? Or is on holiday? Who knows...

I did think she looked very pale and "strained" on the last couple of shows I saw her on
we all have really bad times to get through its the cards life deals us and having been there myself Catherine has my sympathy, I cannot condone her announcing her weepy moments etc live on air, she is paid to sell items etc what happens in her personal life should stay in her personal life or she should take a break from the job
There are some truly unpleasant people on this forum. Once they have their knife in you (if you're a
presenter) than that's it. Plus forum members get labelled as the 'self righteous police' for objecting to
the bitchiness. Makes for uncomfortable reading.
I feel the same way as mimi. Give another human being a break. We are not all robots, life gets in the way sometimes and if someone is more emotional than another so what, isn't that when they need more building up than destroying.

I think Catherine deserves a kind word and a bit of support if, IF, something is going on with her but who knows, its all guess work anyway.

You certainly can see the nastier side of human nature on forums, must be the incognito aspect. I certainly don't come accross this type of abuse or backbiting in my daily work or home life, perhaps everyone goes home and gets it off their chests in this way, picking on innocent people who they don't even know.

As soon as I see an opening thread about a presenter or guest you just know what is coming... even if it starts off complimentary.

If Catherine does venture onto here, and I hope she doesn't, it would be nice for her to read some good things about her.
I for one admire her for being a hard working mother. Following her on Twitter it seems has raised two very nice and well adjusted children. She looks great, I wish I had her figure also having had two children. She seems to have bought a new place and has worked hard making it a home for her family.

None of this single mum benefit scrounging winging from her.

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