Casual &co omg!!!


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I must be made with thicker skin than most, as I don't take offence at people disliking my purchases and perhaps indicating I have a mental health issue if I like them and they don't. I know it's just an expression and not a true belief. I like people who are individuals and don't give a toss what other people think of their clothes, hair, shoes etc. It's all so silly to take offence at such a shallow topic as fashion. I'd like to say in more polite terms, perhaps, that the QVC fashion is not my thing. It's a load of old c**p but please don't be offended by my opinion.

No you don't IMO you use words specifically to get up others goat! In a civilised society people take into account others feelings before they say things with such finality but that's ok as long as you can try and make out it's your opinion rather than your out to offend as many people as possible! I too do not like the TSV and think that Q are having a laugh at that price but here is the difference I've said similar to you but without insulting everyone who likes it and has purchased it as I don't want to be nasty and insult people IMHO you seem to enjoy it!
This thread started off as a comment about Casual &Co clothing and has been turned into a slanging match about (IMO) an inoffensive remark. For goodness sake people lighten up life's too short for such petty arguments.

Then people should stop calling All Q Fashion C**p knowing full well many on here but it! it is designed to annoy people thus people react simples!!?
Thank Heavens we are different.

Yes but those that disagree that all Q fashion is republish don't seem to be allowed to say so which is just bizarre! Double standards me thinks if people can trash it then others are entitled to say they like some end of! Oh but not on this forum strange!
Elastane: this might help: The primary use for spandex fibers is in fabric. They are useful for a number of reasons. First, they can be stretched repeatedly, and will return almost exactly back to original size and shape. Second, they are lightweight, soft, and smooth. Additionally, they are easily dyed. They are also resilient since they are resistant to abrasion and the deleterious effects of body oils, perspiration, and detergents. They are compatible with other materials, and can be spun with other types of fibers to produce unique fabrics, which have characteristics of both fibers.

Spandex is used in a variety of different clothing types. Since it is lightweight and does not restrict movement, it is most often used in athletic wear. This includes such garments as swimsuits, bicycle pants, and exercise wear. The form-fitting properties of spandex makes it a good for use in under-garments. Hence, it is used in waist bands, support hose, bras, and briefs.

Is this a total non sequitur or a response to me asking why most of Qvc's 'fashion' offering seems to be made in stretchy polyester?! I was obviously (I thought) posing a rhetorical question! I know what spandex is and its many properties...
Just find it interesting and depressing that they seem to sell so much of what is to my mind a really nasty fabric mix (esp as their prices) - I guess it's to cater to expanding waistlines and because the designers ESP from USA seem to be obsessed with being able to screw up their garments into tiny balls ('for the cruise'!!).

I just think electric shocks and ill fitting pieces ;)
It seems to me that the people who don't like Q fashion have the problem as you keep having ago at those who do, I think we all agree there are many items that no one really likes but there are some that others like regardless of whether you would pay the prices etc so here is a suggestion we will all agree to disagree those who like to buy 'rubbish' from Q will undoubtedly continue such as me and those who like to buy 'rubbish' from the high street will continue and we will all look like .. What's the saying .. Unfashionable bag ladies!! Who gives a .... About Fashion anyway!! :mysmilie_17:
Is this a total non sequitur or a response to me asking why most of Qvc's 'fashion' offering seems to be made in stretchy polyester?! I was obviously (I thought) posing a rhetorical question! I know what spandex is and its many properties...
Just find it interesting and depressing that they seem to sell so much of what is to my mind a really nasty fabric mix (esp as their prices) - I guess it's to cater to expanding waistlines and because the designers ESP from USA seem to be obsessed with being able to screw up their garments into tiny balls ('for the cruise'!!).

I just think electric shocks and ill fitting pieces ;)

Umm never had an electric shock off of any of my C***p Q fashion nor are any of them I'll fitting, ahh nothing like generalisation!
As the TSV wasn't for me I purchased one of the new dresses from the Marla Wynne range, to join the rest of my electric shock C***p Q fashion!:mysmilie_13:

Anyone tried her YK type sleeveless balloon dress, there are some new colours I ordered the sand, I didn't get on with the YK ones the band was too pronounced if that makes sense these look more subtle. Be interested to know if anyone's tried one

Not interested in Q fashion bashing thnx!
Umm never had an electric shock off of any of my C***p Q fashion nor are any of them I'll fitting, ahh nothing like generalisation!

Sigh! I wasn't saying all qvc fashion will give you an electric shock OR that it's ill fitting (not that I've ever bought any to know - touché!! ;) My only point was that things made out of that scretchy polyester - be it from qvc or good old Primark - gives me electric shocks and is often a lazy way for the designer to make a baggy top fit lots of people. Tis all!

I could not care less what anyone thinks of qvc fashion or any item, enjoy if you do and if you don't, it's a nice distraction from stuff that matters to witter about it on a random forum for a bit, no?!
Sigh! I wasn't saying all qvc fashion will give you an electric shock OR that it's ill fitting (not that I've ever bought any to know - touché!! ;) My only point was that things made out of that scretchy polyester - be it from qvc or good old Primark - gives me electric shocks and is often a lazy way for the designer to make a baggy top fit lots of people. Tis all!

I could not care less what anyone thinks of qvc fashion or any item, enjoy if you do and if you don't, it's a nice distraction from stuff that matters to witter about it on a random forum for a bit, no?!

What I do find interesting is that I really don't like cotton and even linen to an extent, which is from what I've noticed tends to be the choice of those who don't like this type of material and think it can't be beaten, which I've always found interesting, I reckon for me it's due to things like psoriasis and washing detergent allergies maybe cotton holds it more but I don't know, thankfully we can choose, each to their own.
Is this a total non sequitur or a response to me asking why most of Qvc's 'fashion' offering seems to be made in stretchy polyester?! I was obviously (I thought) posing a rhetorical question! I know what spandex is and its many properties...
Just find it interesting and depressing that they seem to sell so much of what is to my mind a really nasty fabric mix (esp as their prices) - I guess it's to cater to expanding waistlines and because the designers ESP from USA seem to be obsessed with being able to screw up their garments into tiny balls ('for the cruise'!!).

I just think electric shocks and ill fitting pieces ;)

Sorry, no offence intended, I thought your comment was serious. Just shows how some things don't translate well over the ether .... I'm with you on polyester, clinging and shocking, especially when I then touch something metal ! no, not for me.
Personally I wouldn't give Yong Kim or Casual & Co clothes wardrobe space at any price let alone at QVC prices because Yong Kim doesn't look good quality and I just don't like the look of either brand at all. But I want to put on record that I bought from the M&S outlet a lovely cardi and a swimming costume - £50 the lot, saving £40, and I'm a very happy bunny. A very warm and different cardi and a comfortable and stylish cozzy but they're gone now, I'm afraid. Still the site's worth looking at. You can pick up some bargains there.
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Well,er,.....back to Casual and Co!!!

Once upon a time Casual and Co featured REALLY heavily at the Q.I myself bought lots of TSVs......3 piece summer sets...even a bag and flipflops.I even remember one TSV set distinctly that I wore and now 18 yr old son was in nursery at the time so he was 3 (to prove how long ago it was)!!! and I distinctly remember his teachers commenting on my lilac capri trousers and ruffle strappy matching top.I remember getting some lilac cheap flipflops from the market and it was an outfit I constantly wore in the summer.I was at least one if not two sizes smaller then but it was all cotton and lovely to wear in the height of summer.

Even more recently they had a run of TSV dresses - I bought the first one for holiday.then they lost the plot a bit on dresses and went mad on them.

I didnt watch the recent shows but I have the odd casual and co top or skirt still in my wardrobe for fact just this week I've finally parted with a skirt,I havent worn on holiday for about 5/7 years.I actually think some of the casual and co outlets in the past have had some good value stuff on them...its the p&p that has stopped me buying because when thats added on,you lode the bargain.

As with everything at qvc and the high street I have elements of all sorts of fashion from all sorts of ranges.Its all horses for courses and all that.
Well as a short overweight OAP (does that cover enough for you all?) I have purchased all sorts from Q. Kimmie, YK, Renee, Susan Graver, and as I said before I am Mrs M&S. I wear the Q stretchy material which is good with work suits but linen and cotton for outside work. Personally I think there are horses for courses, I wouldn't wear the work ones casually partly due to the material and partly don't want to wear work items casually.

I haven't purchased any from Q for ages partly because of sizing issues and more importantly cost which has got beyond a joke.

Casual &Co may have been good years ago but 2 recent items were very badly cut, but I think this is now a common trend as I returned all recent items from the above brands for this reason. This is not criticising anyone else who can still get get what the want from Q., maybe it is just my shape.

If I could get a decent cut at a fair price I would be happy to buy again.

Based on the number of beauty shows on Q there mustn't be an OAP in the country looking a day over 30!!

Let's lighten up, it's only a bit of fabric after all.

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