Casual &co omg!!!


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I totally agree that M&S have lost the plot,personally I always find something to wear from Karen Millen.
I am in my 70's and wasn't the least bit offended by the opening post. I have not got loads of spare cash to throw around but I do like nice clothes that suit me, not so called 'fashion' for the sake of it. I haven't seen a single thing on Q that I would buy regardless of the price. In my opinion it's a load of old crap.
I am in my 70's and wasn't the least bit offended by the opening post. I have not got loads of spare cash to throw around but I do like nice clothes that suit me, not so called 'fashion' for the sake of it. I haven't seen a single thing on Q that I would buy regardless of the price. In my opinion it's a load of old crap.

Out of interest where do you buy your clothes from?
The customers who like QVC fashion seem very defensive about their choices, in my opinion. Why care what others think? If YOU like it why post defending their clothing if someone else says it's a load of c**p, surely that won't stop you buying it? It's just an opinion. I've just bought the Yankee candle TSV teapot and melts, according to the consensus in the posts about it, it's tasteless. Do I care? Let us post what we like and don't be so quick to defend your choices.
I am earlyish (!) 60's, short and a bit overweight so I am never going to have a great choice of clothes for my shape.
I have bought a few things from Q over the years but very little of late.
I live in the sticks and my weekly shop to M&S is my one chance to buy so I tend to buy most from there as mostly their fit suits me. However there have been whole seasons when there was nothing for me (I also like the ease, for me, for returning them).
As with everywhere else Q's quality comes and goes but my main bug bear is the sizing and the prices with postage. I know the DHS sizing is a bit iffy too but it is easier to either try on or take back. Also you can actually see and touch and eliminate a fair bit, whereas with mail order you have no idea what the colour and quality is like until you get it in your hands.

One plus with Q is you can actually wear it (not that I have ever done this) and sometimes it is only when the darn thing is on you and you are sitting or walking at work etc that you know it is a badun and wished you had never bought it.

But again isnt it great that we are not all the same and that we can vent our feelings without TOO much flack!
Reflex girl I buy my clothes in various stores such as Next, Debenhams, M&S, New Look, Asda and anywhere I see something I fancy. I don't look for big Brand names I just buy things I like. I don't like garish colours or loud patterns and I take advice from my daughters, granddaughters and even my six year old great granddaughter has an opinion lol.
The customers who like QVC fashion seem very defensive about their choices, in my opinion. Why care what others think? If YOU like it why post defending their clothing if someone else says it's a load of c**p, surely that won't stop you buying it? It's just an opinion. I've just bought the Yankee candle TSV teapot and melts, according to the consensus in the posts about it, it's tasteless. Do I care? Let us post what we like and don't be so quick to defend your choices.

Why can't people just discuss it like adults!!! There is no need to refrain from chatting about things you like or don't like, the problem is, not just on this forum but in life in general at the moment, people take things too personally, if we are not going to discuss things then what is the point of forums!!

I don't think people are being defensive it's funny how others interpret something someone has written in such a way it's just a discussion, what some probably get upset about is being labelled as something such as 'being defensive' when they are just chatting!!
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I love a good discussion!!

I dont have anybody to go clothes shopping with now since both my mum and best friend are no longer with us. I have never found clothes shopping easy and its only as I have got older that I really know what suits me - having said that, I find the style and colour that suits me can be really really difficult to find and when I go into a shop I just see a jumble of clothes and am not very good at picking out things. Thats why, in a way, for me, I like to see clothes being presented on models etc.

I like hearing other peoples opinions and views on fashion etc, other than just the QVC presenters, LOL!
Well I'm 60 and have really struggled the last couple of years to find clothes to suit me. I'm size 16/18, don't want to look like mutton but want to be comfortable with some style. The only jeans I can wear, that are comfortable for me, are the David Emmanuel ones from Bon Marche. They do have some really nice clothes at times that are not too expensive. The other place I like for clothes is Debenhams but I gave up on M & S years back. Evans can have some nice pieces as well for the 'larger lady'. The only thing I have bought from QVC recently was an Artscapes top, which I really like and is 100% cotton, not too expensive either!
I was listening to the Radio the week and some financial guy was on. He was saying how much M&S had lost in the last year ( women's clothing was the problem)and how much a certain clothes shop had increased its profits, it was seen that the people who had been loyal to M&S had jumped ship to this other women's clothing company.........the name of the company was Bon Marche!

I forgot to say that I have been buying a few thing from the concessions within my local garden centre.
I have a couple of top for the weekend and a few popcorn cardigans for work.
They have Tigi ( the cardigans), weird fish and Autonomy amongst others. Autonomy used to me in the McArthur Glenn designer outlet but it seems they have closed all their shops and moved into other places as concessions
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I've given up on M & S too. I cannot remember the last time I bought any clothing from them. When you see an item in the papers about how badly they are doing, the comments from the public which are under the article, tell them where they are going wrong, but they do not seem to listen. I find it hard to get their clothes to fit me - or it could just be I am an odd shape! If you hear someone sighing loudly in one of their changing rooms - that's me.
I've given up on M & S too. I cannot remember the last time I bought any clothing from them. When you see an item in the papers about how badly they are doing, the comments from the public which are under the article, tell them where they are going wrong, but they do not seem to listen. I find it hard to get their clothes to fit me - or it could just be I am an odd shape! If you hear someone sighing loudly in one of their changing rooms - that's me.

I agree about the shape I have trouble with them to, also if they do have a popular item you can be sure when your wearing yours you are quite likely to run in to someone else wearing it also!
Just got Q on in the background and just listened to comments from JR and wondering do you think they have a member of staff whose sole job is to check this forum and others so they can make the comments like she just has!!
About if you want to wear something different from the high street, shop at Q as if you shop on the high street your likely end up wearing the same as other people, how embarrassing, buy something different and not mass produced from Q, not verbatim but that's the gist, basically this thread!
Why can't people just discuss it like adults!!! There is no need to refrain from chatting about things you like or don't like, the problem is, not just on this forum but in life in general at the moment, people take things too personally, if we are not going to discuss things then what is the point of forums!!

I don't think people are being defensive it's funny how others interpret something someone has written in such a way it's just a discussion, what some probably get upset about is being labelled as something such as 'being defensive' when they are just chatting!!

Fair point, however, whenever anybody posts a criticism about QVC fashion being dated and old fashioned there seems no discussion, just replies saying how they like the items. I think they're awful but maybe I am the one who looks a state.? QVC fashion is c**p. Discuss.
I have just read the thread again and I can't find a single post that has been defensive or offended at all. There is, however a balanced discussion with opinions for and against. Even my post was a bit of both. My "free country" post was inspired by a news article I read about North Korea, which according to the newspaper people must dress a certain way. And other cultures where women must dress a certain way.

For my part, I love the way our society is mainly accepting of people who want to have their own style and identity, whether it conforms to what is perceived as "normal" or not. I personally think the eccletic style of the British is fantastic. If that means some of us dare to like something that might have been purchased at QVC, Primark, or even Lidl, then so what? I am not being defensive I am just expressing my opi ion. Live and let live. :)
I like to read other people's comments and views which do not agree with mine but its censorship to be shouted down for criticising something the majority support. Why ? Is it an offence to have a point of view? I have read some pretty scathing things about some brands and presenters on here , I have written some harsh things myself , but there seems to be a 'party line' that should be adhered to unless one wants to bring down the wrath of some other members, which does not encourage discussion.... A difference in oppinion IS NOT a personal attack unless we are back in kindergarten, it's an opportunity to see what others think and or express our own views as free thinking adults.
My original post was a criticism of qvc selling some very poor clothes that are, in my view and my elderly neighbour's, outdated and unflattering. And that they seem to be courting an older demographic.How this has become me being "ageist" is beyond me. I watched Ali Keenan (an older woman with an impeccable sense of style)presenting diamonique tonight in a beautiful dress that qvc sell. She looked gorgeous. I can't remember the brand I think it maybe been Mantique but def not Kimmy or NL or YK.
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