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I have nothing bad to say about Catherine, I just hope she is away on holiday and having a whale of a time.
I only posted as I wondered if she was ok - looks like I started a war of nast words. It's the Bank Holiday weekend, enjoy it and live and let live.

I agree with London, as she's said Catherine has raised two happy, well adjusted children and that speaks volumes. As a single dad of two I can relate to that. Yes she's said things that annoy me sometimes, but I'm sure I do the same. She's a nice person though and I hope she's ok.

Everyone have a good and happy weekend :)
I feel the same way as mimi. Give another human being a break. We are not all robots, life gets in the way sometimes and if someone is more emotional than another so what, isn't that when they need more building up than destroying.

I think Catherine deserves a kind word and a bit of support if, IF, something is going on with her but who knows, its all guess work anyway.

You certainly can see the nastier side of human nature on forums, must be the incognito aspect. I certainly don't come accross this type of abuse or backbiting in my daily work or home life, perhaps everyone goes home and gets it off their chests in this way, picking on innocent people who they don't even know.

As soon as I see an opening thread about a presenter or guest you just know what is coming... even if it starts off complimentary.

If Catherine does venture onto here, and I hope she doesn't, it would be nice for her to read some good things about her.
I for one admire her for being a hard working mother. Following her on Twitter it seems has raised two very nice and well adjusted children. She looks great, I wish I had her figure also having had two children. She seems to have bought a new place and has worked hard making it a home for her family.

None of this single mum benefit scrounging winging from her.

I can see that you marked my post with a dislike, yet I have said that as a customer in a shop, I dont want to hear about someones depression etc. It is unprofessional no matter how you look at it.

I've not slated catherine, i'm sure she's perfectly nice, but a personal life is called that for a reason and shouldn't be integrated into the work place.
There are lots of single parent families that do well for themselves so being a single parent is admirable but not an entitlement to go into work and talk about crying, being upset etc.

You've said that you don't hear backbiting/bitching ever in your workplace/home etc, thats very unusual as I've worked in a few different places and gossip/bitching etc goes on daily.
Queen Bee so agree with you I said very much the same in my post, nothing bad about Catherine , work is work and private life is private life and yet "London" also disliked my post, matter as far as Im concerned closed
I think it's a bit different on shopping telly....we do get to "know" our presenters, have our likes and dislikes, and for many viewers, I can imagine the presenter might be the only friendly face they see all day....and become more "involved" than others. The presenters do talk about their lives, their holidays, their families, their jewellery collections, their ups, and downs, and I don't think it hurts too much to allow them to be honest about the way they feel. Ok, if they're literally "breaking down" on screen then yes, that's different, but otherwise I can't see a huge problem. I'd rather listen to a demo from a friendly and "real" person, than a consumate professional "selling machine". On the whole I would agree that taking your troubles into work is a bad thing.....I mean let's imagine getting a haircut from someone who insists upon telling you all their's not as if you can just up and leave...unless you don't mind looking a bit strange! Also when you pop into a shop to buy a quick paper, or sandwich, you expect to be served with a cheery smile and don't want to consider what's going on in the life of the person who served you....they may be going through hell, but you haven't the time and inclination to care do you? Like I said, shopping channels are different because we get to care about the 'em or hate 'em..we must do, otherwise we wouldn't pass comment on every wheeze, flick of the hair, hideous bunion on show (that's what I'd call unprofessional lol) and expanding/decreasing waistline.
I like Catherine and her presenting style except when she is with Lulu Guiness. That aside, if she is ill ( and we are only surmising that sHe is) then I wish her a speedy recovery
I like Catherine too and admire the way she has brought up her children as a single mother. If she is having a hard time at the moment I wish her all the best and that she is soon back at QVC.
I know she has moved house recently and has been painting it and doing it up a bit. Maybe she's overdone it. Plus, I know she broke up with Steve a while ago but sometimes it can take a while for these things to catch up with you. I know from experience that, after a break up, I've gone mad partying and so on but then reality catches up with you.

Maybe that's what happened to Catherine. Or, maybe she's on holiday. Either way I wish her well.
keep your fingers crossed that CH isnt announced as having a serious illness. you'll be accused of being "nasty" by the self-righteous police on here. amongst others.

Considering I said CH should take time to deal with whatever is getting to her I can't see that as being "nasty", but I do take your point.

I also find it amusing that I get called "harsh", yet it's somehow OK to call JR a "false bitch" with no recriminations from the Huntley Defense Squad.

I would have thought that stating someone was unprofessional or unprepared for their job (based on factual information, too) was less hurtful than calling someone a false bitch.

Or maybe I should just ditch the facts and just call whatever presenter I don't like a cow and be done with it? :smirk:
QVC are a business, a profitable one at that i'd imagine. A big part of the appeal for many, has to be the presenters. They are in people's lives so to speak. Talking about their holidays, children, homes, hobbies etc shows them as real people and not just sales people (which of course they are to the owners of QVC). That i'm positive would be part of the job requirements. No different than the banter from Ant and Dec or Eammon on sky.

Sometimes they cross the line with things, sometimes they may seem false to some. Most of them seem nice, genuine, chatty people doing a job that to me they seem to love. Pay packets are important, but doing what you love is more important. Some on here think Julia is false, stroppy, queen bee etc, others think she is knowledgeable, genuine and a good presenter.

I think in the main qvc have a pretty good team and love them or loath them, everyone on here is talking about them . . . . which is what qvc want!

'There's only one thing worse than being talked about . . . . and that's NOT being talked about:heart:
It just goes to show that whatever lifestyle, salary (tv presenters being well paid!!) constant freebies to try/keep etc etc that deep down we are all a bundling mess of emotion, all the same as each other. Everybodys situations get on top of you and sometimes you cope and sometimes you go under with it all.

Last year I had job worries which resulted in a nervous breakdown, followed by redundancy!, followed by unexpected gyny surgery, followed by resultant health problems followed by cancer scare followed by more surgery for biopsies etc, resulting in major surgery being necessary over the next few weeks.
Stress, depressions, fear I have had it all over the last 12 months and it seems set to continue for the foreseeable but deep down it just goes to show that whoever we are and whatever walk of life we come from, however rich or poor we are everyone is the same. We all falter and need help from time to time and I for one hope that if Catherine is suffering in her personal life that she does ok and is back on air very soon.
It just goes to show that whatever lifestyle, salary (tv presenters being well paid!!) constant freebies to try/keep etc etc that deep down we are all a bundling mess of emotion, all the same as each other. Everybodys situations get on top of you and sometimes you cope and sometimes you go under with it all.

Last year I had job worries which resulted in a nervous breakdown, followed by redundancy!, followed by unexpected gyny surgery, followed by resultant health problems followed by cancer scare followed by more surgery for biopsies etc, resulting in major surgery being necessary over the next few weeks.
Stress, depressions, fear I have had it all over the last 12 months and it seems set to continue for the foreseeable but deep down it just goes to show that whoever we are and whatever walk of life we come from, however rich or poor we are everyone is the same. We all falter and need help from time to time and I for one hope that if Catherine is suffering in her personal life that she does ok and is back on air very soon.

I can really relate to your post and do hope you are feeling better now. Sounds like you have had a really rough ride. When I first found this forum I was in a very bad way, lost my job due to mental health issues and was so down and depressed. I then had a lot of physical health stuff to deal with too plus family problems. If Catherine is taking time out for whatever reasons I hope she is resting and will be ok soon. Any of us can suddenly find that life has gone off at a totally unexpected and difficult tangent and we need time to heal and sort stuff out.
Moving house is enough to deal with on its own.
Sending good wishes to CH, Spooky and silversequin. Hope things turn around for the better for you very, very soon.
I like Catherine because of her perfect diction. She seems to have got rid of that funny whistling noise she used to have. Anyway, I hope all is wll cariad.

Quite a few of 'em though are getting right up my nose lately but do you know what I do? I switch the thing over. We don't have to watch 'em after all.
Moving house is enough to deal with on its own.
Sending good wishes to CH, Spooky and silversequin. Hope things turn around for the better for you very, very soon.

And the same from me also. Love to Spooky and silversequin and anyone else who is going through a stressful time at the moment, including Catherine if that is the case for her too xxx
A person on Facebook on the QVC page has made a comment about this site. That shopping channel forum as she called us. We are all mean bullies it seems. JR,JF and Catherine are who we pick on and they hope they don't actually read what we write about them. Someone else pointed out that it is very easy to find things written about you online.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather QVC was the best channel it could be so that we the viewers (and potential buyers) would benefit.

And it is galling when there are mistakes made that stand out to someone with no television experience at all, when QVC is supposedly "award winning" and thereby should know better.

I HAVE worked in retail, however; and I am constantly surprised how most of the shopping channels (including Le Q) use fair means and foul to get people to buy, when all they have to be is a) professional, b) informative and c) honest.

And not to sound like I'm bullying one person (is MUCH more fun to bully them all :wink: ), but is this newly-canonised St Catherine of the Martyred Single Parents the same woman who gleefully arranged drunken nights out on air with Dawn "Bulldog" Bibby, then posted pics of this on Twitter? Is this also the woman who described in nauseating detail her obsession with bodily functions on that selfsame Twitter for all the world to read?

And before any of you decide to jump down my throat and have a go at me: I was raised by a single parent. One who wasn't perfect by any means, but one who had more dignity and self-respect NOT to make a show of herself on a medium for the whole world to see. She certainly wouldn't have started crying when someone called her on her mistakes, or expect the world to rush to her rescue in return. Please bear in mind that Chuntley is not a mere wisp of a young girl, but allegedly a mature woman pushing 40. i.e. someone who really should know better.
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