Catherine Huntley lost weight.


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I think that's always the way when there's a thread in support of a presenter - you'll always get more strident calls to her defence. Nobody, but nobody, will ever replace Deftly Bling in the category of Most Hated Presenter for me, but that's just my opinion. However I do think it's interesting how the public and private personas apparently differ - or do they? What you're seeing on screen is just another side to what you see in real life, so I think there's eg a more pushy side to DF than there is to CH, just as CH has a more ingratiating side to her than DF. It depends on what sort of an all-round person you're attracted to, imho.

That's your opinion and you are entitled to it, just like I am entitled to my opinion on CH. I don't have any problem with your opinion on Debbie Flint or any other presenter, what I object to is people saying we can't say what we like about CH but can about other presenters. That is the thing that bugs me. All the presenters are human, some people may think CH is "nice" I personally don't agree. I don't think being gushy and sugary makes someone "nice" and that is my opinion. It just irritates me when someone starts a topic about the poor treatment of CH, and says we should all be positive about her, yet then goes off and starts a negative thread on another presenter, be that Debbie, Jill, Craig etc whoever it doesn't really matter who.
I think Chloe is a nice woman, I personally don't get the hate but it would be very hypocritical of me to start a thread about the poor treatment she gets when I myself have slated many presenters. Why the double standard? hardly fair. I am sure I will be shot down in flames for voicing my unpopular opinion, but that is my opinion take it or leave it. People seem to ignore the good things I have said about CH, I haven't seen anyone on here say a bad word about her figure in in fact we all agree she has a good figure. But I don't think she should get a free pass about her presenting style just because she happens to be a favorite of some on here.
But with someone like Jill F, she give me the feeling that she's a real princess and self-absorbed in real life and I therefore feel more justified in critising her?! Naughty really bc she has feelings to be hurt like anyone else...

That is the double standard that annoys me, people can't say that CH feelings are more important than Jill's. Jill is just as human as CH is. I also disagree with your comment. I don't think CH is "nice" at all, and I prefer Jill over her. Jill has her faults but she at least she has a sense of humor and can laugh at herself. I think CH is very self absorbed. But at the end of the day none of us really know either of them. But my opinion isn't any less valid than your opinion just because I am in the minority.
That's your opinion and you are entitled to it, just like I am entitled to my opinion on CH. I don't have any problem with your opinion on Debbie Flint or any other presenter, what I object to is people saying we can't say what we like about CH but can about other presenters. That is the thing that bugs me. All the presenters are human, some people may think CH is "nice" I personally don't agree. I don't think being gushy and sugary makes someone "nice" and that is my opinion. It just irritates me when someone starts a topic about the poor treatment of CH, and says we should all be positive about her, yet then goes off and starts a negative thread on another presenter, be that Debbie, Jill, Craig etc whoever it doesn't really matter who.
I think Chloe is a nice woman, I personally don't get the hate but it would be very hypocritical of me to start a thread about the poor treatment she gets when I myself have slated many presenters. Why the double standard? hardly fair. I am sure I will be shot down in flames for voicing my unpopular opinion, but that is my opinion take it or leave it. People seem to ignore the good things I have said about CH, I haven't seen anyone on here say a bad word about her figure in in fact we all agree she has a good figure. But I don't think she should get a free pass about her presenting style just because she happens to be a favorite of some on here.

You must have missed a lot of threads on here over the years, as there has been plenty of bad things said about Catharine, but your entitled to your opinion and that's what makes ST great , people are allowed to have different points of view.
I have actually been reading this board for a lot longer than have been posting and I still don't think CH gets anywhere near the hate that Jill, Craig, Debbie does. Some don't like her and some do. I have never called her a nasty name or made a nasty comment about her looks, infact I always say I think she looks nice, that part obviously gets ignored. I have seen some really nasty comments on here about the looks of a presenter(not CH) and nobody bats an eyelid.
I have actually been reading this board for a lot longer than have been posting and I still don't think CH gets anywhere near the hate that Jill, Craig, Debbie does. Some don't like her and some do. I have never called her a nasty name or made a nasty comment about her looks, infact I always say I think she looks nice, that part obviously gets ignored. I have seen some really nasty comments on here about the looks of a presenter(not CH) and nobody bats an eyelid.

Catherine was accused of being a Table dancer on this forum , later It turned out to be a guest from another channel not Catherine , you cant get much lower than that surely?
"That is the double standard that annoys me, people can't say that CH feelings are more important than Jill's. Jill is just as human as CH is."

I know is a double standard - that was my point! I was acknowledging I'm guilty of it - and thinking about why 'we' do it...

"I also disagree with your comment. I don't think CH is "nice" at all, and I prefer Jill over her. Jill has her faults but she at least she has a sense of humor and can laugh at herself. I think CH is very self absorbed. But at the end of the day none of us really know either of them. But my opinion isn't any less valid than your opinion just because I am in the minority."

I didn't even imply - and certainly didn't say - that your opinion (or anyone's) was less valid than mine?! Nor do I even think that!
And I think we're all well aware that we don't know any of the presenters - and that we're just expressing our views and thoughts about the 'person' we see selling us stuff on our TV's now and again :)
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Catherine was accused of being a Table dancer on this forum , later It turned out to be a guest from another channel not Catherine , you cant get much lower than that surely?

Well that isn't really anywhere near as bad as being poked fun at for being too thin or whatever. I don't really care what CH gets up to in her free time. And I still stand by my comment, she doesn't get anywhere near the hate that JF does. I have been reading this forum for a good while and everytime I come here there are several new topics on Jill. I actually don't care what people say about Jill or Debbie what I object to is saying we should lay off Catherine but we should be allowed to bad mouth the others. That is hypocritical and a double standard.
I didn't even imply - and certainly didn't say - that your opinion (or anyone's) was less valid than mine?! Nor do I even think that!
And I think we're all well aware that we don't know any of the presenters - and that we're just expressing our views and thoughts about the 'person' we see selling us stuff on our TV's now and again :)

That is the impression I get form your posts. That you think CH should be given a free ride.
Well that isn't really anywhere near as bad as being poked fun at for being too thin or whatever. I don't really care what CH gets up to in her free time. And I still stand by my comment, she doesn't get anywhere near the hate that JF does. I have been reading this forum for a good while and everytime I come here there are several new topics on Jill. I actually don't care what people say about Jill or Debbie what I object to is saying we should lay off Catherine but we should be allowed to bad mouth the others. That is hypocritical and a double standard.

I personally like Jill, who's said lay off CH ? If you feel so strongly about the treatment of some presenters its best to say during those threads as there will always be other members that will agree with you , ST gives everyone a voice not just a chosen few :)
I personally like Jill, who's said lay off CH ? If you feel so strongly about the treatment of some presenters its best to say during those threads as there will always be other members that will agree with you , ST gives everyone a voice not just a chosen few :)

Are you serious? I wasn't the one who started this topic, you were. I have never once started a topic on here saying people should be left alone. You are missing the point completely. I don't care what you say about anyone on here, what I object to is the double standard you have. You don't like people saying anything mean about Catherine, yet you makes plenty of negative comments/threads on others. It's you and others that seem to feel strongly about the treatment of CH. If you hadn't started this topic, I wouldn't even have brought it up. Sorry if that sounds rude, but I can't think of any other way of putting it. I absolutely couldn't care less what you say about Debbie Flint etc, just don't give others a hard time for doing the same to CH. that's all. I realize I am still pretty new here. I thought this was a forum to discuss all things shopping telly. If I have that wrong then please explain it to me. I didn't realize it was a CH fan forum. If it is then maybe I should NOT be here because I am clearly not a fan of hers.
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, who's said lay off CH ?:)

You may not have said those word literally but that pretty much sums up what you are trying to say. That she is "nice" and we should leave her be. It also implied that people were saying she was "overweight" when everyone actually said she looked great. The only person who said Catherine gained weight was Catherine herself, even though she is probably talking about the 2 pounds she gained over Xmas just like everyone else in the world. She knows she looks good.
Are you serious? I wasn't the one who started this topic, you were. I have never once started a topic on here saying people should be left alone. You are missing the point completely. I don't care what you say about anyone on here, what I object to is the double standard you have. You don't like people saying anything mean about Catherine, yet you makes plenty of negative comments/threads on others. It's you and others that seem to feel strongly about the treatment of CH. If you hadn't started this topic, I wouldn't even have brought it up. Sorry if that sounds rude, but I can't think of any other way of putting it. I absolutely couldn't care less what you say about Debbie Flint etc, just don't give others a hard time for doing the same to CH. that's all. I realize I am still pretty new here. I thought this was a forum to discuss all things shopping telly. If I have that wrong then please explain it to me. I didn't realize it was a CH fan forum. If it is then maybe I should be here because I am clearly not a fan of hers.

So when exactly did I object to anyone saying anything negative about Catherine ? Did I say she should be left alone? No. This clearly isnt a CH fan forum as there has been plenty negative said about her , I just thought it would be nice to have a positive thread for once, which there was one about Jill franks a month or so ago when she was with Lenny , and that thread was closed because of certain members.
So when exactly did I object to anyone saying anything negative about Catherine ? Did I say she should be left alone? No. This clearly isnt a CH fan forum as there has been plenty negative said about her , I just thought it would be nice to have a positive thread for once, which there was one about Jill franks a month or so ago when she was with Lenny , and that thread was closed because of certain members.

It isn't just this thread I have seen you make comment before about it in random threads. You clearly don't like people having any kind of negative opinion on her. That wouldn't actually bother me, if you had the exact same rule for everyone. And I really don't care what you say about Debbie etc... That is your right, just like it's my right or anyone else's to say the same about CH or anyone else. I realize I am flogging a dead horse here. It's not really in my nature to go back and forth with people on internet forums, it was just something that bugged me. I saw a double standard and thought I would point it out. I know I am in the minority here with my opinion and I am still pretty new. I obviously don't understand the way the forum works. I have said everything I wanted to say.
It isn't just this thread I have seen you make comment before about it in random threads. You clearly don't like people having any kind of negative opinion on her. That wouldn't actually bother me, if you had the exact same rule for everyone. And I really don't care what you say about Debbie etc... That is your right, just like it's my right or anyone else's to say the same about CH or anyone else. I realize I am flogging a dead horse here. It's not really in my nature to go back and forth with people on internet forums, it was just something that bugged me. I saw a double standard and thought I would point it out. I know I am in the minority here with my opinion and I am still pretty new. I obviously don't understand the way the forum works. I have said everything I wanted to say.

If I like someone I say,If I don't like someone I will say simple really , The only two presenters I particular dislike are Craig and Debbie flint , each time ive back up my argument , never have I commented on someone being to skinny or fat unlike other people yet you decide to follow all of my posts ( im flattered honestly). If you would like to point out the time I said no one can say anything negative about CH then please do , but I know you wont find it. I like Catharine so I made a thread about her , Ive also made threads about Kathy , Jackie and Jill.

I wont bother making any more positive threads as they really aren't worth my time or effort , once again a positive thread has been spoilt :up:
That is the impression I get form your posts. That you think CH should be given a free ride.
Huh?! I'm fairly sure I have written precisely no posts about Catherine before today - and one today saying I think she's nice not mentioning yours or anyone else's opinion of her (whatever that may be!). Indeed I really don't mind and do think everyone's entitled to their own view. So long as it's not vindictive and is expressed politely ;)
I follow post in general not just yours so really don't flatter yourself. Maybe it's because you clearly think you run things around here. You sound very arrogant and full of yourself. I am sure you will be getting me banned next. It's funny how you talk about "bullying" in this thread, when you are clearly a bully yourself. You run with a clique of people on here, that's how most bullies work isn't it? Needing others to help you along the way.

Clique of people on here ? Id like to know who these people are coz why the heck aint they backing me up now lol Sorry but clearly we have met before, but I wont get into name calling so have a nice night :)
Clique of people on here ? Id like to know who these people are coz why the heck aint they backing me up now lol Sorry but clearly we have met before, but I wont get into name calling so have a nice night :)
I'll back you up - especially as it was me who was accused by that member of writing postS saying CH should be given a free ride here (despite having written one post only and never saying anyting like that!) Though to be fair, I think they actually mixed me up with you - even though you didn't say anything like that either ;)

Oh dear, it's all a lot of silliness really isn't it?! I for one DID appreciate reading a 'nice thread' for a bit of a change (enjoy a bit of a rant/moan as much as the next person too!) - until even this one turned bitter. Maybe 'people' get ratty at this hour of the morning or something?!

In the spirit of being charitable, I usually find Craig, bless him, grates on me (and honestly don't know why, he really shouldn't!) but it was sweet watching Simon making soups in the TSV and Craig lapping them up like a cat! x
I follow post in general not just yours so really don't flatter yourself. Maybe it's because you clearly think you run things around here. You sound very arrogant and full of yourself. I am sure you will be getting me banned next. It's funny how you talk about "bullying" in this thread, when you are clearly a bully yourself. You run with a clique of people on here, that's how most bullies work isn't it? Needing others to help you along the way.

I dislike CH can't stand watching her,however you must know from being an avid reader of this forum it is wrong to call other members names.
I have actually been reading this board for a lot longer than have been posting and I still don't think CH gets anywhere near the hate that Jill, Craig, Debbie does. Some don't like her and some do. I have never called her a nasty name or made a nasty comment about her looks, infact I always say I think she looks nice, that part obviously gets ignored. I have seen some really nasty comments on here about the looks of a presenter(not CH) and nobody bats an eyelid.
Dear Jaydeen! What planet have you been on? Catherine has had many negative comments on here just like every other presenter. Autumn was just pointing out that she looked nice and as if she had lost weight. What is wrong with saying that? I really like Catherine but have previously said on here that she can get on my nerves when she goes on about her weight and appearance but really don't we all do that at times?

Have you thought that the reason that Catherine does not get as many negative comments on here as the other presenters is because viewers genuinely do like her?
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