Catherine Huntley in today's Daily Mirror


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I am a 14/16 which means that in the summer when I am eating mega healthly and walking a lot I am a comfortable 14 and a 12 if the sizing is not too skimpy but in the winter when I tend to eat more and walk less I would nudge up to a 16 especially after Christmas.

When they come on and say Joy is a 16 I want to go and put my head in the oven as they is no way I would consider myself anything like as big as her and she must have a good 10inches in height on me!

Her chesticles alone would take up my entire allocation of material.

Chuntley is far thinner than me in pre weight loss photos which is why I say she was never a true 16.

LOL. Dawn French is a lovely lady with a pretty face but there's no way on this earth she's less than a size 30 or 32.
LOL. Dawn French is a lovely lady with a pretty face but there's no way on this earth she's less than a size 30 or 32.

I love Dawn ...however I do worry about her being so big and " happy" ....the cold facts are heart attack, strokes , diabetes , cancer .....that frightens the living day lights out of me ...that is what calms me down when I want cream cakes or more chocolate ........don't get me wrong I have my moments .....but to get so big ....and carefree's not healthy....obesity can cause a person to "go out like a light"'s a fact ...the heart has to work loads harder ...I saw a young girl walk up the road as I was walking down ...she had a pushchair and a child and she was overweight wasn't a warm day today either ....she was bright red in the face and neck .....puffed out ....that little girl might not have her mum by the time she's a teenager's health not vanity that need s to addressed ....and we need to be advised on all the foods we CAN eat and not the foods we CANT eat .....actually I don't like ..can and can't ....but you get the picture :mysmilie_59:
Perhaps women should get behind other women and say well done , too much bitching in the world for my liking
If you stand in the queue at the supermarket where all those celeb magazines are one will have X on the front in tears looking awful, aged about 15 years and 3 stone heavier and in the next mag the exact same celeb will be looking great, slim and spouting how wonderful life is! Obviously the picture library is raided for pictures to suit the story they are running at the time.

I subscribe to Woman & Home and every month they have an "older" celeb on the cover and even this fairly respectable magazine have photographed them to their very very best, make up, clothes, lighting etc. (as you would expect since it is a proper interview type article not a kiss and tell) often beyond recognition to the last time you saw them on the telly! They are just like everyone else – good days and bad days and who wouldn’t look good if we were lucky enough to be treated to the full works for a photo shoot
Otherwise, take it all with a pinch of salt.
I think Catherine looks fantastic. She was on with Joan Collins earlier and looked really well groomed and pretty. I saw her in person at the Beauty Bash in January and she is very tall and looked quite full figured, not that there's anything wrong with that. Have to say my weight can go up and down a bit, but I always feel better when it's down rather than it psychological, social conditioning or whatever else.
My typical daily diet was terrible – I’d start the day with two McDonalds Egg McMuffins and hash browns, then snack on chocolate, crisps and cake all morning. Lunch was spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread at the staff canteen and I was the queen of the takeaway in the evenings, gorging on large portions of Indian or Chinese and eating the leftovers
for breakfast.

That's what 4 - 5,000 calories there per day! So Catherine clearly didn't sustain that diet for any great period of time or else she would have amassed a lot more weight gain. Slightly disingenuous I feel!
That's what 4 - 5,000 calories there per day! So Catherine clearly didn't sustain that diet for any great period of time or else she would have amassed a lot more weight gain. Slightly disingenuous I feel!

Yes, I have to be honest, that bit didn't ring true with me either. I can't imagine her ever losing control like that over food, as she's always so aware of her size. Even in my 'piggier' periods, I couldn't manage that in a week, let alone every day! She's describing the diet of some 30+stone person who has totally lost control here. Maybe she did eat this kind of food, but not all together, and certainly not every day.
Hey, this is a shopping telly presenter we're talking about! "Salt" and "pinch" rules.
she was a lot bigger years ago before qvc. catherine has always looked good on qvc even when she is a little bigger. she is quite tall and has a curvy figure so can carry a little weight
Agree with boffo, she can carry some extra weight due to her height. Also, re her description of her bad eating habits, stress can sometimes make you crumble and lose all will power, so she may have eaten like that for a bit. Good on her to make a choice to improve.
I have a philosophy of eating everything I want, but in small portions. I eat slowly and always stop before I am completely full. Of course I have the occasional huge meal and cake, but life is for living. I have a SIL who used to be very over weight and has now gone to the other extreme and can sometimes have lollipop syndrome. Anyway, she will never eat dessert, or even a tiny forkful of birthday cake on someone's birthday. What is life without dessert?
I've just gone right off her. On the Clarks show today twice in one show she asked some question or other about the width of the boot on the calf, then said how knowledgeable the Clarks lady was for answering that (and she's right, the Clarks lady is very good), then simpered that she wasn't trying to catch her out, and five minutes later she asked a similar question about another Clarks boot and when the Clarks lady didn't know, simpered she wasn't trying to catch her out - again!!!

Sorry, Catherine, I don't like that. You either do mean to catch her out with two questions or you learn from your first one and don't ask it again because it could potentially atch her out. You've just lost one of your tolerators. (Not an admirer, a tolerator).
I've just gone right off her. On the Clarks show today twice in one show she asked some question or other about the width of the boot on the calf, then said how knowledgeable the Clarks lady was for answering that (and she's right, the Clarks lady is very good), then simpered that she wasn't trying to catch her out, and five minutes later she asked a similar question about another Clarks boot and when the Clarks lady didn't know, simpered she wasn't trying to catch her out - again!!!

Sorry, Catherine, I don't like that. You either do mean to catch her out with two questions or you learn from your first one and don't ask it again because it could potentially atch her out. You've just lost one of your tolerators. (Not an admirer, a tolerator).

A guest should know everything about the products there selling , Im sure there paid enough!!!
I've just gone right off her. On the Clarks show today twice in one show she asked some question or other about the width of the boot on the calf, then said how knowledgeable the Clarks lady was for answering that (and she's right, the Clarks lady is very good), then simpered that she wasn't trying to catch her out, and five minutes later she asked a similar question about another Clarks boot and when the Clarks lady didn't know, simpered she wasn't trying to catch her out - again!!!

Sorry, Catherine, I don't like that. You either do mean to catch her out with two questions or you learn from your first one and don't ask it again because it could potentially atch her out. You've just lost one of your tolerators. (Not an admirer, a tolerator).

Sorry to disagree but how could CH know that the guest wouldn't have the answer a question about the product she was selling. Presumably the width of a boot is an important selling point if you can't try on the item. Why would she want to catch the guest out?
It was the way she said it. (Very sweetly, as ever.) If the guest didn't know something first time why would anyone, after saying "I'm not trying to catch you out" repeat the same question which obviously had caught her out first time? Even if the (highly paid) guest is supposed to know all things about all products?

Sorry, Catherine. It showed you up, not the guest.
It was the way she said it. (Very sweetly, as ever.) If the guest didn't know something first time why would anyone, after saying "I'm not trying to catch you out" repeat the same question which obviously had caught her out first time? Even if the (highly paid) guest is supposed to know all things about all products?

Sorry, Catherine. It showed you up, not the guest.

Sorry, I really don't get your point. The first questioned she asked, and apologised for, saying she didn't mean to catch her out, the guest answered. Therefore, why wouldn't she ask her again? I saw the first question and it was fine. Was the second question the same but with a different shoe? All seems perfectly fine and acceptable to me :confused:
The 5:2 diet is fantastic, it is free and sustaable. There is a closed facebook group of this name that I belong to, they supportive
I remember some years back when Paul McKenna was selling his diet DVDs on Q, CH often referred to her weight loss and how his system had helped her. She was very slim then.
She doesn't look anything like as big as a size 16 in the first shot to me- and I find it hard to believe she is a tne after. She does like great though- well done to Catherine.

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